Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (2024)

I love simple recipes that make me feel like a rockstar…

And homemade ricotta cheese definitely fits the bill.

Ricotta is one of the easiest cheeses to make, but it can transform a ho-hum recipe into something special–plus I always feel a extra fancy when I use it.

Oh, and making lasagna with homemade mozzarella AND homemade ricotta cheese? It takes the dish to a whole new level folks… If you are serving it to dinner guests–they’ll go away impressed–promise. (Especially if you pair with it a hot loaf of homemade French bread. On second thought, scratch that. You don’t want to overwhelm them with awesomeness…)

**I love New England Cheese making Supply Co. for all of my cheese making needs. They’re truly just a great company with great products, and I love supporting their small business whenever I can. They’ve also offered my readers 10% off and order with the code HOMESTEAD for a limited time.**

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (2)

True-blue, authentic ricotta cheese simply comes from heating up whey–the word ricotta actually means “recooked.” If you’ve read my blog for a while, you are probably already intimately familiar with whey and how to use it. However, if you’re new, but sure to check out my list of 16 Things to do With Wheyand my knock-your-socks-off Vintage Lemon Whey Pie recipe.

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (3)

Ricotta made just from whey tends to have a low yield… So if you prefer a recipe with a slightly larger end result, try a ricotta cheese recipe that starts off with whole milk. (I’ve included that below as well!)

There seems to be approximately a million-and-one different ways to make ricotta, so if you’ve made it before, it’s likely that your method is different than mine. But I’m going to venture to say, that as long as you end up with those amazing little fluffy white clouds of ricotta goodness, there really is no “wrong” way to make ricotta.

So on to the recipes!

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Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (4)

Ricotta Cheese Recipe #1 (using whey)

You will need:

*This can be done with any amount of whey, but keep in mind the yield is quite small, so I don’t recommend doing it unless you have around 1-2 gallons of fresh whey at your disposal.


Place the whey in a large stockpot, and place it the stove over medium-high heat.

Bring it to around 190-195 degrees–or until you see fluffy looking “clouds” separating from the yellow whey when you stir the mixture. (I use a regular old ladle, but I gotta get one of these niceslotted ones for scooping curds. And this is a great thermometer if you’re in need of one.)

Avoid boiling if you can–it tends to give it a bit of a funny taste–plus it boils over easy, and cleaning sticky, cooked-on whey off your stovetop is a nightmare.

Once you see that the fluffy white ricotta cheese clouds have separated from the yellowish whey, remove it from the heat and pour it through your fabric or strainer to drain.

Allow the teeny ricotta curds to drain until all the whey has dripped out (I usually leave it for about an hour–you can go longer if you wish)

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (9)

Sometimes I tie my cheesecloth/fabric into a “bag” and let it hang from a cabinet knob–other times I just line a colander with the cheesecloth and allow it to drip in the sink.

Store your fresh ricotta in the fridge or freeze it for later.

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (10)

Ricotta Cheese Recipe #2 (using whole milk)

You Will Need:


Place the gallon of milk in a large stockpot and heat it over medium heat.

Once it has reached190-195 degrees, remove it from the heat and stir in the lemon juice.

Allow the milk to sit for 5-10 minutes and wait for the curds to form.

Once you see those lovely, fluffy curds, drain the whey as directed in the whey ricotta instructions above.

Store in the fridge, or freeze for later.

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (11)

Kitchen Notes

  • Lemon juice isn’t your only option for creating curds. Some people prefer 1/4 cup of vinegar, while others add 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Feel free to play around a bit–as long as you end up with curds, you are on the right track.
  • Keep in mind that heating the whey for these recipes kills most of the good bacteria, so it will only keep for about a week–unless you freeze it.
  • If you don’t see curds right away, try adding a bit more lemon juice, or heating a bit more on the stove. It’s really hard to mess this up–so even if the recipe doesn’t go exactly as described, it’s likely you can still salvage it and end up with some sort of ricotta-like curds.
  • The whole milk ricotta cheese recipe will yield more than the whey ricotta cheese recipe.
  • You’ll end up with a bunch of leftover whey after you drain it from the curds. Here’s a whole list of how to use that whey.
  • **I love New England Cheese making Supply Co. for all of my cheese making needs. They’re truly just a great company with great products, and I love supporting their small business whenever I can. They’ve also offered my readers 10% off and order with the code HOMESTEAD for a limited time.**

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (12)

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (13)

Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (2024)


How is ricotta made from scratch? ›

To make ricotta cheese, milk is heated until the curds and whey separate. The curds become the basis for varieties such as mozzarella, while reheating the whey produces the moist, fine grains that traditionally create ricotta (hence the name, meaning “twice cooked”).

Is it cheaper to buy or make ricotta? ›

Ricotta cheese is especially reasonably priced, so it is a toss-up if you want to make ricotta to save money. It is cheaper to make your own, if you are going strictly on the price of ingredients, but you do have to factor in your time.

Why is my homemade ricotta rubbery? ›

It really matters what kind of dairy you use: organic whole milk and not ultra-pasteurized cream are preferred. I also want to emphasize the importance of timing: do not overheat the milk-cream mixture, and do not let it boil. Otherwise, you will end up with tough and rubbery curd.

Why do people use cottage cheese instead of ricotta? ›

Cottage cheese: As far as ricotta substitutes go, light and mild cottage cheese is your best bet. In fact, some people prefer to use cottage cheese because it has a similar flavor and fewer calories.

Which milk is best for ricotta? ›

Ingredients: Whole Milk (not ultra pasteurized!): I recommend whole cow's milk for creamy flavor and texture. Alternatively, 2% or 1% milk can be used; but the final result will not be as creamy. Ultra pasteurized milk does not work for homemade ricotta.

Is homemade ricotta better than store bought? ›

Many people are not aware of just how incredibly easy it is to make your ricotta at home, and if you use good-quality dairy for your ingredients, your results will be far superior to most store-bought U.S. brands—fresher, creamier, and more flavorful. Once you've tried it, you might never go back to store-bought!

Is vinegar or lemon juice better for ricotta? ›

We tested with white vinegar and lemon juice and found lemon juice created a creamier, smoother, better tasting ricotta. Our testing showed that vinegar produces a firmer, slightly tougher product.

How long does homemade ricotta last? ›

Transfer the ricotta to a bowl, discarding the cheesecloth and any remaining whey. Use immediately or cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. The ricotta will keep refrigerated for 4 to 5 days.

Is it OK to eat ricotta everyday? ›

Ricotta lovers will be happy to know that ricotta cheese is a healthy food and belongs to the dairy food group. It can be enjoyed every day as part of a balanced diet.

Why do you add an egg to ricotta cheese? ›

Eggs help bind the ricotta cheese, but if you don't have eggs on hand then it's OK to omit them. Adding egg to ricotta cheese helps to bind the cheese for lasagna so that it doesn't ooze out of the casserole when you cut it. Basically, the egg helps all the cheesy goodness stay intact.

Why is my ricotta turning pink? ›

As reported by Daly et al. [4], some spoilage microorganisms (Pseudomonas spp, Enterococci, Serratia spp.) but also starter cultures have been associated to pink/red discolorations in cheese [5][6][7][8]; this discoloration was already reported also in Italian seasoned ricotta [9] . ...

Can you eat ricotta like cottage cheese? ›

Ricotta has a higher caloric and fat content than cottage cheese, but less salt. There are so many wonderful ways to use ricotta in your cooking. Dollop ricotta on pasta, fold it into a sauce, or spread it on a toasted slices of baguette with a drizzle of honey or under tomatoes for bruschetta.

Can I use sour cream instead of ricotta? ›

Since it is super tart, sour cream should be used in moderation compared to ricotta. Like Greek yogurt, sour cream is best used in place of ricotta in recipes like dip — we wouldn't recommend layering it into your lasagna unless the recipe specifically calls for it, like in this taco lasagna recipe.

Is lasagna better with cottage cheese or ricotta? ›

The key to creating the absolute best lasagna is to use a combination of ricotta and cottage cheese. Ricotta brings the rich creaminess while cottage cheese lightens things up and seasons the whole dish. For even more cheese, we recommend also using shredded Mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese (or Pecorino Romano).

Can you freeze ricotta cheese? ›

Stored properly, fresh ricotta will last in the freezer for one to three months. Once you thaw your cheese, it is not recommended to refreeze it. Since freezing it just once already causes the cheese to degrade somewhat, you can imagine what constant thawing and refreezing would do.

How is true ricotta made? ›

Ricotta is made from whey, the remaining leftovers after making cheese. Therefore, in order to make ricotta you first have to make cheese. This recipe will guide you through the process of making Primo Sale, one of the simplest fresh cheeses.

Is ricotta cheese just whipped cottage cheese? ›

The key distinction between the two really comes down to moisture content and texture: ricotta is smooth and spreadable with extremely fine (almost imperceptible) curds, whereas the preparation of cottage cheese results in a soupy and lumpy finished product with a higher moisture content.

Is ricotta basically cottage cheese? ›

Cottage cheese and ricotta are both fresh, relatively mild cheeses — and both delicious in their own right — but they're not the same thing. “Although both are unripened (read: fresh) cheeses, there are technical differences,” says Kathleen Serino, a national training and curriculum manager at Murray's Cheese.

Is ricotta always sheep milk? ›

Ricotta can technically be made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats, or water buffalo, but the ricotta that we consume most frequently—the stuff you can buy at almost every grocery store—is made from the milk of a cow. But historically, that cows milk was used for something else before it was used to make ricotta.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.