Ninja Go (Male Reader) - Chapter 53 - TurtleForTheWin (2024)

Chapter Text

The sun rose from the dusk of dawn. The air is filled with the cries of seagulls echoing through the land.

Perched on the edge of a rigged cliff side, where the beginning of a dock sprawled out, is where you stood. You gazed upon the growing orange hue of the horizon, the water below mirrored the blending shades of the sunrise orange and blue. A gentle breeze swept in, carrying the fragrance of the seawater. Added to the sensory experience is the soft rustling of the leaves that covered the cliff.

You eyes shift from the scenery to the cloud of fog in the distance that stretch from the shore to where the ocean met the horizon. You strain your eyes against the fog, trying to find the outline of the city. Despite your efforts, you are only ableto see a trail of faint yellow spots that gradually grew small in the distance through the mist.

A sigh escape you lips and you pivoted on your heels to see if the others have caught up to you. Eyes flicker across the thick forset to see any sign of them. Your ears soon pick up a distant murmur of voices that gradually grew into audible bickering, causing you to be slightly irritated.

You shout into the forest, "Yo slow pokes, how long is this gonna take?"

"We're not slow, we're ninja!"

"What kind of poor grammer is that?"

"I implied we're supposed to be fast. Do you have nothing up there?"

"Tell that to your guy down th—"

"But slow and steady wins the race. Does that not show any progress?"

Jay stumbles out the forset, having been shoved out by a flash of a red sleeve. The rest of the group trailed behind.

Kai nonchantly shrugs as he emerges from the forset. "Depends on what is being accomplished," he remarked casually.

Rubbing his head in mild annoyance, Jay shot a pointed glare at Kai and Cole before turning his attention to you. "What's the rush?"

As you responded, the group began to make their way down the weathered dock, each step accompanied by the rhythmic creaking of planks. "What can I say?" you replied with a grin. "The mix of anxiety over securing the scroll within a time limit and the excitement of exploring a new area tends to fuel a need to pick up the pace."

Moving forward, you couldn't help but notice the uneven placements of the planks holding the dock together. As you progressed, the mist began to dissipate, revealing a path illuminated by lanterns. The soft glow of the lanterns revealed the distance between the sea and the dock, a wake-up call for the team after a night on the train.

"Welcome to Stiix." A voice rang out.

Snaping your head up with a halt, you see a fisherman with a fishing line perched on a sign inscribed with the city's name in orange neon lights.

"Watch your step." The fisherman warned but he soon gets distracted when his fishing rod suddenly gets tugged. "Oh, I caught one. It's a big fella."

The line gradually gets aggressive and soon a shout escapes from the man when he's pulled into the sea with a hard splash.

Your eyes widened slightly beforerushing over to the edge with the others to look overboard. Leaning foward, your gazed is fixed on the water and you watch the man break through the surface.

"You need help sir?" You call out.

"No thanks," he replied with a confidence, "It's time for a change of pace. I think handling the big fella this way will catch him." His attention shifted abruptly to a splash on his far right, and without hesitation, he dove back into the water, calling out, "Come here!"

He disappeared into the unknown, leaving a trail of bubbles in his wake.

You couldn't help but snort in disbelief, taken aback by the fisherman's laid-back demeanor despite the hard collision with the ocean surface. Dangling your upper body over the rail, you watch the currents of the water swirl and dance below with a sense of amusem*nt. The idea of being submerged in the water crossed your mind briefly, causing a self-deprecating chuckle to emit from you as you dismissed it as a foolish thought.

You're pulled from your thoughts when you felt a sudden nudge on your shoulder. You merly glance back but when you saw Kai rocking himself in the middle of the dock, looking frantically in subtle fear, you push yourself off the rail in alarm, puzzled by what made him like this, and join the others who began to surround him.

Jay raised a brow at him."I didn't know you were afraid of heights."

Kai huffed softly."I'm fine with heights. It'swaterI hate," he admitted, his tone mixed with embarrassment and discomfort.

Well that explains all the times you were so easily fluster when near a large body of water before last season.

Still, a pang of empathy washed over you as you empathized with his fear, knowing first hand since childhood what it's like to be in constant anxiety of your life being on the line. Ironic how now, you could give two sh*ts about your well being.

Offering a reassuring smile, you extended a helping hand to pull Kai up. "Can't swim? No need to be ashamed," you reassured him, patting his back in a gesture of comfort. With a playful grin, you threw an arm around him. "I can't swim either."

"You can't?"

You deadpan at him. "You know my upbringing."

Kai emit an awkward groan. "Wouldn't have hurt to ask."

You give him that, so you just shrug and pat his back before walking ahead.The ninja walk past under the sign and began treading the dock.

Zane turned to glance behind him, a hint of skepticism in his expression. "Didn't seem to have a problem before, Kai."

Kai let out an exasperated exhale. "BeforeI could make aFire Dragonat will. SinceMorro's taken overLloydand our powers gone, I haven't felt—" His words were abruptly cut off by a sharp scream as a plank beneath him gave way, causing him to dangle above the water, his fingers clinging desperately to the edge of the dock.

Cole swiftly pull him up. After dusting him off and ensuring he was steady on his feet, he offered words of reassurance, "Well, now that we knowghostsdon't like water either, at least we should feel safe surrounded by it."

He gestures to theconstructed bamboo, thatched roofs, and wooden planks buildings in Stixx, surrounded by the Endless Sea.

The ninja passed through the old porcelain-tiled circle arch and stepped into the rancid and rundown coastal city, a strong odor filled their senses. The air was thick with a mixture of fish guts left out too long, the briny tang of seawater mingled with decaying organic matter, and the sharp undertone of industrial pollutants.

Jay squeeze his nose immediately upon entering, Cole soon follows after. Despite the intense smell, you tolerate the unpleasant odor without it bothering you as much.

Jay slightly gag,"What a dump. You'd think the thief who stole the Scroll ofAirjitzuwould have better taste."

Cole rolled his eyes and released his nose. "This is Ronin we're talking about. He'd steal theseaif it were worth anything."

The rundown coastal city sprawled before the ninja, a maze of rundown buildings and narrow alleyways. Structures with peeling paint and weather-worn facades lined the streets, their windows cracked and boarded up. The sound of creaking metal and distant waves crashing against the shore filled the air, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Neon signs flickered sporadically, pointing towards makeshift stores and ramshackle businesses that struggled to stay afloat. The signs cast an otherworldly glow on the uneven pavement. Above, fishing nets hung from weathered poles, their tangled strands swaying gently in the sea breeze. The scent of saltwater mingled with the city's pervasive odor. Along the port lines, various sea creatures hung, their silhouettes outlined against the sun.

You shrugged as you walked, "I dont think it's that bad. At least the smell of the ocean gives it a nice scent."

"Yeah, the smell of fish. Even downtown Ninjago City has standards."

"Okay, pitufo," you retorted, with a hint of amusem*nt.

"Wait. What does that mean?"

Cole stops and turns to everyone. "We have to figure out which rock he's under and get to the Scroll before Morro does,"he emphasized, redirecting everyone's focus to the task at hand.

However, Jay couldn't let the comment slide. "What did you call me?" he queried, a mixture of curiosity and mild annoyance, but you chose to ignore the banter to annoy him further.

"Let's split up and start looking. Once you found him, alert the rest of us." Zane spoke. With that, everyone broke off into pairs but you.

You were fine adventuring alone, you got things done quicker that way and didn't have to worry about anybody judgment. Separating from Zane and Jay, the pitufo called out to you from behind, "(Y/n), what does it mean!"

You held in a lighthearted laugh as you lost yourself in the allies.

Strolling through the streets, you couldn't help but be captivated by the rundown buildings adorned with colorful advertisem*nts. A pang of familiarity washed over you as you gazed upon these rundown structures. Despite their appearance, they held a certain charm that resonated with you on a personal level. The memories of the abandoned and unstable house you once called home flooded your mind.Images flashed vividly in your mind: the windows boarded up to protect your well-being, the dusty cobwebs hanging in high corners beyond your reach, and the smell of mustiness. You laugh to yourself the amount of times you step onto the rotten wood planks and gotten your foot stuck.

As you continue walking, you decides to focus on investigating the local restaurants. The decision was clear in your mind as Chen had once run a covert operation under the front of a seemingly innocent noodle house. While you focused on restaurants, you knew the others would most likely hit the stores and market, thus widening the search.You use the ads to direct you to the nearest restaurant.

You spot a bar not that far.The bar stood in the center of town. The structure, weathered by years of exposure to the elements, had a rugged and authentic appearance. A faded sign above the entrance proclaimed the establishment's name in worn letters. Two swinging saloon doors, crafted from sturdy oak. A horseshoe hung above the entrance for good luck. The porch that extended in front of the bar was lined with wooden barrels as makeshift tables. The windows of the bar were small and framed with heavy wooden shutters, allowing only slivers of warm light in.

Bars were excellent outlets for info, especially after a few drinks. Considering Ronian's reputation for stirring trouble and rubbing people the wrong way, there's a chance someone knows about his whereabouts.

You pushed open the heavy doors, the creak echoing softly in the dimly lit room as you stepped inside. The first thing that caught your eye was the pool table at the back of the room, its green felt surface illuminated by a single hanging lamp that cast a warm glow over the area. The clatter of billiard balls mixed with the smooth sounds of classic jazz playing from an old radio in the corner.

Moving further into the bar, your gaze shifted to the central focal point—the bar itself. With a polished wooden oak surface and rows of stools lined up against a floating island. Along the walls, where the red booths. The soft light from overhead fixtures bathed the booths in a warm glow.

As you surveyed the room, you counted only six occupants in total. A young couple occupied the third booth on the left wall, engaged in hushed conversation and occasional laughter. In the first corner of the room, a man lay slumped over on the edge of the island. At the pool table, a duo of a man and a woman engaged in a friendly game, their laughter mingling with the clinks of pool cues.

Behind the bar, the bartender worked diligently, wiping down glasses and mixing drinks with practiced ease. Their watchful eyes took in the scene, a silent observer amidst the interactions.

You settled into a seat on the right side of the island, leaning slightly forward as you engaged the bartender in conversation. "Slow day?"

The bartender chuckled, a wry smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "No such thing around here. It's like this every open shift," he explained, gesturing to the handful of patrons scattered throughout the room. "But when the sun goes down, that's when things really start buzzing. What can I get for ya?"

Your gaze drifted to the middle-aged bartender, noting his hair tied back in a ponytail, a tan complexion, and copper eyes. "No thank you," you replied politely. "I didn't come here to drink."

A knowing glint flickered in the bartender's eyes as he studied you for a moment. "If not to drink, for what then?" he teased, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "To fight? To eat? To go home with someone?" His tone turned conspiratorial as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I wouldn't recommend the last option. Most of the ladies here are—"

"I'm simply looking for someone," you reiterated, cutting off any further insinuations about your intentions.

"To have—"

"No, please, enough of that," you interjected wearily, wearinga strained smile at the boldness. You shifted in your seat to adopt a more relaxed posture. "Do you happen to know anybody in the area who's started a new business in the past year or three?" you inquired casually, hoping to not give away too much of your own agenda.

"You gotta be more specific there kid. We have lots of people come and go."

You leaned back slightly and shrugged. "Fair enough," you conceded. "I'm interested in someone who's made a lasting impact in the local business, someone who's carved out a niche for themselves and stuck around for a while. Any names come to mind?"

The bartender's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered your request. "Well, there's a few folks like that."

"I'm sure you've seen your fair share of characters come through here," you remarked, trying to appeal to his experience without being too direct. "Anyone in particular stand out? Maybe someone with a knack for desperately taking jobs."

The bartender's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of recognition crossing his features before quickly masking it with a neutral expression.

You caught on that he knows and you decided to push a bit further, testing the waters to see if you could get him to reveal more. "I've heard whispers about someone who's always eager for a challenge, someone who doesn't shy away from difficult jobs," you added with a hint of intrigue, watching his reaction closely.

The bartender's lips tightened, a subtle sign that your words had struck a chord. "It's not uncommon for folks around here to be resourceful," he replied evasively, his gaze flicking away momentarily.

You leaned in slightly, lowering your voice to convey a sense of confidentiality. "I'm just hoping to connect with someone who knows how to get things done, no matter how messy it'll be." you pressed, trying to draw him out.

He met your gaze with a guarded expression, clearly weighing his words carefully. Before he could open his mouth, you noticed your bracelet blinking in the corner of your eye, indicating an incoming message. "Excuse me."

Tapping on your comm, a holoform of a message appeared from Cole:

"Kai and I have a hunch a pawn shop in the second section of the city thats near the third bridge, is Ronin's front. He's not here, so we'll be waiting inside as you with the others lookout on the shop's roof. When he's arrived, we'll corner him and make him spill."

You closed the message and let out a faulty sigh of disappointment. "Well, thanks for the pointless talk," you muttered to the bartender. You lazily grin. "Got what I needed."

Leaving a tip on the counter, you turned towards the door, ready to leave the bar. However, before you could open it, the bartender's voice called out behind you, stopping you in your tracks. "The hell were you trying to get at?"

You paused, your back still turned to him. The air shifted, carrying a tense silence between you. "None of your f*cken business," you announced, your tone laced with irritation.

As you made your way towards the designated spot, a one-story building near a bridge came into view. Landing gracefully onto the roof, you observed that it had a sky roof, providing a clear view inside. Peering through the window, you confirmed that it was indeed the right place as you spotted Kai and Cole browsing the shelves.

A sly grin spread across your face as you devised a playful way to catch their attention. You knocked lightly on the glass, hoping to startle them. Kai was the first to notice, his startled expression drawing a laugh from you. You waved at him playfully before he moved out of your line of sight. For a moment, confusion flickered in your mind, but then Cole appeared alongside Kai, and a smile blossomed on your face.

With Kai's guidance, Cole's eyes followed the direction and landed on you, and his face lit up with his gorgeous smile. You couldn't help but feel a surge of joy as your smile widened, and you waved enthusiastically.

Cole then hastily showed you a blade cup that looked similar to Lou's, and despite not being audible, he began speaking animatedly. Reading his lips, you pieced together his message: "Look. I. Found. Dad's. Ronin. Bastard."

Taken off guard, you snorted in amusem*nt just as you felt someone land in front of you.

"What are you laughing at?" Jay's voice cut through the air.

You never left Cole's eyes.

"At Cole and Kai." A grin play at the corners of your lips.


Jay followed your gaze toward the skyline, his eyes widened in awe. "Holy cannoli," he exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder. "There's so much stuff in there! It's like a neater and miniature version of a junkyard."

Zane arrived during a game of mancala that Jay had swiped from the shop. His appearance seemed to bring a stroke of good luck, as you were steadily catching up to Jay in points.

After declaring victory, Zane is now going agaisnt you. Despite appearing pumped and ready for the "actual" challenge, there was a slight sense of panic bubbling inside you. You knew that facing off against a Nindroid, someone capable of swiftly calculating all outcomes to collect the most stones and keep their turn going seamlessly, was no easy feat.

You immediately called dibs to go first because it may be your only chance to collect points.

You felt the stress mounting as you surveyed the game board. You eyes flicker fromyour small pile to Zane's pile that's already at the brink of overpiling. Across the board, a single row of three rocks lay scattered. You accepted defeat before the match began, but damn, this sucks.

Before Jay could laugh in your face at your lost, Zane hush them both andinterjectes that Ronin has arrived. Pausing the game, the trio peers over the edge of roof to see the thief approachthe shop, carrying a distinct blue porcelain vase.

The group waited for the precise moment when Ronin would walk in and the door would open, allowing them to sneak behind him. As Cole and Kai approached him, Ronin shuffle backwards for the exit. Before he could crash into you, you addressed him sternly by name, causing him to jolt and whip his head around, surprised by the sudden crowd behind him.

"Going so soon?" Jay sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ronin pressed his back against a shelf, his eyes darting between the ninja. "If this is about our last encounter, it was only business."

Unfazed by his words, the ninja followed him around the shop, weaving between the aisles as they kept a close eye on him.

You narrowed your eyes at him,"You really think we're low like you?"

Kai snarled, "You left us in the mouth of a—"

Ronin cuts him off with a light chuckle, "So you're still upset. Let me make it up to you," he offered, placing his vase down near a desk leg before swiftly moving behind his desk and pressing a button hidden underneath.

He exclaims in triumph once anet trap fails from the ceiling. But, it latches onto nothing as it was position towards the inside of where the desk was, away from where the ninja stood. An awkward silence fills the room. Ronin stared stun at the dangling trap while the ninja held looks with disbelief.

You wanted to laugh at his poor planning, but you felt such pity for the man that your usually mockery laugh never came. Instead, you blurt out a critique with waving a hand inward for enthizes as you stared mindless at the empty net.

"You could put it more center infront of your desk," you comment casually. However, your arm suddenly gets smacked by Jay, causing you to jerk it away from him in surprise. Rubbing the stingy spot, you shoot him a sharp look.

The shopkeeper rub his chin as he stared at his dangling failure. He began making calculations mentally. "Good point." He snap out of his trance once he heard a growl. "That was a mistake! I can explain that."

Coleslammed his fist on the front desk, his voice dripping with disdain. "Nothing here is legit, including you," he snarled, his eyes locked on Ronin.

Jay moved the net aside and lean causally against the table."Yeah. I bet your airship's not far either. What do you call it again?" A sly grin appeared on his face as he pretends to ponder on the name before suggesting, "Rylo? Ruby?"

Ronin narrowed his eyes at him. "R.E.X." He masked his annoyance with a facade of heartbreak. "And could you have a little sympathy? Sold her so I could buy this place."

"Bullsh*t. I bet she's underneath the shop," you sneered, your skepticism evident. The tension in the room escalated as the confrontation continued.

Ronin gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "I'm hurt, kid. I'm just trying to make an honest living here."

Kai scoffed at his words. "Honest enough to steal the Scroll of Airjitzu?"

"The Scroll of Who-whatzu?"

"Airjitzu. It can make aSpinjitzuMaster fly." Jay further explains.

The theif gestures to you. "Doesn't you're friend over there fly already? Why need it?"

"Doesn't matter. Hand it over or we can make you fly!" Cole's threat was punctuated by him throwing a bead calculator across the room for emphasis.

"Whoa, cool down, fella." Ronin puts his hands up in defense. "Even if I had such a thing, it sounds pretty old and important. Definitely not something I'd keep on site. And definitely too much for you to afford. Maybe I can interest you in some unique weapons?"He walks towards an aisle and begins digging through it. "I've got Jadeblades, obsidian armor..."

Zane scans the items. "Have anything that can vanquish ghosts?"

He rubs his beard."Hmm, ghosts you say?"

"Yeah. They hate water, but we're not looking for water balloons. We need something reliable."

Ronin quickly searched in another section of the shop, rummaging through crates and shelves until he found what he was looking for. He presented a shuriken-like weapon that's dull. "What you're looking for is anAeroblade, forged by Deepstone, an aquatic material mined from the bottom of the ocean. Very unique. Even more expensive."

Kai rolls his eyes and gestures to the others. "Can't you see he's giving us the runaround?" With quick steps, he closed the gap between him and Ronin, grabbing the thief by his shirt collar. "We want the scroll, Ronin. What do you want for it?"

A sly grin slowly spread across Ronin's face. "Two hundred."

"What? Two hundred? We don't have that kind of dough!" Jay shrieks.

Your nose scrunched as you crossed your arms. "Enough with the games, Ronin. Hand over the scroll. You're lucky we haven't put you behind bars already or tipped off the police about your location."

Ronin's bravado faltered for a moment, surprised by your directness. He pushed Kai off him. "Woah, and you call me low? Come on, you guys once had the GoldenWeapons. You honestly telling me you've never pinched anything?" He raised a challenging brow, trying to deflect the situation.

Kai throws a hand in the air. "No! We don't pinch. And we don't even have pockets." He tugs at his pants in exasperation.

"What if we were to tell you all ofNinjagodepends on it!" Cole tries to interject.

You whip you head at him,"No! That's just gonna bump up the price."

"The kid's right." The scum smirked, "Four hundred."

"Argh, you can't just double the price!" Jay erupts through gritted teeth.

"My shop, my rules."

The ninja huddle together.

"All right, so my gut says—"

You cut Kai off and get straight to the point. "We should steal the scroll and the aeroblades later tonight."

Cole gasped in disbelief. "We're ninja, not thieves!"

"We won't be stealing, we'll be 'borrowing' it."

"Let's..." he glances away, biting the inside of his cheek. "Try a different approach. What do you think, Zane?"

Kai's irritation flared up. "What, my opinion doesn't matter?"

Jay smacks his lips."We don't listen to your gut anymore, Kai. Zane's the leader. You just get us lost."

Zane sighs, "Well, I say we give him what he wants. I sense if we won't, Morro will."

"Yeah, by the guy blantly threatening him to. Ever think of that?" You gave him a knowing look.

"Let's try the legal way first before jumping into the illegal process." He smiled.

You roll your eyes, "Fine."

Kai groaned as he was brushed aside. "Fine, but let me handle the negotiation," he insisted, forcing his way through the group and walking up to Ronin with a smug look on his face.

"Two hundred."

Ronin rolls his eyes, but allow the boy to be entertained. "Four hundred."

"Three hundred."

"Four hundred."

"Three-fifty," Kai countered, feeling confident that he was getting close to fooling the old fool.

"Four-fifty," Ronin shot back.

"Deal." He confidently agreed.

You smack the back of Kai's head. "You idiot! Why do we keep letting you do what you want?"Grasping him by the scruff of his gi, you marched him toward the exit.

Jay groans with a facepalm as the others follow you out the shop."Nice negotiations, Kai." He jabs as you push Kai foward.

"I didn't see you do any better," Kai snapped back defensively.

Zane took the lead as the group made their way through the village. "Now to figure out how to make some money," he stated.

You rubbed your neck and sighed, gazing up at the sky. "Someone's got to be really desperate to pay us the amount we need in such a short amount of time."

Shortly after seeing a flyer marketing help at the docks with hundred coin a head and Zane dialing the number using himself and getting the job description, the ninja walked toward the far end of the docks to check out the offer.

The salty breeze tousled their hair and the sound of seagulls echoed in the air. A middle-aged man fitting construction gear walks toward the group. "Oh, glad you five showed up. Even with a hundred coin a head, couldn't find anyone willing to go out there and complete the dock."

He pointed behind him, indicating only two pillars standing in the water with a pile of planks and the rest of the pillars nearby.

Kai shudders. "Er, I don't know, we have to work over water?"

The Foreman shook his head, "Ain't the water you gotta be careful of. It'sStrangle Weed." He gestures to the open sea. "Grabs a hold of you, doesn't let go." His attitude flips to being cheerful. "I could use a good team. How about it?"

Zane took Kai aside, discussing about the task. After a moment, he thenturns back to the foreman with a smile. "We'll do it!"

"Great. What you're going to need has already been set aside for ya. One of you will be given access to the crane to set the pillers to stabilize the bridge." He tossed Zane a set of keys. "I'll let you decide on how you want to run things yourselves. I'll be in my office."

With the foreman gone, a sly grin spread across your face. Sneaking up behind Kai, you clamped your hands down on his shoulders and shook him, eliciting a startled scream from him.

"Scaredy-pants here can man the crane while the rest of us work over the dock," you announced, beaming as Kai whimpered in response.

"Keep your eyes on the prize! Let's bring it in slowly. Come on, guys. One team, one dream!" Zane cheers as he conducts Kai on where to drop the pillars, all the while keeping an eye out for the Strangle Weed.

Jay and Cole worked together to set the planks and connect the dual rows of pillars. Following behind them, you hammered the nails into the edges of the boards, ensuring they were permanently fused with the pillars. The rhythm of teamwork was palpable as each member focused on their task, seamlessly working together to complete the dock.

As the building process repeats, so does the ninja chant.


"Let's do it again!"


"There's nothing to it! Let's do it again!"


Zane's face suddenly morphs into annoyance as he started swatting at the air frantically. You exchanged puzzled looks with Jay and Cole, wondering what had caught his attention. Their confusion escalated when they heard the beeping sound emanating from the crane.

Eyes widened in alarm as everyone whipped their heads around to see a pole hurtling toward Zane, who seemed momentarily unaware of the danger looming behind him.

"Zane, look out!"

The pole slams into him, sweeping him off his feet. You look on in horror before he's inexplicably returned to his original position as if nothing had happened.

You held your head, as if you just got hit, "Y'know, sometimes I forget he can't feel levels of pain."

Gibberish suddenly poured out from his mouth, "Enif m'I. Gnikrow trats dna pu tilps s'tel."

You three exchanged flabbergasted looks.

"Sdrawkcab s'eludom eciov ym." Suddenly, he's emotions became frantic and he fanatically gestured towards Cole. "Deew elgnarts eht ,eloc! Tuo hctaw!"

"What's wrong with him?" Cole asks.

Jay shrugs. "I don't know. I think he's talking backwards." He cups his mouth towards Zane's direction, "Slow down! We can't understand you!"

You began patting down your gi. "Anybody got something for him to write on?"

He becomes hysterical as he jabs in Cole's direction. "Deew elgnarts! Deew elgnarts!"

You follow the direction he was pointing at, wondering what caused him to act like this, before gasping, "Oh sh*t!"

"Ah! Strangle Weed! It's got me!" Cole yelps as he plays tug of war with the kelp for his leg.

You and Jay act quickly: Jay pulls him close to him as you swiftly cut the plant off his ankle.

Adding to the fright, the four of them suddenly hear a whistle in the air and see a shadow growing large on them. In a split moment, they look up and see a pole hurling towards them, prompting them to jump out of the way.

They hit the ground hard, their heartsracing from the sudden danger. The bridge's edge cracks and shatters under the force of the pole, sending vibrations through the structure. Planks begin to disassemble and fall into the water with loud splashes, creating a scene of destruction and instability. With adrenaline pumping, the ninjas sprint down the dock, their feet pounding against the wooden boards. They leap to safety just in time, landing on stable ground as they watch the floating debris with wide eyes.

Kai quickly disengages from the equipment, joining the others as they catch their breath.

Kai nervously chuckles once he sees the foreman approach them. "So, heh, how about getting paid?"

The foreman groans in frustration in response.

"All of our hard work..."

"Our money..."

In a semi-secluded area of the city, Jay is working on Zane's back panel, attempting to repair his malfunctioning voice modulator. The rest of the ninjas are gathered nearby, leaning against the buildings as they watch.

"I can't believe we lost such a good deal," you mutter, shaking your head in disappointment.

"How many times do I have to apologize? I'm sorry!"

"As many times as it takes to pay for that scroll from that weasel," Cole reply firmly, his frustration apparent.

"You're really out to get him."

"He's a very unlikable guy."

Jay groans in frustration. After a moment, he shuts the panel's door with a sigh. "His voice mod's on the fritz. I can fix it, but it's gonna take some time," he informs the group, looking a bit exhausted from the effort.

Zane looks between them with worry, "Ti si ,dab taht ton s'ti?" He then sighs in defeat.

Cole frowns and rest a supportive hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, Zane, you tried to lead, but I guess it just didn't work out."

Kai huffed. "No money, no scroll. And it couldn't have happened at a worse time."

You push yourself off the wall, "The good thing is, we didn't have to pay for damages and lost of supplies."

Jay smacks his lips, looking at the group. "What are you, a bunch of quitters? Sure, we can't understand Zane, but did we ever? And Kai's the last person I'd want to follow."


He pats his chest."But now I'm in charge. We may not have the money to buy the Scroll, but I say we don't need it."

Cole raised a brow at him, "And why's that?"

As a evil grin grew across your face when realized where he was getting at.

"'Cause we're gonna steal it!"

"Thank you! You see, he gets it. It's 2v1—Kai's opinion don't count—, Cole."


Cole whip his head at him. "Jay, we're–"

Jay's hand mimicked a talking mouth, "'ninja, not thieves,'" he mocks. "Yeah, but we're stealing from a thief. Haven't you ever heard, two wrongs make a right?"

The ninja look at him puzzled. Kai spoke what everyone thought of, "Uh, Jay, I don't think that's how it goes."

"Thgir a ekamt'nodsgnorw owt" s'ti."

Jay cuts him off, "Shut it, Mush Mouth. I'm the leader and what I say goes. After Ronin locks up tonight, we steal the Scroll of Airjitzu."

"About damn time."

When the sky darkened, the ninja found themselves on the rooftops in proper attired for stealth. They followed Jay's lead as he led them across the rooftops, "Remember, I'm in charge here. We're not stealing the Scroll; we're returning it to the library after we learn Airjitzu."

Cole couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"And remember, we're ninja! Let's keep it quiet," Jay whispered before swiftly running off the edge of the rooftop, the others following suit.

The ninja moved swiftly and silently across the rooftops, maintaining their stealth as they approached a building overlooking the shop. There, they regrouped to finalize their plan.

As Jay rejoined the group, he suddenly collapsed through the roof with a yelp, followed by a scream. The ninja turned to see what had happened.

"Get out of here, you blue weirdo!"

The ninja remained silent, observing as Jay crawled out from the hole he had created. Once on stable ground, he cleared his throat, attempting to mask his embarrassment. "Let's try to be a little more quiet, shall we? Last I remember, we're ninja."

"Says the one who just fell through the roof," you snark, annoyed by his leadership.

"You're supposed to pick the lock, not try to bite it off." Kai sneethe.

Jay fumbles with the lock violently."Ugh, if I had mypowers, I'd zap it, after I zap you!"

You push his head out the way, "Move it motorhead. Let the pro handle this." you knelt down beside the lock. Your tools slid into the keyhole, your fingers deftly maneuvering to feel the internal mechanisms.

"Ugh, how long does this take?"

"Will you shut it? It's only been a mintue. This wouldn't take this long ifsomeonedidn't lose the tip of the hook inside the lock."

"Excuse me, but I was trying to help."

"You taking the lead, ain't helping." You rolled your eyes. "I'm pulling a Zane."

"This is taking to long," Kai whips out a kuni knife and uses the handle to puncture the corner of the skyline repeatedly, causing glass to shatter.

Your eyes widen, "Dude, he could've install an alarm!"

"Yet nada. Don't be so paranoid, (Y/n)."

"Don't be so careless, Kai."

The ninja swing into the room, light on their feet and split up.

Cole sigh as he look around at the mess they've made, "Great, now we're already on the hook for breaking and entering."

"I don't like sneaking around in the dark any more than you do, so let's just find the Scroll and get out of here." Kai declared.

"Hey, when you guys were leaders, you never heard me complain..."

As you tuned out their bickering, you immediately checked his desk. You rummage through drawers one by one. Hoping to find the scroll, but nothing, just bills and papers. sh*t, he even got a birth certificate. You bet that was forged. After one quick glance, you closed it and move on to the next drawer.

"The faster we find the Scroll, the faster we can work on the next clue that will lead us to the tomb. Then we can save Lloyd, and it will be all because of me."

You glanced in Jay's direction, raising an eyebrow as you continued feeling around underneath the desk for any hidden compartments. "What's with the sudden gloating?"

"Ah, I found it!" Coles voice rung through the room.

In response, he got shush by the rest but Jay, as he gasp,"You found the scroll?"

Cole shook his head and show him his findings. "No, but I found my father's trophy. I'm taking it back. He danced hard for this."

A sudden commotion erupted in the room. Organ pipes seemed to materialize out of thin air, wrapping around Jay's body and emitting a terrified scream from him, "Aah! Holy pipes! The organ's got me!"

The rest of the ninja rushed towards his distress, their faces filled with horror as they saw Jay dangling in front of them, trapped by the pipes. You and Kai quickly moved in to try and pry the pipes loose, struggling.

Cole looks around in panic. "Uh, it's possessed by a ghost! I forgot what we're supposed to do."

"Water! Water!" Jay screech.

You whipped your head around and rummage through the boxes, "Where are those Aeroblades!?"

"I got water!" Kai runs in and chucks a flower vase, but there's no water. "Hey, these flowers are fake!"

"We're on a village built entirely over water. Please, take your time!"

"Would you like us to let you drown!?"

As the ghostly presence tightened its hold on Jay, Cole reacted quickly by grabbing a nearby water jug and hurling it at the pipes. However, the ghost managed to slip away before the water could have any effect. With a yelp, Jay dropped to the ground and scrambled over to where the rest of the team was gathered, his expression a mix of relief and anxiety.

"Sdneirf s'orroM fo eno rehtona!"

"I think he said 'another one of Morro's friends." Kai translates.

"And there's more where that came from!" Morro bursts from the back and summons a horde of ghosts from his chest plate. The ninja swiftly dodged and weaved through the spectral onslaught.

"We're gonna need more water," Kai shouted over the commotion.

At that moment, Ronin appeared. "Then at least take an Aeroblade and get rid of a few of these ghosts," he urged, hopping towards the ninja with his hands bound.

"You said they were hard to come by."

Taking cover behind a nearby shelf, you couldn't help but interject, "Really Kai? Really!? At a time like this?"

"We already broken in, I don't need another criminal offense!"

"If it makes you feel better, I give you my permission. I'm a businessman, that was business. Whoa!" He deftly dodged a swooping ghost and then kicked a box towards Kai. "This is personal. Now cut me free."

Kai, catching the box with ease, glanced at the weapon inside before turning to face Ronin. "Not before we check out the merchandise." With a swift motion, he threw the weapon at a ghost, causing it to evaporate in a puff of ethereal smoke. "Huh? They worked! Try these!" With that, Kai hurled the rest of the Aeroblades to the other ninja.

Reacting quickly, you slid underneath a nearby shelf and leaped to catch one of the Aeroblades midair. Once in possession, you twisted your body and hurled the blade through the two ghosts that were hot on your heels, watching with satisfaction as they dissipated into nothingness.

"Where is the Scroll?"

From your vantage point behind the desk where you landed after your leap, you watched as Ronin and Morro engaged in a fierce struggle.

"You'll never find it!" Ronin snarled defiantly as he landed a solid kick on Morro, sending him crashing into the nearby blue vase he brought in earlier. The impact shattered the ceramic, and in that moment of chaos, the Scroll of Airjitzu was revealed, lying amidst the broken pieces.

"The Scroll!" Everyone exclaims.

"Only one of us shall possess it."

"Yeah, me!" Ronin whistles before snatching it off the ground. He quickly put some distance between himself and Morro, clutching the artifact tightly.

The building began to shake violently, sending tremors through the ground and throwing everyone off balance. Dust and debris fall from the roof, adding to the chaos of the moment. Sensing the impending danger, your instincts kicked in, and you lunged towards Ronin for the scroll.

However, just as you were about to reach him, something massive collided with your stomach mid-air. The impact was sudden, knocking the wind out of you and leaving you gasping for breath. Pain flared through your body, and before you could fully comprehend what had happened, your entire being was forcefully propelled upward.

The world spun around you as you were hurled through the air, your body crashing through the weakened ceiling like a ragdoll. Splinters of wood and debris scattered in all directions as you disappeared from sight, leaving behind a gaping hole in the structure.

As the howl of pain escaped your lips, you felt every inch of your body straining against the wind as you desperately clung onto the hood of R.E.X. The rushing air whipped your clothes around wildly, making it difficult to maintain your grip as you were raised higher and higher above the bustling city below. Through your half-lidded eyes, you could see the sleek surface of the red oval airship,

Despite the pressure and chaos, you forced yourself to tread carefully across the roof. Every step was a battle against the gusts of wind threatening to knock you off balance. Your heart raced, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you crawled.

Then, without warning, a violent thrash jolted through the airship, throwing you off balance. Your grip faltered, and you were flung off R.E.X. before you could react. A sharp cry escaped your lips as you hurtled downwards, the ground rushing up to meet you with terrifying speed. Instinct took over as you dove straight towards the ground, your arms flinging out to shield your face as you braced for the bone-jarring impact. The sound of the crash echoed in your ears as you collided into a market stand, the wooden structure groaning under the force of your impact.The once bustling market now fell into an eerie silence as onlookers paused, shocked by the sudden disturbance.

Pain shot through your body, every nerve protesting the rough landing. Despite the agony, the market stand had managed to cushion your fall somewhat, sparing you from even more severe injuries. Gasping for breath, you lay there for a moment, trying to gather yourself asyour body throbs in pain.

Slowly, you groaned in pain as you lifted yourself up, pushing aside broken roof tiles and debris. Dust and splinters danced in the air. With a heavy sigh, a mix of exhaustion and embarrassment washed over you as you fell onto your knees atop the broken pile. You felt defeated yet grateful that the fall hadn't been as catastrophic as it could have been.

This is just sad.

You fall foward onto the broken vegetables and lay there, allowing your back to be off the stress.The guys can handle Ronin alone, right? I just made a hole in a roof. I deserve some shut eye.

Just as your eyelids start to droop and sleep beckons, a shrill, shivering shriek echoes through the air, snapping you wide awake.

"What have you done!? My precious cabbages!?"

The sudden sound jolts you back to reality, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you scramble to a sitting position, scanning your surroundings for the source of the scream. You drag yourself off, muttering a serious of apologizes. Since you have no money to compensate, you offer your services for manual labor. With a bit of persuasion, you manage to convince the reluctant old man to let you work, primarily in transporting his products.

After the agreement is settled, you limp away from the market stand, every step a reminder of the pain radiating from your stomach and back. Finding a quiet spot beside a nearby house, you lower yourself to the ground, taking a few moments to catch your breath.

Your mind wanders to the potential damage you may have done to your spine during the fall. You hope that you haven't done anything to paralyze yourself, you really needed Zane to check your spine.

Nuzzling into the building, your eyes wonder and spota stackof papers in a nearby calligraphy shop that bears a striking resemblance to the Scroll of Airjitzu. An idea sparks in your mind.

With cautious steps, you approach the shop, making sure to stay out of sight. Silently, you reach out and swipe a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Distancing yourself from the shop, you could feel your limp gradually going away as you could feel the adrenaline pumping into you.You can feel your energy returning as you prepare to put your plan into motion.

Morro's dragon soars overhead, signaling you to emerge from the alley. Climbing onto the rooftops, you sprint across the them, tailing Morro as he maneuvers through the city. Closing in on him, you channel your elemental powers and blast a gust of wind to throw him off balance. As you hop from roof to roof, you witness Morro's dragon dissolve into ethereal mist. Seeing the opening, you dash towards him, closing the distance rapidly.

Just as he and another assailant hurtle towards the city, you time your jump perfectly and tackle Morro mid-air. The impact sends both of you crashing onto a nearby rooftop, but you refuse to let go. Despite his thrashing attempts to break free, you maintain a tight grip and pinned him to the ground.

As you hover over Morro, your fist poised to strike, but Lloyd's unclothed face flashes before your eyes, momentarily dispelling the anger. A smirk of defiance creeps onto Morro's possessed face, mocking your hesitation. Without further delay, you divert your attention to his left wrist, applying just enough pressure to elicit a pained scream from Morro but ensuring it doesn't cause lasting harm.

"Sorry, Lloyd," you mutter under your breath, a pang of guilt flickering in your eyes as you pry open Morro's hand, snatching the scroll from his grasp. The moment feels heavy with conflicting emotions, but there's no time for hesitation. With a swift step on his stomach to ensure he won't follow you immediately, then bolt away from him without looking back.

Behind you, a piercing scream erupts. A grin creep onto your face despite the intensity of the situation. Adrenaline courses through your veins as you navigate the rooftops, dodging Morro's desperate attempts to stop you. With each leap and bound, your heart races in your chest, the thrill of the chase and the stakes at hand driving you forward.

Diving into a narrow alley, you feel the rush of wind against your face. The clatter of the laundry hangers echoes in the confined space as you spin off them. With a swift change in direction mid-air, you propel your back onto the rooftops.

As you repeat these maneuvers, the cityscape blurs around you as you leap from rooftop to rooftop, using every obstacle to your advantage, hoping to confuse Morro and create a distance. The wind howls around you, carrying the faint echo of Morro's shouts as he unleashes gusts of air in your direction. You dodge and weave through the air, narrowly avoiding the blasts of wind that threaten to knock you off course.

As you approach the edge of a rooftop, the bustling Market comes into view. With a burst of energy, you make a split-second decision and lunge off the roof toward a net dangling above the market. Your fingers grasp the net tightly, and with a swift motion, you use the momentum from the swing to propel yourself towards a pot with a decoy scroll, your eyes locked on the prize. The exchange happens in a blur of motion, your hands deftly swapping the scroll before you swing up and release from the net. For a brief moment, you hang in the air, a sense of weightlessness enveloping you before gravity pulls you back down, the wind rushing past you.

Landing back on the rooftops, the impact sends a jolt through your legs, but you roll smoothly, seamlessly transitioning into your next move. With a quick glance towards the forest, you set your sights on your next destination.

As you near the edge of the city, you spot the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out before you. You take a leap off the roof, your body soaring through the air. Mid-air, you twist your body so that your back faces the forest. The wind whips around you as you freefall towards the water below. Just before your feet touch the surface, a gust of wind erupts from your palms, propelling you forward with incredible speed, lifting you above the ocean's surface and carrying you swiftly across the sea.

As you hurl towards the forest, you spot clusters of tall trees that can help break your fall and slow you down. With a swift adjustment in your trajectory, you aim for the treetops. The rush of wind and leaves fills your senses as you crash into the branches. They sway and snap under your weight, slowing down your descent.

You roll across the uneven terrain of the forest floor, branches and leaves rustling around you. Once you come to a stop, you lie on your back, chest heaving as you try to calm your breathing and slow down your heart rate. The adrenaline-fueled rush of the escape still courses through your veins, making your body feel electric and alive.

As you lay there catching your breath, you laugh in disbelief. Your plan was risky. You disregarded the potential harm your body could have suffered. You had only one shot to switch out the scrolls without breaking the pot and launching yourself into the forest, and you managed to pull it off flawlessly. A grin spreads across your face.

Picking yourself up, you make your way deeper into the forest. Your thoughts drifted to the guys, hoping that your plan would grant them enough time to learn Airjitzu or Zane to capture an image of the scroll.

As you continued to run through the forest, the once calm and serene atmosphere began to shift dramatically. The gentle rustling of leaves and the soft whispers of the wind gave way to a jarring sound. Trees being wrenched from their roots echoed through the woods, accompanied by the sharp snapping of branches and the groaning of stressed trunks.

Trees fell in your path with thunderous crashes, their massive trunks splintered and cracked, branches thrashing wildly in the air before plummeting to the forest floor. The ground shook violently with each impact, sending shockwaves through the air and debris flying in all directions. You had to swiftly dodge chunks of wood and branches falling in your way, weaving through the chaos as you ran over fallen trees and hurdled over large roots blocking your way. The wind howled through the trees, whipping up leaves and debris in its wake.

You were going in blind, having been forced to change directions abruptly. You were in unknown territory, only having some familiarity from earlier. You just hope you wouldn't corner yourself.

As you continue your sprint, your fingers fly over your communicater, navigating to your recent contacts. You leave a voice message to Cole, your breaths coming in quick gasps between words,"I've draw Morro out to the forest.Go to the market and go to the broken cabbage stand. Youll find a brown, large pot and inside is the Scroll of Airjitzu. Love ya!"

As you sprinted through the forest, fallen trees continued to obstruct your path, creating a maze of obstacles that forced you to change direction constantly. With each stride, you leaped over sudden timbers and ducked under low-hanging branches, navigating the chaotic terrain as best as you could.

An unexpected force slammed into your side.

The world seemed to slow down as you hurtled through the air. You could almost feel the rush of wind against your skin as you were flung forward. Your grip on the scroll instinctively loosened, and it slipped from your fingers.

With a thud, you hit the forest floor hard, the impact knocking the breath from your lungs. Leaves and dirt flew around you in a chaotic whirlwind as your body skidded and bounced against the uneven terrain. Pain shot through your body as the rough ground scraped against your skin, leaving small scratches and bruises in its wake. The air rushed past you, carrying the sounds of trees crashing and branches snapping in the turmoil.

As you finally came to a stop, the world around you seemed to spin, leaving you momentarily dazed and disoriented. The sounds of the forest and Morro's frustrated shout blended in a nonharmonic melody.

You flinch fromMorro's booming angry voice as he grabbed you roughly by your mask, lifting you off the ground with a snarl. He thrust the open scroll into your view, revealing a mocking drawing of you with your tongue out, accompanied by the taunting message 'you just got duped, motherf*cker'.

You gave him a weak smile. "Like your little reunion gift?"

He throws you to the ground. The impact jars your entire body, the rough terrain adding to the pain. The dust billows up around you when you hit the forest floor.

Taking in air in short gasps, you try to steady yourself, but before you can fully orient yourself, Morro looms menacingly above you. His shadow engulfs you, and his face contorted in anger."You think you're so funny? Thinking you could outsmart me? Well look at where it got you! Alone and weak."

You groan as you push your back off the floor, your legs still grounded, to look at him with a lopsided smirk. "What's up with you and the word 'weak'? What is this, self-projection?"

Quickly, you kick his stomach, sending him flying backward. Taking advantage of the moment, you jump onto your feet, adopting a defensive position. However, your stance shifts as you gasp and leap aside, narrowly evading a ball of wind hurtling towards you.

A nearby tree is caught in its path and flung backward with tremendous force. You stare in astonishment at the de-rooting.Is that what it's like? Wow, I can be scary.

You deftly dodged the gusts Morro unleashed upon you, his frustration grew evident with each missed strike. His movements became more erratic, his attacks more forceful, but you remained unfazed.

He gritted his teeth in frustration, "Don't you ever stop moving? You're so insufferable!"

"Thanks for noticing. I tend to have that effect on people," you quipped back.With a swift motion, you launched yourself forward, closing the distance between you and Morro in an instant.

Taking advantage of his momentary distraction, you struck his chest. The impact sends him staggering backward, momentarily stunned. "Looks like the wind's been knocked out of you, huh?"

Morro, recovering quickly from the blow, narrowed his eyes. "You talk too much," he retorted, his voice dripping with irritation. "Let's see if you can keep up with more than just words." He launched a fierce barrage of wind attacks.

You summon a wind barrier around you. It initially holds strong against the relentless attacks. However, with each blow, you start to feel it cracking, allowing some gusts to penetrate through. Feeling the vibrations reverberating through the barrier as Morro's attacks continue, you dig your heels into the dirt beneath you.

The ground provides some stability, anchoring you and preventing you from being pushed back. Sweat beads on your forehead as you focus on maintaining the barrier and to not let it falter.

Despite the intensity of the moment, you can't help but joke. "So, tell me, Wind Master to Wind Master that have been under the same mentor. What's your deal with Wu?"

Morro howls in anger the moment the name was mention, a whirlwind builds around him, swirling violently with his rage. The air carried such raw hatred, you felt.

The trees around you sway and your eyes widen at the amount of wind he gathers in his palm. "Woah, anger issues much?"

Reacting quickly, you lunge out of the way as he strikes down, the ground cracking beneath the force of his attack. Creating distance from him, you summon your own balls of wind. It's a stretch given your lack of control, but you launch them. However, the winds miss their mark, dispersing into the surroundings.

As the dust settled, Morro emerged unscathed, his laughter echoing mockingly through the air.

​​​"You call yourself the Master of Wind yet you can't even land a hit on me. What a joke you are."

You laugh. "If you call me a joke, then what do you call someone who can't handle rejection and then have the gull to possess the Green Ninja to appease to your sick fantasy of being the greatest?"

"You know nothing! Wu never recognized my true potential. He couldn't handle the truth that I was destined to become the Green Ninja. He and the Golden Weapons denied me my rightful destiny! I was going to become something great!"

You clench your jaw as you glared at him. "I may know nothing, but I know when someone's drowning in their own ego," you seethe. "Give me back my brother, you sorry excuse of a ninja!" You scream as you ran towards him.

But as you were closing the distance on him, his body seems to falter. He staggers back away from you. A struggle for control is evident as his body trembles. Lloyd's voice breaks through, filled with desperation, "(Y/n), you need to run."

You caught him as he fell foward. You held him, moving his hair out of his face as you scan his face, "No, I'm not leaving you."

"Please," he implodes, his voice strained. "I don't want to hurt you. I can't hold him back much longer."

The moment hangs heavy with tension as you grit your teeth and clench your fists, feeling utterly helpless. Your heart races with anxiety as you struggle to find the right words, and all you can manage are words of encouragement."Fight him, Lloyd. You're stronger than him."

Suddenly, 'his' head snaps towards you, startling you with the intensity of his gaze.

"No, I am!"

The sight of Morro regaining control triggers a deep frown on your face, and you utter a curse under your breath, the frustration evident in your tone. Realizing that you have no other viable options, you channel a gust of wind that propels Morro deeper into the forest.

A pang of guilt grips your heart as you think of Lloyd, abandon. You abandon him.

You can't shake the nagging question of whether there was a wayto break Lloyd from Morro's control.

The air around you is heavy with a somber silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or distant creak of a fallen branch. You stare at thetrail of wreckage in front of you. Your eyes scanthe chaotic landscape of fallen trees and scattered foliage with large patches of dirt scattered.

With a deep sigh, you turn away and start making your way towards the village.

As you entered the market, your friends were seated at a nearby table, engrossed in conversation. Their eyes widened in shock as they caught sight of you, covered in dirt from head to toe. Quickly rising from their seats, they rushed over to meet you.

"Why is it whenever you're out of our sight, you come back looking like you escaped from the Underworld?" Jay blurted out.

Kai elbowed him, shooting him a disapproving look before redirecting his focus at you. "Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, concern in his voice.

You groaned slightly as you stretched your limbs, feeling the soreness in your muscles. "Not that I know of," you replied. "But I do want Zane to scan my spine."

As Zane scans you, Cole's hands plucked twigs and leaves attached to you. "How are you still standing?" His voice was tinged with disbelief and concern. "You broke through a roof with the force of a 20-ton iron aircraft and crashed into a wagon." His eyes scanned your body, searching for any signs of injury, his worry evident in his furrowed brow and the tension in his voice.

You chuckled weakly. "I ask myself that question every day," you admitted. "So, did you guys learn Airjitzu yet?"

Their faces tensed as beads of sweat formed on their foreheads. They exchanged nervous glances and began fumbling with their words, each trying to explain the situation but struggling to find the right words.

"Well you see..."

"The funny thing is..."

"Si neppah tahw os..."

Cole sighs, a hint of shame in his eyes as he looks at you. "We had it, but as Jay was opening it, the Scroll got shot by an arrow that turned it transparent, like a ghost." He grimaced at the memory. "And it fell through the ground when Jay flung it, so our likely guess, it evaporated when it touched the water."

Your heart dropped. "You're joking..." you utter.

"I wish."

"Wait, so how will—"

Jay huffed in frustration, his tone edged with irritation. "Smart Alex here," he pointed at Kai, "traded everyone's shares of the tea farm for information on where we can learn it from Ronin."

You stood there, a mix of emotions swirling within you. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, but it was tinged with irony and frustration. Wow. I did that all for nothing.

Your vision became unfocused as you stumbled towards the edge of the docks, the weight of the situation settling in. Chuckles escaped you, but they were hollow and filled with disbelief,

"Strangle weed, hey strangle weed, strangle me. Because I can't do this anymoreee!"


I am back from the stresses of life! And buckle in your seats, because from this point foward, (Y/n) is gonna go through some serious emotional turmoil, AHHAHAHAHA

Also, sorry for adding a Spanish slang word, pitufo. In my household, we use it to tease/irritate anyone in the family who's being a snob and shut them up whenever they're complaining abt smth and being ungreatful. I didn't know any way for (Y/n) to shut Jay up, so I went with that word.

Also, I've be MIA because life has been a bitchalong with accidently breaking my laptop lol

Ninja Go (Male Reader) - Chapter 53 - TurtleForTheWin (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.