The Stars of Arieas - Cafe_Smut - 原神 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

“Momma! Momma!” “Mommy!!” The women both halted and turned, trying to find the small voices amongst the smoke in the unfamiliar building.

“Babies! Girls where are you?!” the white haired woman shouted, moving towards the sound, but neither woman knew exactly where the echoes came from. “Keep talking girls!”

“Down Momma!” “Down, left, right, right, a lotta straight, and down again!”

“Did they escape at some point somehow?” the second woman asks as they run, following the directions.

“Who knows, but- Lily! Iris!” the girls were coughing as they came into view in the dungeons, smoke filling the air. The pair with matching milky white-gold eyes and two toned hair, Iris with pink to white and Lily with pale blue to white, gasped with tears and joy at the sight of their mother, her multichrome eyes glowed gold as she pulled the iron bars of the prison apart, snapping them. Once open she scooped the girls into her arms.

“We need to go, this place won’t stay up for long.” the other woman in battle armor commented.

“Wait! The other kids!” Lily gasped, Iris nodding.

“They told us where we were, they’re that lady’s kids!”

“What? Do you mean Tatsui?” the women exchanged a look. The woman and own of this place and kingdom, she had children? When she constantly targeted others children and families on purpose in all of her fighting?

“Yeah, they’re almost as old as us Mommy. But they don’t have any names, the lady is super mean to them too!”

“I’ll find them.”

“They told us if we ever got out how to get to their room and they’d help us get out.” Iris interrupts before Lily gives the directions.

“I’ll check the room, you get out.” the other women nods to the second before they both dart in opposite directions through the mansion. The woman in golden armor bolts through fire and smoke, face entirely covered in the face of the smoke by a mask despite already wearing a helmet, she took no chances. When reaching the door that must be the children’s room, she tried to push it open, shocked to find it was locked. “No, no i cant be. Even her own?” she muttered before kicking the door with as much strength as she dares, and sure enough, the woman finds two children on what could hardly be called a bed, both chained to it, the room with more fire than was outside of it. She pushes it back with a burst of power, but it takes too long before she realizes the chains are magicked. “Damn that bitch!” The young children, underweight but not malnourished, are coughing and clinging to each other in their sleep. “Alright little ones, hold on.” she tears her helmet and mask off, tearing the mask in half to keep the smoke from contaminating their lungs any more as she tries to break the chains. It takes too long, she’s can barely see through it at the end, but once she down she leave their collars and the rest of the chains, grabbing one child in each arm and throwing herself out of the windowless room and through the breaking building, jumping out the nearest window she finds, wings forming at her back. She lands in a heap though, coughing and breathing in fresh air as the stars worried above her. Once she found her breath, she moved to stand, but instead found the children in her arms waking. They panicked at the sight of her, bolting from her arms, and turning to face her, shivering but looking like they’re waiting for a fight. They’ve already pulls her torn mask off their faces, obviously distrusting of the items.

“Hello little ones, are you ok?”

“L-leave us alone!” the girl squeaks, the boy sniffling and pulling her partly behind him.

“I won’t hurt you. But i found you locked in that room and chained up. Someone set your room on fire, do you know who?” they flinch.

“W-we could not be in mother’s way, she said we would be safe.” the boy whispers, and her heat breaks.

“Mother said we needed to stay and that she did that to protect us, we would be ok. She chained us so that no one you bad guys could hurt us.”

“Sweethearts, your mother was the one who started this war. She’s killed children, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. She does it for fun, and everyone is trying to stop her. The fire in your room was magic, and there wasn’t any fire outside of it, meaning the fire started in your room.” they look at each other, and they don’t believe her, but she can see in their gaze that they know their mother did that to them. That she wanted them dead. And she mourns that these poor darlings were born to that woman who knows no love.

“But mother said that she does everything to protect us, that we owe her so we need to listen.” the girl mutters, the boy nodding as they look back at her.

“Mother is always right.”

“Who says?”

“Mother. Mother is always right so we always listen to mother.” Just then the mansion behind them creaks and she panics. “Look out!” she lunges for the pair, wraps around both kids, and rolls, putting herself between the collapsing building and them, only sitting up off of the shocked pair who stare at her.

“You saved us?”

“You don’t save anyone.”

“We do. We always try to save anyone we can, we don't slaughter innocents.” she murmured down to the two, not moving just yet, smiling sadly at them and they both flinch when she puts her hands on their cheeks. Yet tears fill their eyes when ass she does is brush her thumbs over their face gently, as if they didn’t know a touch could be gentle and warm.

“You two saved my nieces, I must thank you.” they flinch, but don’t pull away from her.


“They’re my best friend’s daughters, might as well be my own with how much their mother is like a sister to me. They told us about you so I came to save you. Will you at least come with me so I show them you’re ok? Lily and Iris were very worried about you two.” another look before they nod and she gets up, helping both children and brushing them off before letting them hold hands and her skirts as she walks around and towards the courtyard, where the stars tell her the rest are gathered with the traitor of life.

When they come into view, two of her brothers in arms have the children’s mother on the ground and the twins stop, hiding behind a pillar. At her first step in her heels upon the stone, the woman looks over at her and grins. “Took you long enough, don’t tell me you got lost.” she scoffs. It’s enough to make her stop in place.

“You locked your children up in chains and set fire to the room. Why?”

“Oh, did you find them?” she laughs. “Well they are of no use to me. I was going to sell the girl when she got her cycle and the boy would be sold into whatever marriage I needed an ally from as well. And since I knew you would never let me leave here with any of my things if you got your hands on me, I thought it best to be merciful and kill them by my own hands. Its much better that way. You’d never touch a child you damn idiot, but if you had needed to they’d have died fast and painlessly. I wanted the to die painfully, and keep them away from you. And of course they immediately agreed, after all. Mother knows everything, mother loves them,” she grins, bloodlust and humor dancing in those blue eyes. “Mother is always right and wants what’s best for them.”

“You bitch.” her friend growls, trembling from rage, the two girls hiding behind her and their father. “They’re children! They never did anything to you!”

“Youre wrong-” her sword appearing in her hand gets everyone's rapt attention, and only now, as she stalks towards the bitch, does fear show in her eyes, does she struggle.

“If you think you’re leaving here alive after all you’ve done, after all they pain and hurt you've caused, after the treatment twoards your own children, you’re a damn fool if oyu think you’re leaving here alive.”

“You don’t kill!”

“Innocents. We don’t kill innocents. And you’re no innocent. But i may consider a more merciful death if you tell me one thing.”

“What?” she growls, unsuccessfully struggling in the men’s arms.

“What are their names, Tatsui?” she smirks, as if proud, even now.

“Bold of you to assume those things even need names.” her sword is quick to take the woman’s head off, it falls to the ground, and only then does she remember the children.

Yet as soon as she down, they’ve tackled her legs. “Mother wanted to hurt us.” the girl whimpered as she looked back. “But mother says she loved us.”

“Everything for us.” the boy sniffles. Her heart aches and she turns to kneel and face them, cupping their cheeks again. They flinch again, but she only smiles at them as their hands come to hold her wrists, tears streaming.

“May I bring you with me, show you the world and the stars? Give you a true home where you can be around people who will never hurt you again?”

“R-really? Not like mother?”

“No, never.” they don’t even look at each other, nodding and nuzzling into ehr hands.

“Please be nice to us.”

“Of course, but I need you to do something for me too.” they freeze fear in their eyes. “Choose names for yourselves.”

“N-names?” both exclaim.

“Yes, everyone has a name, needs one. You’re old enough you can pick your own-” both are shaking with anxiety and fear at the idea she shushed them and pulls them closer. “Shh, its ok. You don’t have to. Would you like me to pick you names.” matching nods and whimpers. “Ok, ok, its alright.” the stars whisper in her ears, and she likes the ringing sounds. “How about Lumine,” she smiles at the girl, “and Aether.” her gaze turns to the boy. “Do you like those.”

“Those are pretty names.” he whispers.

“I’m glad you like them.”

“What’s your name?” Lumine whispers.

“Arieas. I am of the stars.”


“Look up.” they gasp when looking into the night sky, a sudden breeze blowing smoke out of the way. That woman really had hidden them away from anything and everything, hadn’t she.

“Come on little ones.” they jolt, but let her pick them up. “Oratia.” her best friend nods, the girls peeking out from behind their parents. “I’m going to take a carriage back, would you and the girls like to join me?”

“How about it girls?”

“Yeah!” Iris bursts, Lily nodding enthusiastically.

“We’ll head back now then.”

“Come on, we’ll go find one of those open supply carts we stole earlier and pull it-”

“No need, I'll call Tia to pull it.”

“Go see the boys honey, I'll be back in a few days. Or a week.” Arieas almost winces at the mention of her wanderlust tendencies, but she has enough sense to know that the children need someplace to take root that they can call home before they explore too much.

“Hey, Miss Arieas?” Lumine whispers.

“Yes Lumine?” she flushes with nervousness and joy at her new name.

“How far away do you live?”

“A bit, but there’s lots to see on the way. You can try most anything.” They both look so happy and have so much life in their eyes at the prospect. It soothes her heart’s ache at the thought.

So maybe her best friend was right, it would take them a while to get back. She had so much to show these two after all.

Diluc looks to where Lumine is asleep, head on her folded arms on his bar. He’s otherwise closed, but couldn’t bear to wake her up to kick her out. Yet in the privacy of the otherwise empty space, Diluc gives a soft smile and brushes her bangs out of her face. It makes her adjust, he only just manages to cup her cheek so it wouldn’t hit the counter, and Diluc can’t help himself, he brushes the thumb over her cheekbone. She makes a humming noise, the slight furrow of her brow easing as she sighs into her sleep once more. “Momma.” she breathes, nuzzling into his hand, and it causes Diluc to pause. Sadness washed over him, remembering doing similar to Adalinde once not long after his father passed when she woke him up the way he used to. “What are you dreaming about?” he can’t help but whisper to no one in particular, wondering how she’d lost her mother or if they were just separated the way she was from her brother.

“Heeeeyyy, Lumi!!” “There!” The twins turned and beamed at the other set running towards them before they saw the half panicked faces on the other pair. “RUN!!”

“You get your asses back here!” They recognized the girl’s mother’s shout and jolted, turning around, pulling their wings out, and letting Iris and Lily jump on their backs before taking off quickly. They flew around several corners then up and over a house, low again, then right up and over the city walls, flying around them to a different side before landing far enough away they couldn’t be easily spotted. All four were panting by that point, Lumine and Aether shaking a bit as Lily and Iris fell off of them into the grass, laughing.

“Wh-why was she so mad?” Aether mumbled.

“We tested to see how good Daddy is at stopping someone from stealing from him, but he’s bad at it so Mom saw the pile of fruit we stole and got mad!” Lily laughed.

“So we took some more on our way past, surprising him, and Mommy started chasing us.” Iris finished, rolling onto her stomach.

“B-but won’t you get in trouble?” The blue and pink haired twins looked at the other two, frowning.

“I mean yeah, but she’ll only lec-ture us. Maybe make us clean and help Daddy as a punishment.”

“Yeah, Mommy’s pretty len-i-ent when it comes to this stuff. We’re just having fun.” the elemental twins both sit up.

“Why are you so upset?”

“Your mother- she doesn’t lock you up or hurt you when you do bad stuff?” the quiet murmur from Lumine makes them both double take.

“What?! No! Mommy would never hurt us-” Iris covers Lily’s mouth.

“Do you want us to prove it to you?” the twins shake at the idea, but holding hands seems to calm them both a bit. “She’s better than that lady ever was, no one here would hurt someone jsut because they had a little fun.”

“That’s what Arieas said too.” Aether whispered, Lumine nodding before speaking up.

“We helped you get away, do you promise?”

“We promise!” Both girls held out their pinky fingers to their friends, who took them after a minute. It took them ages to even be ok with that much touch, but after almost 6 months, they were pretty ok with touch from certain people. With that all four walked back into the city, looking until they came to the fruit stall. The pair’s father was the first one to spot them, talking to both Oratia and Arieas. The sight of Arieas gets the twins trembling, tehy hang behind as the women turn to Lily and Iris, who stop right in front of their mother.

“We’re sorry for stealing from daddy’s stall for fun Mommy, we were going to give all of it back.”

“We just wanted to see if he’d noticed us doing it.” It was quiet for a minute before the woman sighed.

“It’s fine, I know you two were just playing, but let’s not involve the fruit we sell next time, ok?”

“Ok mommy!” they chirp before turning around and grinning at Lumine and Aether. “See! We told you!” Lumine opens her mouth, but it snaps shut and their heads drop as Arieas walks towards them. They lift their heads when she crouched to cup their cheeks though.

“I heard you flew to help these two get away, is that true.”

“Y-yes.” Lily and Iris both flinch at Lumine’s stutter, the fear in her voice. Then Arieas laughs, shocking both of the children she had taken in.

“I’m glad. You’ve never disobeyed any rule or done anything you think could get you in trouble before. I’m glad you two had some fun.”

“But we- they- I don’t get it.” Aether whispered. Aries leaned their foreheads together, smiling at them. She whispers, but her thumbs continue to cup their cheeks, holding the teary children’s faces close to hers.

“You’re children, and more than adults, children should have fun. Push the rules a bit, bend them, find loopholes. There’s a limit to what’s ok, hurting others in any way is not ok, but something harmless and silly? Like stealing fruit you know you’ll return to see how long it takes the fruit seller to notice? There’s nothing wrong with that. Spilling a drink or dropping some food isn’t the end of the world. You clean it up and move on. I’ve been worried that you haven’t done something like this yet, to be honest, it’s just a part of being a kid. You don’t need to be someone, wait until your older for that, for now, just be be kids. And kids go outside and get all dirty and come home tired and hungry and play and be silly and so stupid things because it sounds cool. You're kids above all else, so just- be yourselves. Always and unashamedly yourselves, ok?” both hiccup as they cry, pushing and wrapping around the woman, who picks them up, one in each arm, giving her friend and her husband a look that they match.

“I’m going to take these two home for today. We’ll see you all tomorrow.”

“Ok, bye Ther.” “bye Lumi.” The blonde twins wave goodbye but otherwise remain silent as Arieas takes them to her home, not going in it, but to their grassy rooftop where the barrier over it and the beg for them all sits. They cuddle up to her and look at the sky, the barrier showing a night sky at will. The feather bed is made from Tiafreja’s feathers.

“Why don’t you point out the constellations and planets that you remember.” Aries starts their routine that helps calm the twins, she does it every time they have a serious conversation, either before or after, because the familiarity of the routine is helpful. It helped when she brought them home and they got to see the world outside of that mansion for the first time, it helped the two times they’ve left to explore since then. It was something that didn’t change, a constant, something that they needed. So she listened as they pointed and spoke, proud of how quickly they picked up the stories of the night sky she so loved.

“Hey, Arieas?” Aether whispered after a bit of silence.


“What does it mean when you guys say ‘I die as I live’?” it shocked her, the question, no child of her home had ever needed to question it before, but they all grew up with that belief. It would be hard to explain it to these two.

“Well, we believe that we die as we live because that is how we understand life. Life does not end when you die, your soul does not disappear like that, sometimes someone becomes something or someone else, sometimes we linger for our loved ones, but we always know that when we die, we have a place somewhere. My mother became the water when she passed, my father joined the stars just as my grandmother did. Whatever our powers be, we live among that when our body dies.”

“But why do you die as you live? Wouldn’t you rather live?”

“I wish it were that simple, but simply put, Lumine, it means that no matter what situation we’re in, we believe we have the right to choose our death. How we die. Do you remember what I told you about how we live? Here in Elturel?”

“We live for joy and ourselves, our happiness. But we don’t know what makes us happy yet.” she whispers, Arieas pets both of their heads as they curl further onto her.

“And that’s ok, what makes you happy can change over time, but it’s what we believe. And its why we know that we can choose our death.” she doesn’t know how else to put it, f*ck this is hard.

“May I try, my lady?” She looks up at the twins’ sit up and smiles.

“Tia, please do. I’m a bit at a loss here.” The pegasus lays down and on her side, opens her wing to them, the pair scampering off of her and under it so she can wrap them into the feathers.

“Jsut as the stars shine and the fire gives warmth, the stars can be invisible behind clouds and the fire can burn. Its not perfect, but when you are faced with a choice, sometimes its more comforting to know that you will die in the way you want. Most wish to live long and happy lives, to die peacefully in their old age, but not everyone gets that. Sometimes horrible things like war and fighting happens, and you cannot avoid it. Sometimes you are weak and down and nothing seems like it will ever be better. And you are strong, so you try. You try and try to keep going, but at some point there is no hope left, you know how this will end. When that happens, what would you rather? Face down the sword of an enemy who does not care for you to end your life, or know that someone you trust and love will save you from that pain in the gentlest way possible?” so aptly put, much better than she could ever do. Arieas smiles softly, watching all of them as she lays on her side, the pegasus and twins all looking up at the stars.

“I don’t wanna die. I wanna see the world. All the worlds.” Lumine whispers. “I wanna see and learn everything.”

“Yeah, I wanna go places and do things, fight bad people and monsters, help people, make- make friends.” Aether adds.

“And that is good, you want to live, as you always should. And you don’t have to answer anytime soon, or at all. But i know that if i were ever to die and it would be by an enemy or something else painful i won’t recover from, i know that i would rather my mistress take my life. For I know she loves me and would be kind about it.”

“I think- I think I get it.”

“Me too.”

“Rest little ones, you can think of it later.” a pegasus lullaby is something sweet to be sure, she’s always loves the sound of the ruffling feathers and soft tone of her mind voice in the wind. The twins she considers her own do as well, they’re asleep within a few minutes.

“I will watch them, Arieas, rest now.” She breathes, and the lady smiles, yawning and lays down on the bed herself, letting her friend watch over them in their home, under the dome made by the stars who murmur to her as they start to appear in the sky outside.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

Dvalin catches the four who’d freed him from the darkness residing in his wounds, now healed as well. The one, Lumine, is the one who surprised him. He felt more than anemo in her power, he felt purification, and something more foreign. She slept as he flew and landed, the woman Jean holding onto her as Barbatos awoke as well.

“Is she ok?” he called, worried.

“Unconscious, but breathing. I’m not sure what happened, but that last move Lumine pulled, it was way too dangerous. She hurt herself, I saw her cough up some blood.”

“She over exerted power she doesn’t have.” he says as he lands, “give her to me please.” Remaining in the ruins for now, Jean jumps off of him and Barbatos tries to heal the girl, but he’s a bit dizzy from their fight as well. He can feel something in her though, more clearly now that he’s not bound by the Abyss, and she bears chains on her soul. He does not say, for he does not know, but something writhes in her and it is the power that purified him and his teardrop, he could sense it each time she did so after all.


“She is asleep, but-”

“‘M ok.” Her voice is rough, but she sits up with a groan, and he can see her unsteadiness.

“Hold, Little One, you are hurt.”

“Where?” The Ragnvinder says almost immediately.

“I’m fine Taifreja, I just need some water and some rest.” she’s mistaking him for someone else, it cannot be a human. It must be his way of speaking that has her confused, as she holds her head and braces against Jean, who helps hold her up.

She doesn’t seem to notice who’s holding her up until Jean feels her forehead, gasping. “Goodness, you’re burning up!”

“Jean, what’re- oh, right, Dvalin.” the girl turns to him, eyes hazy. “Where’d Tia go?”

“You mistook her for me, Little One. Who is this Tiafreja?”

“My mother’s pegasus, i’m sorry, your feathers feel just like hers-” she stumbles during the last word, Barbatos putting a hand on her chest with the intent to heal again. He frowns.

“I can’t help heal this. It’s extreme magic depletion, isn’t it Dvalin.”

“Yes, she would do best by me or one of the other four winds, power is highly concentrated around us in a different way then it is you or any of your statues. Allow me to watch over her for a few days as she recovers, I imagine she will sleep the whole time. Barbatos will know when she awakens.”

“Yes, that sounds-” the humans do not want to leave the girl, but Mondstat must be checked on, and it’s half a day’s journey back anyways.

“I trust you, Dvalin. We’ll be back soon for Lumine.” he pats his arm and signals for the other two to follow. Jean lays Lumine in his front legs first, crossed to make the girl a bed of feathers to lay on for the time being, but then leaves, though slowly. She has a younger sister herself, Dvalin knows, so he can understand her reluctance to leave. But by his knowledge, the Ragnvinder no longer called the other boy brother, so he could only guess it was some other emotions that made him linger and look back at the girl curled up upon him.

‘I wonder what you truely are, little one, to have such strong chains around your soul. It makes me wonder who was powerful enough to seal those powers you can hardly touch now away.’ the old dragon thinks as he lays his head down, tired himself after all that’s happened.

“Hey Lily, Iris?” the 10 year olds, or thereabouts, as no one is exactly sure what age Aether and Lumine are as they talk well for the age they looked two years ago. But Arieas decided they were about the same age as the other set of twins as they were likely just short from not enough nutrients and sure enough, in two years of eating and living well, they were taller and about the same heights as their friends.

“What’s up?”

“How do you two want to die, if you’re ever in a fight you know you won’t win?” There’s silence between the group for a minute, before the elemental twins sigh, a soft and warm sound.

“By each other.” it shocks the star twins enough they whip around to face their friends. They look at ease.

“But why would you ever want to kill each other?” Aether mutters.

“Well its not like we want to, but in a life or death situation,” “we’d rather die together, at the hands of the person we trust the most.”

“Our other half.” they murmur together, rolling onto their sides so they’re facing each other and holding hands, smiling. “Together forever, even when we die, together.”

“That sounds nice.” Lumine whispers, and Aether gives her look, and they’re still visibly conflicted, but there’s peace in their eyes.

“Hey, and since sometimes things happen and you might not be together, you could do what we did and make a weapon with your powers in them and then swap. So that the person you chose can still give you peace if you’re separated.”

“Should we-”

“I think we need to think about it.” they nod together, their friends shrugging, but just like that, it gets easy to ignore it all once again.

Lumine pants, looking around at the Fatui they’re fighting to keep away from the adeptus, the monster of a god up ahead, and Lumine blinds, her vision flaring for a brief second with something she hadn’t had yet since coming to this world. She looks at her hand and sure enough, her vision pulls and she can see herself again, now at the monster, it’s weak. Just one big push and it could be gone for good this time. But she needs-

“Give me more!” she yells. “Please, just one more burst of strength, I can help with that monster, I just need a little more!” one of her binds is close to breaking with the help she’s already getting from the adeptus.

“You dare-”

“Child, it may harm you-”

“Please!” dammit, they’re not listening-

“Can you really beat it?” She stops and looks behind her at Ganyu.


Ganyu turns Lumine around and puts a hand to her back, and power pours into her. Lumine's gasps, shouts and words around her fading as her soul and magic writhes against its bonds. And then there's a snap, and she feels a rush of power. It’s temporary, but its plenty right now. Ganyu backs off and she stumbles, panting, but then sets her sights on the half dead god, resummoned from its watery grave. And then everything stops. Its clear again.

Lumine walks to the edge calmly, breathing out. She can’t help it though, the tears that fall. She can hear the stars again. She pulls the long dagger out of her storage and a small bag, items she could even touch before, looks at the monster, and slams the blade in front of her before sitting with her legs folded and knees apart, pouring the blades out in front of her. 4 rise with a small amount of power and spin around her. Lumine turns her gaze upwards. Her gaze quickly finds the souls among the stars.

“All souls flee,

All stars gleam,

I pick the sheen

And bid you clean!


“Is that a soul summoning spell?!”

The ground trembles, water glows, lightning flares, and fire bursts all around, Lumine grits her teeth, another star asking to be brought back for a moment, the stars yelling at her that it must be there. “ADEPTI, PROTECT THIS AREA FROM COLLAPSING! LEAVE THE BALLISTAS!”

“WHAT?! WHY?!”

“I can man my ballistas myself.” the voice says from somewhere behind Lumine, who struggles as the four adepti blast around the monster, keeping it occupied. Hands come to rest on her shoulders.

“You are weak-”

“I won’t let go.” Lumine mutters. “I die as I live. A warrior. I’ve been many things, but i’ve never been the one to give up.”

“You sound too much like him.” she breathes back before the ballstas start going off rapidly. “Adepti, hold the fort! Bosacius! Indarius! Botanus! Menogias! Hold that thing as steady as you can!”

“My- my-” even through all the noise, the minds of the stars she’d called yearn for Xiao, who she can hear.

“Xiao, come here.” Lumine whispers, and he appears in front of her, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Put your forehead to mine.”


“I’m immune to Karma, Xiao, and they’re only souls now. I can’t change that, but I summoned them, I can hear them. So could you.” he hesitates, but then leans his head against hers and she tunes it all out. Her mind is silent, the sounds around her muffled, Lumine just hangs onto the burst of power she got for as long as she can, until suddenly she falls as wind and wave stop billowing. Lumine remains conscious, but when she opens her eyes its because Xiao is crying and the four souls of the Yashka break in sorrow.

Before he breaks down, Lumine blinks and time slows to nothing. “Alatus, I'm so sorry we left you.” the water yashka sobs, holding him. The fire and stone ones look to her, asking. Lumine lifts one hand, otherwise unable to move from the arms that hold her, and watches them each place a hand on Xiao. Darkness pulls from him up each of their arms and he gasps, whipping to look at her.

“What are you doing?”

“Alatus, we’re already dead, but when she summoned us any remaining bad karma on our souls that was washed away by the stars is gone, and you’re hurting so much because of it. Let us take some of your burden, please.” the water one begs.

“No! No I-”

“Xiao.” he falls silent, and Lumine realizes somewhere in her mind that it’s the fifth soul holding her. “Morax would mourn to see you like this. He misses the other yashka as well. No one could miss them like you do, but I know I hurt when I see you all suffer for the good you do. You are the last yaksha, and there’s much to be done yet. Let your family help you once more, so you may keep doing as he asked of you all. Please?”

“. . . Y-Yes Lady Guizhong.” Lumine picks her hand up again and Xiao trembles as he loses a lot of his bad karma, the souls blurring and turning to colors as her hand drops, darkness overtaking her vision.

Childe is yelling at Zhongli and Singnora when the doors to the bank open, and Zhongli drops his gnosis in shock, staring at the woman holding the unconscious traveller. “Signora, you have fulfilled your contract with Morax, now you harbingers run along to your mistress. Now.” they both pause at the power behind the words and whatever it may be, the geo archon looks to be on the verge of a mess. They quickly take their leave, taking the gnosis with them, silence remaining even as the doors close, leaving them alone.

“I saw the yaksha, but I couldn't- you-” he froze as the woman put the infamous traveler down gently to the side before turning and walking to the other adeptus.

“Morax.” she breathed, smiling. And just liek that, some type of dam broke, he had her in his arms and they kissed deeply, breaking apart with a pant after a minute with a gentle nudge from Guizhong. “My Morax, you always did try to deny that you were the dramatic one.” a slight wet chuckle the man gave.

“What is she?” he asked, turning to look at her.

“I’m not entirely sure, but much of her power is sealed away. The other adepti gave her some of their strength, and she recognized that she could force some of ehr power through a gap if she got a little bit more. That little bit more gave her the strength to summon the other four yashka generals and myself, so that we could destroy that monster once and for all. And still had the strength to transfer a large amount of Xiao’s bad karma to his family, who asked to help with his burden once more.” she looks and meets the man's eyes again, leaning their foreheads together. “Even now with hardly any strength at all, she somehow knew I had unfinished business here and I linger yet to see you. My Morax, I love you, but you must move on.”

“I cannot, Guizhong, my flower, I apologize.” he whispers, eyes teary and ashamed.

“You must, I hate seeing you continue to miss and mourn me even after so long. You deserve true happiness again. She saved Liyue, our little town, she saved Xiao, let him see his family of Yashka again. She saved Barbatos and his closest friend. Please my love, open your heart properly again, help her. She seeks the same that we’ve all lost before, do not let her lose him as you lost me. They are twins, but two halves of a whole. If he dies, as does she.”

“Alright. I will . . . try.”

“Thank you, my Morax.” Guizhong breathes, smiling. She cups the slightly tallers’ cheeks and they kiss again, this one much gentler and sweeter, before falling to the floor in a heap together, Zhongli wrapped around the woman as she glows and his arms only fall as she disappears, a small dagger dropping to the floor where she’d been. The traveler loses a stiffness they had, going fully limp on the bench she’d been placed on. After a few moments the old god sighs, picking up the blade.

“Man Morax,” his head shoots up, finding Barbatos on the counter. “What did you do to my hero?”

“I- I saw Guizhong.” he cannot lie, and the other god does a double take, all annoyed playfulness gone.

“What?” Barbatos voice is as soft as a breeze.

“She summoned the souls of Guizhong and my Yashka in order to save Liyue.” he murmured, going over to the girl and picking her up. “You need not worry, Barbatos, i will take care of her for the time being.” he gets a half glare before the other huffs and gives him a bitter sweet smile.

“It’s good to see you in higher spirits, for real, Morax. I haven’t seen you actually smile in a long long time.” The words are soft and gentle, breathy, but catch him off guard, even as Barbatos disappears in a gust of wind. He hadn’t realized he was smiling.

“Run bitches!”

“I’m going as fast as i can!”

“Get your asses back here you brats!”

“Well then go fASTER!!” The four bolt down the streets and around turns until they slide into the little hideout of theirs under an older building, grinning ear to ear as the man outside huffs and puffs, grumbling and trying to figure out where they went. It was a semi common occurrence, he’d find the total cost of everything they’d stolen, plus extra, in his store in the morning, but it was fun. The shopkeepers in the cities they went to knew how it worked, it had gotten a lot harder to steal in recent years.

Once the man left, grumbling but soundly slightly amused, they burst out giggling and laughing, Iris and Lily showing their treats as Aether held up some drinks and Lumine some actual drinks.

“Hell yeah!” Lily called gleefully.

“Our mom would kill us!” the other 16 year old grinned, entirely relaxed.

“Yeah, but ours won’t after all, we always pay them back, plus extra.” Lumine winks at them. “The number of successful thieves is going down all around in our common town hops because of us!”

“Yeah, speaking of. That jewler we saved last trip?”

“Yeah, what of her?”

“She had some gifts for you and I.” Aether pulls a pair of boxes out and opens them. The necklaces inside are gorgeous, collars of pale gold with stars of diamonds. Lumine gasps seeing them, the other set of twins squealing in joy.

“Out them on! Put them on!” they both slip the collars on and place the nearly invisibly pins in place, gasping when they do.

“Woah, they just changed size.”

“They fit themselves to our exact size.” Lumine breathed.

“And gave us a major power boost. I knew Granny Jem dealt in magic jewelry, but I didn't realize they were this powerful. Makes me glad I bought these from her.”

“What?” two more boxes appear in his hands, and Aether winks as he offers them to the girls. Thin but layered chokers with charms in the center, reflecting their ice and fire elements, are inside the boxes. The girls, flushing, take them and slip the necklaces on, shivering slightly at the feeling.

Lumine makes a gagging sound, getting embarrassed half glares from her best friends and a middle finger from her own twin. “Disgusting. I can’t believe you’re actually dating my best friends.” she mutters, throwing a matching bird back at him.

“Oh you shush, you’ve been f*cking Elea.”

“I have not!” Lumine gasps. “I’ve been courting her! There’s a difference, she’s still too shy for- hey did Granny have any plant necklaces?”

“I custom ordered these.”

“Sweet, I’ll be back!” Lumine scrambles out of their hiding place, only for Aether to give the other two girls a smirk that had them flushing. “And no f*cking while I'm gone!” she snaps, leaning back into the opening to glare. The girls laugh as Aether growls and pouts.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

“Its a what?”

“A ball. Normally it would be a bit different but with Rex Lapis now gone, a few changes would be made. But this is the ball that celebrates the founding of Liyue, we must hold it to celebrate our continued prosperity and safety even in the face of his demise. Many marchants and powerful people from all over teyvat will be there, you may be able to find some more news of your brother while there.” Ningguang smiles at Lumine and Paimon. “Unfortunately, children are not allowed, so Paimon will not be able to attend, but I would love to see you there, Lumine. You helped save Liyue, it's but a small gift we can give in exchange for your assistance.”

“You’ve already-”

“Put up missing person posters, yes, I know. But that does not amount to the true value of what Liyue owes you in the slightest.”

“Alright, alright.” Lumine laughs, holding up her hands. “I’d love to go.” Paimon pouts and huffs about it, but she doesn’t argue with Lumine going. She decides to go, though both Paimon and Ningguang are confused when Lumine turns down any mora to pay for her outfit.

“As you know, I got a power boost that day, and no matter how small, I unlocked some of my old powers. That currently only amounts to a slightly larger amount of magic i can use, but it also gave me a small amount of access to my old item storage. I have the perfect outfit in mind.” the woman accepts that answer and leaves Lumine with a very confused Paimon. They go back to their hotel though and into the Serenitea Pot, finding Noelle hard at work decorating the place like Lumine asked.

“Thank you so much Noelle.”

“Its my pleasure, my lady.” the maid bows to her, beaming. “I quite like how it looks, but as long as you like it I am happy.”

“Its perfect. If you don’t mind though, could you ask Albedo if he minds watching Paimon in two days?” Lumine explains everything, the maid beaming happily that she will and to clal if Lumine needs anything at all. A pouting Paimon hardly interacts with Lumine, hiding in her own little pocket dimension. Lumine is sad about it, but she lets the tiny girl work through her emotions on her own. She darts around Liyue, talking to Ying’er and finding the perfect scent of perfume for the night, teleports to Mondstat for a day to grab a few materials before going back to Liyue to lay out her outfits. She’d been to many galas and parties of the highest class, but those still varied, so Lumine debated on which one to wear. Her eye kept going to her oldest dress she kept, the one she wore that one of a matching set of three. The one she’d last worn the last time she and Aether went to one of those events with Aether and Mom. her coming of age gift.

Lumine sighed and hoped that the whole thing wouldn’t be too underwhelming or riskque for a place like Liyue. She turned to the bed and went to sleep after drinking a special potion, aware that the party was the next day. When she woke up, just like she knew, her hair had grown. So the long piece in the front nearly reached the floor, and the back of her hair nearly reached Lumine’s thighs. First thing’s first, she cut her front pieces to the right length before fixing the back to a more decent length of her lower back. Lumine then went to wash her hair before grooming her hair oil through it and braiding it out of her way temporarily.

Lumine next, now that she was bathed, let herself air dry, knowing that Noelle was so far the only person with access to her new teapot home besides Paimon. Now she sat at the vanity though to do her makeup, mimicking what her mom had done that night with a generous amount of pale pink blush, gold eye shadow, mascara and eyeliner to make her eyes pop, smoked out a bit to add to her allure. Lumine then gets up, her makeup done, only waiting for lipstick, which would be her last touch, to walk and get a small snack from the kitchen, careful not to ruin her look with the food. With her hunger sated for the time being, Lumine heads back to her room, still naked, to fix her hair properly. The long side bangs were curled, the back done up and trailing down her back, mass of curls decorated with tiny gems.

With that done, it was time for the most time consuming part. Lumine took a golden paint she made herself and a brush, and painted each scar she had with it. It could be messy, that was fine, the paint was magic and only stuck to the scars. Just like how her mother had taught her. At the end Lumine’s skin was decorated with lots of streaks of thin gold. It was almost invisible if you weren’t paying attention. Luckily for her though, time was marching on, and it dried quickly.

So Lumine was then able to put on her jewelry after waiting only ten minutes. She started with the circlet with stars on it, made to go with her age-old collar, on her brow, the edges nestled into her hair and keeping itself in place. It was also paired with some simple thin dangle earrings, which wasn’t part of the set, but went with it perfectly regardless. Then came the necklace, the gift from Ganny Jem all that time ago, it still fit perfectly because of the magic. Lumine then slipped on her bracelets and made sure the perfume was rubbed into her skin in just the right amounts in the right places before turning to the dress. She’d been 16 at the time, just coming of age, and to this day it was Lumine’s favorite dress. Skimpy, sure, but gorgeous and gorgeous nonetheless. Lumine quickly remembered that she might need help with this and sighs. Well- first she should put on the chains that sit over her legs and feet in place of shoes. That alone takes a decent amount of time, but once they're on they won’t be going anywhere.

“Noelle, could I get some help please?” Lumine feels it when the maid enters and knocks before entering the room. She freezes and turns red at the realization that Lumine is naked, then gasps at the sight of the dress.

“I forgot how hard this is to put on, could you help me please?”

“Y-yes! Of course! This is so gorgeous my lady.”

“It was one of the last gifts I got from my mother.” Lumine breathes, fingers running over it as she helps show Noelle how to hold the many chains.

“She sounds like a wonderful woman.” Noelle hums, and Lumine smiles, not responding as they get the dress on her, adjusting where needed until it all lays perfectly.

“It’s very-”

“Revealing?” Lumine giggles. “I know, but it is how we dress formally, my people. My home. We are proud of our bodies and the marks they bear. Mom made this with the purpose to show off my few scars on purpose. I took pride in them. And we all do, that’s the culture I was raised in, we wear our scars with pride and even accentuate them for formal events.”

“I think that’s beautiful, Lady Lumine.” Noelle gave her a soft smile. “Do you require anything else?”

“No, that’s all. Thank you Noelle.” The maid bows before leaving the room, and Lumine looks at herself. She sometimes forgot how young she looked. But now? Now she looked more her age again. The soft and slightly gathered petal-like piece of fabric that fell over her front and back, held together by chains, the top edge with gold that stretched all the way across to the longer single piece sections that created her open sleeves. It was perfect.

Now ready to go, Lumine takes up her long coat that covers her whole body, exits the Serenitea Pot, and makes her way out of the inn, waving to the keeper before finding a carriage ready and waiting outside like she’d been told. It was just her, so it was small, but Lumine was grateful for the message of it so that she wouldn’t have to walk there. When it stopped, she was in front of the palace area int he city, and was let out and told how to find the main ballroom. In the hallway before it, servants were taking coats, Lumine handed her over with a smile before taking a breath at the main doors and nodding to the man who was to announce her arrival, 15 minutes late as per her mother’s instruction (no one ever who was not a host or ‘new god’ or ‘new money’ got to these on time, one must always be fashionably late.)

“Announcing Lady Lumine, Hero and Honorary Knight of Mondstat and Savior of Liyue.” The call to announce the young woman's arrival makes heads turn to the stairs, and gasps sound as the door opens to let her in. The woman is in a dress of white that looks as if it was made of flower petals and the pieces held together and up with thin golden chains, matching ones over her feet and legs. The long open sleeves she wore trailed on the ground slightly, her hair somehow longer and piled up in a mass of curls on her head with her matching side bangs free. But her bangs over ehr forehead were pulled back to reveal the delicate crown upon her brow. Her eyes are nearly closed as she walks down on the balls of her feet, making her lack of shoes even more obvious. And yet whispers of a different kind than would be expected break out as she walks, people getting glimpses of gold on her body in jagged marks and lines over visible scars.

Lumine stops in front of the Xiqing, bowing deeply to Ninggang. “Thank you for inviting me to this ball, Lady Ninggang.”

“Thank you for coming. Your dress is beautiful.”

“It was the last gift I ever received from my mother before my brother and I lost her. I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate for this, but I felt it was the perfect opportunity to wear it regardless. It is a representation of the culture I came from, but I also wear it because of what this kind of dress in my home represents.”

“Explain it to me then, please.” Ninggang hums. Lumine stands from her bow, gesturing.

“We often wear revealing clothing in formal events or all sorts, we believe that the scars we wear are not something ugly, but beautiful. You may have noticed that I painted over each of my own with a golden powder, it is on purpose. We accentuate the scars a bit, always with gold or silver, to show ‘look at what I have been through and survived’. This dress I got for my coming of age ceremony, but my mother had it designed to show off a few specific scars. My brother’s outfit shows off his matching ones, the scars we received from the woman that originally gave birth to us. Our mother saved us from her, and it was at the time we got these that she took us to our first formal event of grand scale. So she made sure we could stand and show what we’d survived and thrived in spite of with pride. Due to that and the story of this dress, it felt only appropriate to wear it when Liyue Habor still stands today. It stands strong, saying ‘look at how strong we are now, what we have overcome’ and i wished to honor that.”

“I thank you for your kindness, Lumine, and you are right.” Ningguang nods to her with a smile before looking around the room. “I thank all of you for coming from all corners of Teyvat to hear Liyue’s message. For we are strong, and we still stand, and marked with gold, we will continue to do so.” with that the spell that seemed to have hold over the room breaks, and Lumine sticks to the side of the Xiqing through the night, mingling and being introduced to people by the group. At one point she’s speaking to Ganyu and they leave only to return a few minutes later, the same faint gold marking the half adeptus visible skin that holds a few scars. And one more obvious one over the sides of her mouth, which confuses them.

“We have more pigmented paints we make to mark things that leave less visible scars.” Lumine explained to a crowd, among them several scholars from Sumeru. She takes off the crown to show the gold on her forehead. She explains the three marks on her forehead, one for suicide, one for depression, and one for trauma and PTSD. she doesn’t explain the ones on Ganyu, it’s the woman herself who says those are for eating disorders. Lumine spends a good portion explaining the marks and other ones, even doing a few through the night. A woman from Sumeru changes her outfit to a two piece to reveal the marking over her womb to show her miscarriage, a few people got ones on their head, twice Lumine painted marks on people's wrists to match her own without any judgement of any sort. It was a while into the party before the woman was able to slip away for a moment, standing out on a balcony in the night air.

“So were you ever planning on telling me that you were the geo archon, or were you going to let me stay in the dark, a pawn in your plans, if it weren’t for the soul I summoned from the stars.” Lumine asks, not looking back nor needing to. She let Zhongli walk up next to her as she stared at the stars.

“Here.” he doesn’t answer, but Lumine looks at the dagger in his hand. “I- apologize. I hadn’t intended for you to be a part of this, but B-Venti’s blessing upon you was obvious even at the start when you appeared at the Rite of Descention. I wished to keep you active in it all for the time until Osial because if even he blessed you, it means you’re powerful. I wished for the extra security that Liyue would be alright. Or at least an outside mediator even for the adepti and qixing.” it made sense to both of them, but that didn’t mean Lumine appreciated it. Yet I couldn’t help but sigh, all anger and frustration fading on that breath.

“Who exactly was she to you? Her soul yearned for yours so badly even when I didn't have any strength left.”

“And I thank you for that. She was my once and only lover. My mate, to more dragonic standards.”

“You only take one? I’ve met some dragons across the realms that mate for life.”

“We keep but one partner yes, but only at a time. there are cases where we have taken more than one lover, but there remains a difference between a lover and a mate. and It is possible to fall in love again should we lose that which we’ve lost. Its simple a matter only if we’re able to move on.” he murmured, voice soft.

“Yeah, don’t worry, I get it.” Lumine took her hand and curled his around the dagger again. “Keep it, it has her essence in it still. It probably feels good to you.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Just-” Lumine taps it and focuses, changing the dagger into a chain with a charm on it. The same amount of metal in a different shape. “Here, you can wear it as a necklace under your clothes now.”

“I cherish having even a fraction of Guizhong with me again. I thank you for that, but also for allowing us to say goodbye. I was never able to move on, primarily because of that.” he hummed, and only now did Lumine look up at the man and meet his eyes. The amber orbs are soft and warm, gentle and grateful. “I bid my lover goodbye this time, now she rests well among the stars which you so yearningly stare at.”

“ . . . it hurts like a new wound.” Lumine barely whispers, tears pooling in her eyes. “Ever since mom claimed my and Aether as her own through a bloodbond, I've been able to hear the stars. But with so much of my power chained up, I can't. With the gap that the fight before made, I could hear them again, and now the silence feels like a brand new wound all over again.”

“I know that feeling all too well. Such a sweet sound torn so cruelly only to hear it once more for a brief moment.” lumine meets his gaze again, relaxing visibly.

“I shouldn’t have judged you or avoided you like that after it all. I’m sorry.”

“No, I should be apologizing to you. I have already made amends with Childe, but I did not wish to try to force my feelings upon you and was waiting until you would allow us to meet again.”

Lumine turned away from the railing. “Not yet, I accept your apology and for the deception, but if you see me as a candidate for a new mate, you need to earn that separately.” Zhongli nods a small smile playing his lips.

“Of course.” Lumine nods back before returning inside, giving a small smile to where Venti sits playing music, he gives her a wink in return before darting his eyes to direct her to the others from Mondstat currently speaking to Ningguang.

“Hi guys.”

“Lumine.” Jean breathes, smiling wide, cheeks pink. “You look magnificent.” Kaeya nods to her, eyes shining as Dliuc gives a nod and smiles as well.

“Lumine that dress is just so pretty!!” Amber gushes, and Lumine laughs softly.

“Thanks Amber.”

“You should do that dance you showed me once!” Lumine flinches, surprised before looking away.

“I don’t know, Amber. I think this outfit is plenty, I don't need to be taking any more attention than I already am.”

“I would love to see you dance. You move so gracefully when you fight. I would assume you started as a dancer.” Keqing speaks up.

“It was such a beautiful dance!” Amber gushes again, eyes shining. Lumine’s cheeks color pink, but her smiles regardless.

“I personally would make time for it if you’re willing to share more of your culture.” it was the final nail on the head, Lumine sighed at Ningguang and signalled her to walk towards Venti.

It was an hour later into the night that Ningguang made the announcement of Lumine’s dance and she entered the center of the empty floor, Venti and the other musicians hired for the night having gotten the music Lumine supplied down pat. It was soft and sweet, the song’s lyrics coming from Lumine herself as she danced. The girl twirled around, dress fluttering around her as she bounced and swayed arms and legs moving with her whole body to create a captivating performance of a dance to the song she called Visa Versa.

Lumine and Aether stared in amazement at Arieas as she danced under the moonlight, the stars shining as she sang. It was gorgeous and Aether and Lumine were awestruck.

“Arieas?” Lumine spoke up first, causing their mother caretaker to pause and look over at them.


“Can you teach us that dance?” she smiled, the music from her magic fading.

“I can teach Lumine, but this dance specifically is meant only for women to dance. But I have other dances you can both do, if that’s what you’d like. And i have a friend who can teach you the men’s dance of the stars if you wish it Aether.” They exchanged a look.

“Cna you teach us the one we can both do first?” he asked.

“Of course.”

“And tomorrow can you teach me this one?” Lumine followed up. Aries beamed.

“I’d love to Lumi. let me show you the other one first and then I’ll teach it to you though, ok?”

The twins were exhausted after the night of dancing, but when Lumine went with Arieas, leaving Aether with their friends for the night, she learned the dance of Vice Versa. She never sang it as well as Arieas, she thought, but it was their favorite dance, as Aether ended up taking to music better than dance and preferred that. So Lumine, the first time they came of age and danced before the night sky, danced in her new dress as Aether played for her, her mother singing the song with them.

A few people gasped as the glow on the ground and the slightly hazy golden figure in an oddly similar outfit to Lumine, but taller with somewhat different looks, yet their dances matched and Lumine’s voice was paired with a second voice as she danced. An older voice, more mature, a voice that matched the older woman she danced next to and around, as it was now clearly a dance that could be done by more than one person as well.

“Her mother.” Diluc breathed, so quietly only Jean and Amber on either side of him could hear. “She murmurs about her when she’s drunk. That must be her mother.”

“She was only half sober when I saw her dancing this just outside of Mond among the dandelions.” Amber murmurs back. None of the three realize that the two gods in the room can hear it all. The golden figure fades away as the dance ends, Lumine in an odd sort of kneel as she pauses, breathing calm still despite the combination of song and dance, as a moment passes before people clap as she opens her eyes and stands.

It’s nearly the end of the party at that point, and Lumine is reasonably tired, so she starts bidding others goodbye, only to pause when a hand is offered to her. She looks up in surprise at Childe. “One more dance, if you would, before you go Girlie.” Lumine considers him for a moment before shaking her head.

“My dances aren’t meant for two. Sorry Childe, but I'm also tired and someone is waiting for me. Maybe some other time.” Lumine leaves the harbinger behind and walks for the door, her companions from Mondstat waiting by it to bid her goodbye, Diluc kissing the back of Lumine’s hand, before she leaves the ballroom entirely. Once her coat is on she makes her way not to the carriages outside but pulls on the web of connections all across Teyvat and appears next to the waypoint at the top of the venue.

“You’ve been waiting for me.” its not a question, Lumine turns to look at the adpetus who emerged from the shadows, Xiao standing before her.

“I wanted to thank you. I was able to meet my family again, and the pain I'm in has lessened drastically.” His voice is soft as he removes his mask. “The adpeti sometimes watch over the festivities if we sense something, tonight your dance left all of us in awe. The others asked me to pass along a message, that should you ever wish to dance that again, you may do so in the sacred pools upon our home. It may help your powers grow again.”

“I might take them up on that someday, thank you Xiao.”

“Also,” she pauses, tilting ehr head as his expression grows softer. The adeptus kneels before her, taking Lumine’s hand and pressing it to his forehead. “Should you ever need anything, call my name. Call out for me and I will come, no matter what.”

“Thank you Xiao, I treasure that, though I hope I won't have to resort to that.” Lumine whispers, crouching to meet his gaze, having him stand with her. “If you’re willing though, I do have one favor to ask of you.”

“Anything.” he’s entirely sincere in this.

“My self and my brother aren’t entirely human, but we’re no gods. We’re stars, but that was not what we were initially born as. I need your help to find some items that were lost when we got trapped here.” Lumine moves closer, holds his head and neck and puts their foreheads together, using her limited original magic to show him what she speaks of. The gems of the stars, the crystal constellations that they owned, once held onto by Arieas as their chosen and theirs once she died.

Lumine handed a talisman to Xiao as they separated. “This is a key to the teapot I got from Granny Ping, use it as you need or whenever you wish. If you find any of them, leave them in the desk in my room.”

“Of course. Rest well, Lady Lumine.”

“Just Lumine, Xiao. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” he flushes a bit, but doesn’t answer. Only bows and disappears. Lumine smiles though and exits the building once more, this time going to the carriage that was to take her back to the hotel.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

“Lumine, Aether, please. Say it again?” Aries was on her knees in front of the pair, eyes wide. The 11 year old gulped, but Aether opened his mouth again.

“Can we call you mom?” tears fell and they visibly panicked until she laughed, holding her hands out to them.

“My sweet little stars, of course you can.” The pair darted forwards, tears falling down their cheeks now as well as Arieas held their faces, smiling. “You’ve been my kids to me since we met, I love you both so much and the fact that you’re comfortable calling me that, asking me that, means so much to me.”

“We-we know that we can- can really be your kids.” Lumine whispered. And that takes Arieas truly off guard. She jolts in shock. “Can we?” They breathe at the same time.

“You want to blood-bond to me?”

“Yes. Yes, please Momma.”

“We hate her, we don’t want her blood anymore.”

Arieas hiccups around another wet laugh, but pressed their foreheads together.

“Ok, yeah ok. Let’s do it darlings. We need to prepare though. How much do you remember about doing this?”

“The Cave of Life is the sacred secret place where people go to have children by magic or to create magic bloodbonds between chosen families. A cave can be made anywhere and destroyed if wished after its use, but some are used repeatedly by a family or small collection of people.” Lumine recites.

“Whenever people go to the cave though, each person involved picks one to two people to guard the cave because those within are in a coma until the magic is complete, so it can be dangerous. So we’d all need to pick someone to help watch over us and or help create the cave.”

“That’s right.” Aries beams. “It’ll take a few days to get ready, do you have anyone in mind yet?”

“I know its really uncommon, but i want two people.”

“The girls?” Aries asked, Aether nodded.

“I want Elea there. And Terran.” Lumine murmured.

“Are you two ok with me asking Oratia?”

“Why are you asking us?”

“Because she’ll be protecting you both too, and i want to make sure my person is someone you feel safe with.” a look and they smile.

“Yeah, we trust Auntie Oratia.”

“Ok. Then let’s start to talk about what needs to happen, if we want to use a preexisting cave or make a new one, and we can ask them all tomorrow if they’d be our Guards. Ok?”

“Yes Mama!”

By the next morning the trio has decided that they’ll make their own cave with the help of their guards, should they accept, decorate it as they wish and gather the necessary materials, and in 8 days on the full moon they’d start the bonding.

“Are you serious?” Oratia murmured, the basket of fruit that had been in her hands on the ground.

“Yeah, they asked me that. And they want to do a blood bond with me.” Arieas confirms and adds with a nod, eyes gleaming with tears.

“No.” Oratia breathes, hopping over the fruit to move and grab her friends arms. “You- who did they pick?”

“The girls for Aether and Elea and Terran for Lumine.”

“And you-”

“I need you there, Oratia.” Aries breathed. The taller laughed wetly before hugging her friend tight.

“Hell yeah I will, you know that.”

“Thank you.”

“Anytime hon.”

Just then a matched set of screeches came from inside, and they burst out laughing. “Looks like Aether told the girls.”

“Yes, yes he did. I wonder if Lumine’s told Hursha’s kids yet.”

“If she hasn't, I'd be shocked. I felt tremors and every flower in the city is bloomed just before you got here.”

“Of course, I should have known. I should go get them, we can pick a cave and start making it up for us.”

“I’ll go to headquarters to let them know about your leave.”

“Thanks Oratia.”

“Always. Go get your kids hun, I’ll gather my girls and those two dragonets and meet you at the cave with food tonight.”

Lumine and Aether woke up, not sure how long it had been, to find their momma was still asleep. “We look different.” Aether breathed, and Lumine grabbed her hair, pulling at her hair to look at it. Their pale blonde hair had turned golden, and their pale blue iris’s now gold. And as they looked into each other’s eyes, they had Areias star-shaped white pupils and black scalera. It seemed to be the only big differences or changes with them, but they were overjoyed now, because now they looked like their real Momma.

“Hey babies.” the hands they were holding squeezed theirs and they grinned brightly down at Arieas, who beams back as she sat up, brushing their hair back. “Oh you look wonderful, you have my eyes.”

“Good!” Lumine laughed, holding Arieas wrist, matching Aether as she held their cheeks. Their Momma laughed wetly and pulled their foreheads together.

“My sweet little stars. How I love you.”

“We love you too momma!”

“Come on, let’s go.” Aries led them out of bed, outside to where Oratia, Lily, and Terran were awake.”

“Yo, you guys look just like Arieas!” Terran burst, nudging his sister awake, who gasped and grabbed Lumine’s hands as Lily woke up Iris excitedly.

“Yeah, I love my new eyes!” Lumine agreed.

“And my hair!” Aether added before yelling as the other twins knocked him down with a tackle.

“Let’s see if you finally got any faster!” Terran raised his clawed hands and his sister and Lumine squealed before taking off running towards the lake away from him. The women watched as the kids all started paying under the light of dusk, Arieas leaning on Oratia.

“They’re all yours now.”

“Yes, mine and mine alone.”

“I wonder how long it'll take for them to develop your powers.”

“Oh they won’t be the same, they’ll be world travelers more than I ever was in our youth, I can sense it. But soon they’ll be able to hear the stars.” The women sat down, Arieas still leaning on her friend, as the sun set. And as darkness fell, the blonde twins came to a stop, tilting their heads, as if confused.

“You used to do the same thing when we were young.” Oratia laughed as their heads tilted up to the sky as star by star appeared.

The pair were in awe, shocked, and Arieas laughed, looking up with them to the stars who giggled and laughed with joy with their new blood star. Two new constellations to join those that already exist. Her own constellation gleamed brightly, two smaller ones joining it in the darkness. “Its us!” Lumine’s voice carried, Aether laughing as he pointed it out to their friends.

They laughed, and yet Arieas frowned, looking at her own constellation, then theirs.

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you remember that prophecy, of the golden tears?”

“For whence golden tears fall, they inlay destruction upon the ground. They stain the earth with blooms and water it with blood until none is left.” Oratia recites. “Don’t tell me-”

“Everyone believes it means the end of Elturel, but the stars of mine, they can’t say what’s to come, but those two. Their tears before would have varied on emotion is a different way then mine. Now they have both. I fear that something will happen and they will shed tears of pain and bring about the destruction of something.”

“Or someone.” Oratia finished, before hugging her friend close. “We’ll keep them safe. All of them.”

“Yes. Always.”

Lumine looked down at Childe, panting and in visible pain, before glancing out at Teucer. She sighed, knowing that she couldn’t just leave them. “No.”

“Huh-” she breathed in his face and the man fell unconscious almost immediately, Paimon looked confused as Lumine moved to pick the harbinger up. “Teucer! Teucer come here.”

“Did you find him?”

“Yeah, but he’s hurt.” Teucer came around the corner as Lumine pulled Child off the wall and into her lap. The boy looked very upset, and confused. “Teucer, Mr. Cyclops is very big, and Childe accidentally got hurt. That happens sometimes, its very easy for Mr. Cyclops to hurt someone by accident, so you have to be careful around them. But your brother forgot to be careful, so now he’s hurt. I can heal him, but I need your help. Can you and Paimon go back to the city and get your brother’s friend, Mr. Zhongli for me? I’m going to heal your brother, but I need his help, and you’re the only ones who can get him. He know’s what to do.” Paimon knew what she was doing immediately, nodding and getting a determined Teucer to follow her out of the facility.

“Come on idiot, let’s get you fixed up. I can’t believe I'm doing this.” she whispered to herself as she hefted Child into her arms in a bridal carry, walking out with the limp man towards the pools of water nearby. She uses the wind to step down and carries him out to the water pool going to the center, using her geo powers to make steps for herself. Lumine lays Childe out on the water in front of her, where he floats with his head by her and in her hands. Lumine leaned over him and breathed out, concentrating as over them, the sky turned dark and stars gleamed above, as if it were night. Their sound is barely there for her, but she knows that they wouldn’t deny her this blessing. It’s her choice after all.

Lumine takes a breath, and starts singing, remembering how the song and spell goes by her mother’s guidance. Her hair floats as she feels her eyes glow, returning to their natural state, her markings appearing and glowing blue and gold as the medium she was using affected the nature of the spell.

“There's a tale, a legend told

When the night was full of light

Every thousand years the skies would shake

Every glow would fall from sight”

Under her, Childe open his eyes and takes everything in as the water around them glowed, looking confused for a moment before meeting her eyes and freezing. Lumine kept singing as she brushed his hair out of his face and off his forehead as a piece of a star moved from her own constellation.

“One who will be chosen must become divine

Channeling the power of the universe inside

I've been blinded by

The clear vision from the other side

A star has fallen in my eye

Transforming to purple light

Supernatural energy inside

Look into my eyеs right now”

He almost looked away from it when he sees it, but Lumine forces Childe to look at the star as it gleams, keeping his eyes open for it to enter his left eye. It makes him jerk, but she keeps him steady, continuing the song to seal it to him, to share the power of her star with him and teach him its conditions. They lock gazes again and now they share memories and power, a true exchange.

“Stella ex inani

Revelare te

ut nos iter tempore

Stella ex inani

Revelare te

ut nos iter tempore

Suddenly, off the ground

A force starts lifting me

Coming from myself, fluidly

I float above the sea

One who will be chosen must become divine

Channeling the power of the universe inside

I've been blinded by

The clear vision from the other side

A star has fallen in my eye

Transforming to purple light

Supernatural energy inside

Look into my eyes right now

I can feel the wind on my face

Psychic energy radiates

Something's coming through, so bright

It feels like deja vu

I can feel the wind on my face

Psychic energy radiates

Something's coming through, so bright

It feels like deja vu.”

Childe- no, Ajax blinks as the spell ends and the glow doesn’t yet fade due to the leftover power, but he stands with her and looks up, one eye glowing a lighter color. “What is that sound?”

“The stars speak, isn’t it beautiful?”

“They cry out for you, for you to hear them.” he whispers, looking back at her. “I had no idea there could be anyone like me.”

“You lost your innocence and whatever light for life you had in the Abyss.” she says, knowing that she speaks the truth, though Lumine turns her gaze upwards. “I lost my home and family, most everyone I loved, the people who’d given that back to Aether and I. I don’t like you, Childe, not as a harbinger. But you were used just as I was, and I understand that the you your little brother sees, your family sees, is more you than any other version of yourself. That star in your eye is a part of my constellation, it will heal you from that form of yours that hurts you. But it will only work when your intention is good, the stars are telling you it too.”

“To protect, for love. And it will only heal when affected by its tied element. You tied it to water.”

“Your element, your power, will heal you at the same time as that form will hurt you.” Lumine breathes. “I may not like you for your job, but I respect you as a person, and I understand the lengths that you go to for Teucer. For your family.”

“Thank you, girlie.” Lumine meets his gaze again as the man takes her hand and kisses the back of it, never breaking eye contact. Both of his eyes are gleaming with joy and thankfulness, with something like love.

“I have a name, use it.”

“Only if you do the same when we’re in private.” it gets a smile from Lumine as she nods.

“Then thank you, Lumine, Right Star of Arieas.” Ajax kisses her hand again before standing.

“You’re very welcome, Ajax. now come, your brother will be coming back soon with Zhongli and Baizhu to help heal you. I figured it was better to let you spend his last little while with him instead of hiding again.”

“I’d like that as much as Teucer, Lumine.” Ajax laughed, the sky turning back to normal and the glow fading from his eye. It looked normal now, as it should.

They talked back on her path, which broke apart as they moved towards shore and up to the top of a hill, where Lumine cradled a reasonably tired Ajax in her arms, relaxing, until they heard Paimon and Teucer come over. And when she looked, sure enough Baizhu and Zhongli were with them.

“I brought help, big brother!”

“Thanks Teucer.” Child laughed, Baizhu kneeling by them and taking his vitals. The look in his eyes when they met told Lumine that Baizhu would have questions for her later, but for now he’d play along.

A few hours later they were seeing a very happy yet sad Teucer off to the ship that would take him back to Shneznaya, and it was after they all left that Lumine found herself alone with Ajax and Zhongli in the former’s house, and it was a bit tense. Yet, at the same time, oddly at ease. She leaned back on Zhongli, exhausted, Ajax in her lap, gentle touching running over her skin and the ginger’s hair moving through her fingers. “You did a wonderful thing, I could sense your power all the way in the city from the pass.” Zhongli hummed as his fingers ran up and down her arms, his chest rumbling behind her. “I find you all the more amazing now, because no matter what, I betrayed his trust, and you two are enemies, even by one of your loyalties. And yet here he hid, sleeping on your lap with myself within arms reach.”

“He’s tired.” she answers simply, knowing the old god will understand that she means more than just physically. “I gave him hope and light again, I'd imagine he’s listening to the stars as they begin to appear now in the sky. It’s a wonderful sound, and they are so soft and gentle. They are an escape from all that the world is, it’s a reprieve that he didn’t have for so long. And now he’s using it to truely rest for the first time in he fell into the abyss around two people he trusts, he feels are safe.”

“I wil guard you both then, until you are rested.” Lumine looked at, meeting kind amber eyes, as Ajax stirs with Zhongli getting her to move a bit for more comfort. “Rest, you are just as, maybe more exhausted, than he. I will watch over you both until you feel better.” Lumine sighs, leaning back and stopping her minstrations, her ear over the dragon’s steady heartbeat. It wasn’t the same as the babble of the stars, but it was enough to lull her into that deep sleep.

Chapter 5


first chapter load post/update is done at 5 chapters and 17k words. i kind of expected it to be more considering i opened this fic to see that it had a whole ass 37 pages. which was a number i did not remember getting to. anyways i hope yall enjoy! i have a tumblr where i'll be posting updates when i post a new chapter, but you can also leave comments here and ask questions about this fic over there! thanks for reading!

Chapter Text

Lumine and Aether flew up as the sky turned dark, they barely got their barrier up in time to stop the huge spell that slammed down over Elturel and f*ck it hurt to hold it hurt to keep it up it took so much power to keep the barrier strong. When the blast stopped they fell a bit before catching themselves, already feeling weak, but one look around told them there was still too much to be done. Every gate was full of monsters, every member of the Hell Riders was trying to fight them or get the people to the few barrier protected areas in the city in case they failed. “Aether!” Lumine yelled flying south to where their mom was fighting off a hoard that had gotten through and was spilling into the city. They were quick to move and guard her back.

“Darlings!” Areias yelled, not looking away from her own fight but they didn’t get to answer, the sky was turning black again. And much worse and larger than before.

“We can’t-”

“We have to try.” Aether and Lumine muttered to each other.

“No, it will kill you!” Arieas snapped, looking back at them. The twins exchanged a look, pained before looking back at her.

“But if we don't-”

“This- this is our final stand. It was a good one.” Arieas voice made fear run through them,and their wings failed them so they stood on their own two feet. Lumine and Aether freezing as she yelled and pushed the enemies back, spitting out blood as she turned around and hugged them.


“You understand what we teach, what we live by?” she held their faces as realization dawned on them and horror and pain grew in their expression as she smiled sadly at them before she put their foreheads together.

“Momma?” Lumine whimpered.

“Please.” Aether quietly begged. Aries held them tighter.

“I die as I live, and do so so my beautiful and beloved children might live.”

“Momma no!” they wailed at once, but they could feel the pressure in the sky as tears filled Arieas’ eyes as she kissed their foreheads.

“Live for me, that is my wish.” and suddenly the world blurred as power shot them back and out and they hit the ground about 20 feet from one another, sitting up from the long craters their landing had created to watch as the dark sky shot out and englufed the entirety of Elturel. And when it stopped, they remained frozen, emotions warring as their faces dropped. Nothing was left, nothing of their home was left. Nothing but a huge steaming crater where it once stood.

Aether stood frozen in shock as Lumine dropped to her knees. Tears slid over their cheeks as the mic of emotions faded out, the stars hidden by the day sun screaming with rage in their ears.

“They have taken our beloved great star from us.” Lumine’s voice sounded, but it was layered as is many voices spoke through her.

“They have left nothing but a crater where the dear denizens of Elturel lived.” Aether spoke in the same way, many deeper voices mixing with his own as Lumine stood, their eyes solid gold as tears streamed down their faces, hitting the ground and causing golden flowers to spread out around them in the ground.

“The sky has cast judgement and those who have done this must die.” they echo at once efore walking around, finding 6 others crying and huddled together, watching them approach.

“Lumine?” Iris whispered.

“Aether?” Aneea murmured, fearful. They didn’t stop, just quietly kept walking.

“Those flowers-”

“Wait, guys, their tears are golden. The prophecy.” Aeena interrupted Terran.

“They’re going to kill what’s left of those monsters.” Iris said, voice hard, as steps started following them, one set after another voicing them. Lumine and Aether gave the slightest of smiles as their friends followed them through to destroy those that took everything from them.

Lumine had only been in Inazuma for a week and she already hated it. Sitting up from the dream (more like a nightmare), Lumine got up and quietly left the room, being sure not to wake Paimon. It wasn’t often she actually had a place to sleep, but tonight was one of those nights. She’d been offered a room if she needed within the Kamisato estate by Ayaka, who said her brother, the clan head, was fine with it. She’d needed the rest; so for now, Lumine had taken it. Not much help though when she couldn’t sleep, so here she was, wandering around the halls in her nightgown, eyes darting around. After that memory she was on edge and this building was far too much like the one she was born into captivity in for her to settle. Her chest and throat grew tight and Lumine didn’t realize she was going faster until she was half running down the halls, gasping yet panting all at once.

A hand suddenly on her arm made her jerk but it led her through the halls despite her pulls against it. A breeze snapped Lumine out of it and she bolted from the arm and to the railing, gasping as she trembled, hands still gripping the railing like a lifeline. A hand rubbed her back as she fell to her knees, trying to calm down. “S-sorry.” she murmured once she could think even just a little bit.

“Do not worry, are you alright?” a deeper voice she didn’t know behind her, but still rubbed her back soothingly, she didn’t bother to

“I’ll be honest, not really.” Lumine gave a bitter laugh. “I had a nightmare and this house didn’t help much. It looks enough like the palace where I and my twin were both prisoners in, and the darkness that it just made my leftover panic worse. Honestly I don't get nightmares unless I'm super stressed, so that’s just even more fun.” she muttered darkly.

“I wonder what would have you that stressed?”

“Probably because of Kamisato f*cking Ayaka.” Lumine half growls, her grip tightening. “Took advantage of my inability to leave people alone when they’re suffering. I just wanted help finding my twin and now I'm fighting in a war I never wanted to be a part of and I'm remembering the worst parts of my life because of it.” she growled, vaguely noticing how the hand on her back had gone still but not enough to care. And then Lumine just- went helf limp, tears filling her eyes. “I’ve lost everything except him, I can't lose him too. All I wanted was for her to tell me if she’d seen or heard of Aether. I just needed a yes or a no, and instead I've gotten roped into this war in exchange for information i don't even if she has.” Lumine feels hopeless. “My home and everyone I loved except for him is gone. And now i’m in a house that reminds me of the one the woman who gave birth to us trapped us in. Thoma’s a f*cking liar, he said she’d help.” she whispers, barely audible, feeling weaker than she had in so long. She missed Zhongli and Diluc in this moment. She missed not Childe, but her Ajax. She missed Beidou and Ningguang, who kept her in their beds to let her rest when she felt fragile. She had no one to be strong for her in her weakest moments and it was showing.

“Ayaka knows well of your exploits, what you’ve done outside of Inazuma, and our home is falling apart in a civil war.” the voice said slowly. “She would not understand that she’s actively hurting you. Only that she’s doing her best in the way she knows how, and you refused her, so she did what she could to get you to see that Inazuma needs you.”

“I shouldn’t be tricked or forced into this though. I’ve already been the pawn of one archon, i don’t need to fight another one for people i don't know. My heart is big but my soul isn’t strong enough to keep doing this.” Lumine whispers.

“You are not as strong as everyone would believe.”

“Not always. I feel so fragile, normally my twin would be strong for me, and i’d do the same for him when he felt fragile. But now i dont have him, and i don’t have any of the few others i would trust this part of myself with.”

“I understand that quite well. More than you would know.” Lumine finally moved a bit to look back over her shoulder, and was faced with a beautiful young man who looked just like-

“You’re Ayato.” she didn’t have the energy to be respectful. He simply nodded.

“Come, I may not be one you trust, but I know what you’re feeling quite well. Thoma is my strength, my rock, it is why I have him guard my sister. So for now I will be yours.” he moves and Lumine doesn’t stop him as he scoops her up and instead of going to a bedroom, they go to a small office with a desk on the floor. Ayato sits at it and she doesn’t pay attention, but he raises it and Lumine finds herself laying on his lap and under the desk as he worked, deciding that he was once she could trust, at least for now.

(She didn’t notice or wake as Ayato pets her head a while later when the door opened, showing Ayaka with tears on her face, nor Thoma with a pained expression.

“So how much did you two hear?” Ayato asked quietly, they both looked guiltily at the visibly part of the girl.

“Most of it, when she was running through the halls it woke me up.” Thoma murmured.

“I could hear from my room, you were right by it on the balcony.” Ayaka whispered. “I didn’t mean to make her feel like that- i just- Inazuma needs help and she’s-” she falls quiet.

“Ayaka, I understand what you did and why you did it. I wish I could tell you that it’s alright. But there are consequences to our actions. She has saved both nations she’d been in thus far. She is exhausted in many ways and is without a steady support system. She does not hate you, she simply resents your actions. I don't believe that she would actively hurt you nor your feelings, tonight was just a bad mix of stressors.” the girl nodded, holding herself as her brother gives her a gentle look. “She’ll forgive you eventually Ayaka, she understands what you did as well as i do, she has a right to be upset about them though. Alright?”

“Yes Ayato.”

“Go back to bed, Ayaka.” she nods after gulping and turns away, walking away slowly as Thoma enters and silently walks over to look at the blonde’s tear streaked face.

“Come here Thoma.” The man reached up and the other young man crouched, letting the blue cup his cheek. “It’s alright, do not blame yourself.”

“I- i trust Miss Ayaka to help her to the best of her ability, and i wasn’t sure about dragging her into this when she said clearly she would not fight, but- but i just- i never thought it would do this to her.”

“Even if it’s simply on the basis that I know exactly what she’s going through in this specific instance, I will be to her what you are to me. Do not worry, we will not leave her to suffer alone. Alright?”

“Yes Master.”

“Go rest, you will need to be up in a few hours.”

“Yes master.”)

Lumine had never felt to be in more of a daze than she was at that moment, the world buzzing in her ears and screaming in her face. Like- like- she closed her eyes, groaning, and grabbed her head, trying to breathe. “Do you think- that some loss- means you have the right to abandon the people you’ve sworn to protect?” she growls, ignoring Yae at her back and turning her head to the archon who now glared fiercely at her.

“I lost many more than a few-”

“My home, the place I loved and grew up in, a city of saviors, warriors, semi-immortals of all races and ages, is gone. The last time i saw it the place that was home to several thousand was nothing more than a smoking crater.” The pair, both familiar and master, were silent. “Only 8 of us survived because those who loved us threw us out of the city just before it was destroyed. And now all that’s left is myself and my twin. Do you think, for a second, that we stopped caring or helping as was the creed of our home simply because we were hurt?

“Do you even know of the state that your nation is currently in because of you?” there was no answer, at least not one fast enough for her. Lumine, faster than anyone could register, snagged Yae Miko’s hand and the fox gasped, falling to her knees gasping for air as Lumine sucked her dry of power.

“YAE!” the next second, Raiden Ei was there and Lumine grabbed her, flaring with power as she glared and help the god’s face in one her. Her wings flared into view, chains binding her, a few links glowing and the moment they snapped, Lumine’s gaze turned solid gold.

“You will come and face the truth you created, Beelzebul of Inazuma.” and then the world, the Plane of Euthymia, imploded on itself. Lumine coud feel it and couldn’t care less, she had the raiden shogun bound and flew up, shooting off in a gold streak and holdig the struggling goddess above the air. “Face your sins Beezebul and witness the cival war you started. That which was hidden from you, which would not if you had not locked yourself and your heart away.”

“ . . . a civil war?”

“Yes. there is a resistance lead that resides on Watatsumi.” Lumine’s voice is layered with many, it is deeper than it once was and her eyes remain solid. And then they’re off again, being slammed in front of the shrine that Gorou and Kokomi run out of, seeing a visibly beaten god bound under the feet of the floating Lumine, who looks to them. “Sangonomia Kokomi, this is your home and your resistance. Now inform your god of which that was kept from her, inform her of her crimes and negligence and failure.” Gorou trembled where he stood, and her hands shook, even while clasped. But the young lady stood forwards and explained. And the expression on Shogun’s face was unreadable, but then tears started streaming down her cheeks for all to see. “The Right Star shall see you and the general upon Narukami.” Lumine declared before grabbing the god beneath ehr and shooting off, this time stopping in front of the shogun’s major before all citizens gathered, and all three commissions.

“Tri-comissions, you will step forwards. Only your leaders.” Lumine heard Ayaka try to call out to Ayato, but he stepped forwards, Thoma holding her. And she felt a bit of softness, seeing their fear. “Kamisato Ayato has suffered enough in life, and has no bearing on this current dilemma, but he must bear witness.” both relaxed, and now Lumine turned back to the trio before her, the god beneath her, and the kitsune who stumbled over with Paimon’s help, looking downright fearful.

“Please wait!”

“Punishment is due. Suffering is widespread and all coudl have been avoided had this goddess not hidden behind a heartless puppet in the face of a single sorrow. One is not made to be a ruler, she is a warrior but even then cannot know when she is being led astray. Inazuma is in a civil war and Beelzebul did not know. The stars have had enough of this and call for retribution.”

“Tenryou, Kujou. Tell me the truth now.” the goddess below her finally speaks. “Is there war right now in Inazuma.”

“ . . . only those who-”

“No, i did not ask that and you will answer me. Is there war in Inazuma?” she cuts off the old Kujou man and asks again. Now Kamisato Ayato sighs.

“Yes, there is. Ever since the Vision Hunt Decree, Inazuma has been full of strife that quickly became an uprising and resistance against the shogun’s forces. The other two commissions hid it from you purposefully. I was unable to do anything about it as my reports to you had nothing to do with such a matter, and I am but a single that would speak against 2 who would know better.” silence reigned for a few moments before the goddess turned her head.

“The 100th. That struggle, I saw it through my puppet. It was the first I’d seen, I’d merely thought it was because of the traveler. That is not the case.”



“Do not speak to him.” she silenced the Kanjou, and sat up now. “Right Star, i am a foolish one, beyond any doubt. We were both of Eternity, but this- i never wished for harm to come to our Inazuma.”

“You are the second goddess and Raiden Shogun, your elder sister was the first with the title of god of Inazuma, and you were her general. Though you shared the title, you never understood what it meant to rule. And now, after 500 years of solitude, look at what you have done to the nation you’d sworn to protect from the very beginning. I cannot very well allow this to continue nor happen again.” gasps broke out. Lumine raised her hand, the sky rumbled. “The stars are the end of all, you are the sole source of this.”

“That is not true!” Lumine looks up and her gaze finds that of Kojou Sara. “you fought her, you saw it yourself! This thing is the Fatui’s fault! I- I- cannot speak for my lady, but i know that much of this can be traced back to the scheme’s of the fatui!” its tense and silent, and Lumine’s hand shakes. She lands after a moment, just behind the raiden shogun, her hand shaking more as her eyes close. And then her hand comes down, but though screams sound, the only thing that happens is that the ropes around the woman fall to the ground. Lumine cries out a bit, but drops, and Paimon shrieks her name, abandoning Yae to hold Lumine up some on one hand. And now her eyes are clear as she meets the shocked gaze of Ei. and the girl gives the god a weak smile.

“The star’s aren’t easily deterred when they decide that blood must be spilled, but they know and see all. The people’s heart’s still ache for you, they still have love and hope for you. Don’t betray that again, I don't think I can push them off again.” and to everyone’s shock, even her, as tears stream down her cheeks, Raiden Ei turns to face Lumine, still on her knees. And bows in full seiza.

“I always felt that Makoto was foolish, humans are fickle, eternity could so easily be destroyed by them, even if they did not mean it or to. So I locked myself away and made the shogun, a puppet without feeling in order to keep inazuma as it always was. So it would never change. And I have in turn hurt it badly with my belief and foolishness. In my sorrow at the death of Makoto and Kitsune Saiguu and those I held close and dear to me, I caused many more to suffer for so long. And I could never truly express how sorry I am.” she sobbed. “I do not deserve your kindness nor that of the stars. I love my inazuma so and I am the root cause of it’s hurt! I should have kept him, but I thought that it would hurt him more, it would kill him, and i- just couldn't! So I made the shogun, this time in my own image and took away all of her emotions. How wrong I was in so many ways!” the woman sobbed. And Lumine struggled to her feet, just long enough to push her up and pull the taller into a tight hug.

“I know. f*ck, hell do i know. But- but you just- need to remember that and do better.” Lumine sniffles and holds her tight as the woman also wraps around her. “Remember that you are more than a warrior, you were a friend, a companion, a sister and a lover, once. That is a ruler, not someone who doesn’t understand emotions or the human heart. Stay in Inazuma, see what it’s become now, let it flourish and do better from now on. Because so long as inazuma lives on with joy and safety, it will flourish. And that is truly Eternity, isn’t it?” they sit back and the goddess wipes her eyes, nodding before standing, looking quietly over the crowd.

“I must go clear my mind and think, there are- many things to-. No, firstly. Kojou Takayuki. Hiiragi Shinsuke. You two are thus stripped of your positions and will await your sentences in prison for your crimes. Kamisato Ayato, you are one who is well informed on anything and everything. You will come with me and inform me of all, as well as Kojou Sara. you will tell me all you know on the front of battle. And- the Diving Priestess of Watatsumi Island-”

“I’m here!” Kokomi yelled, her and Gorou running up through a path in the crowd, looking weary as if they’d rushed over here as fast as possible, which was entirely likely.

“Good. you will come too, tell me of the state of things upon Watatsumi and the resistance. The effects of the other side of this- this civil war.” and just like that, the set started to move off, but stopped and the goddess leaned down again to scoop Lumine up, looking over to Yae.

“Get her, I'll be fine.”

“No. Yae, can you-?” the woman nodded and breathed out, glowing as she grew into a small pink fox that Kamisato Ayato carefully scooped up and set on Lumine’s stomach.

Only once inside the primary room that Lumine had been in before did a second door open, showing a smaller and well kept room with a table. “Come.” They all move in and Lumine pat’s Ei’s arm, carefully letting Ei take Yae as she stands, almost dropping right away if not for Ayato holding her steady. She sits almost in his lap as Ei sits at the head, Yae in her lap.

“I’m really sorry about that, I kind of snapped and needed a huge boost of power to break the chains binding my blood and power enough to hear the stars that were screaming at me. And Yae was the closest one to me.”

“I will be fine after some rest.” the fox says quietly in a higher voice. “I am merely glad to have you back, Ei.” a soft smile spreads over the Shogun’s face as she pets the fox.

“As am i. Alright, Kamisto, you first pease. What is the state of Inazuma as a nation at the moment?” Lumine drifts off at that point, also feeling beyond drained at that point.

The Stars of Arieas - Cafe_Smut - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.