When is sourdough finished proofing? The signs and a test (2024)

How do you know when your sourdough is finished proofing (proving) and ready to bake? What is underproofed? What does overproofed look like?

This post will explain what this step in the bread making process is, the differences in stages of proofing, the signs of a proofed loaf, and a helpful test.

Getting the “just right” proof on your dough will give you a soft, airy bake. So if you want to avoid a dense bread or one that is misshapen, read on.

*Note: I will be using the spelling “proofing” in this post since that is the spelling typically used in the U.S. and the one I use in my classes. The spelling “proving” is typically used in Europe, Australia, and other parts of the world.

When is sourdough finished proofing? The signs and a test (1)

What is proofing

The fermentation of sourdough (and conventional yeast bread as well) is divided into two parts of fermentation: bulk fermentation (some call this the first rise) and proofing (also called second or final rise).

After the bulk ferment is finished, the dough is shaped into a boule, baguette, loaf, or a parshape like a dough ball that will be shaped into pizza after the rest.

In this shape, the dough is put into a loaf pan, flaxcloth couche for baguettes, proofing basket or bannetton, a baking sheet, or other container specified in the recipe.

It rests in this shaped form in order for the fermentation to continue. As it continues fermenting during the proof, it rises to 1 1/2 to 2 times its volume.

This rise is caused by the wild yeast continuing to “eat” the starches and sugars in the dough and create carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

The carbon dioxide is held in by the strong, elastic dough created by the formation of the gluten protein bonds.

Quick tip on proof timing

In many recipes, the time allotted for proofing is one third to half as long as the bulk ferment.

And the timing will be subject to the air temperature in your proofing area (e.g., kitchen) so err on the longer side of a range in cold weather and the shorter side of the range in warmer weather.

Want more sourdough starter info?

You can get myfree Quick Start Sourdough Guideto begin learning some of the key parts of the cycle of sourdough starter.

Learn the phases, the signs of an active, how to care for a sourdough starter to keep it alive and thriving, as well as how to make your own sourdough starter.

When is sourdough finished proofing? The signs and a test (2)

Why Does Proofing Matter?

Proofing is critical for getting the right texture and volume on your bread. Here are four reasons why it matters:

  • It will create a lovely shape that will be beautiful on the table.
  • Good oven spring. This is how the dough rises and expands during baking.
  • A soft, airy interior (the texture depends on the recipe, but should never be dense, gummy, or overly chewy)
  • Even crumb when the bread is sliced. This refers to “the holes” you see once the bread is cut. There shouldn’t be any parts with big holes and others that look squished. It should have the same openness across the slice.
  • Best flavor. Fermentation not only affects the volume of the bread, it affects the final flavor. I think we can all agree that this is really important!
  • Baking time can be affected by under or overproofing.

The right proof also affects the bake since the matter of the dough needs to be spaced apart from a good proof versus all bunched together if it is underproofed.

What is underproofed?

Underproofed dough is dense and has not increased in volume.

This will result in a dense bread with a very tight crumb (holes are very close together) that doesn’t have the pillowy texture when you take a bite.

The flavor will also be underdeveloped.

If you don’t see the signs mentioned below, you’ll want to let your dough rest longer for an optimal proof.

What is overproofed?

Overproofed is when the dough has rested too long and the yeast has continued making carbon dioxide while the strength of the dough (gluten bonds) have begun to wear out.

The dough will look very puffy, but when you touch it or move it you may notice it deflate or sag.

Below is an example of a severely overproofed sandwich loaf.

The fix is to bake it or try to reshape and proof again. For my family, I always choose to bake the bread. Especially since it won’t be long before they finish it and I’m baking the next batch!

Cold vs. Room Temperature (Ambient) Proof

The dough can be proofed at room temperature or in the fridge for a cold proof, or a combination of the two.

The room temperature proof will be the shortest timeline. Due to variation in room temperature and weather, this can vary the timing.

Cold proofing will be a longer timeframe. This also creates a more complex flavor and produces a bread that is even more digestible than typical sourdough bread.

You can also use a combination by proofing your dough at room temperature then putting the dough into the fridge (well covered) for a few hours to overnight.

It will continue to proof in the cold environment, so I recommend using the shorter end of the room temperature proofing range before transferring the dough to the fridge.

Proofing tools

For consistent proofing, no matter the season, there are some tools you can use:

  • Electric proofing box: This is for serious bakers who want to make an investment for the best automated proofing
  • Overturned large plastic bin with the dough underneath and a bowl of steamy just boiled water underneath the box and next to the dough to create a warm environment with some humidity
  • OFF Microwave: The microwave creates a well insulated environment for proofing. You would just want to make sure no one turns on the microwave which would end poorly.
  • OFF Oven: with the light on for an insulated environment with a gentle amount of heat coming from the light

I really loved some of the ideas shared in this post by Taste of Home, if you are looking for a few more ideas to get the best proof, even in winter. I loved the idea of a dish of boiled water in the oven.

My Sourdough Time Planning Workbook and Baking Journal is a great way to simplify all of your sourdough bakes with ready to fill in timelines with 8 options to choose from:

When is sourdough finished proofing? The signs and a test (3)

Quick Proofing Tip for great scoring

Before you score and bake and after your dough is proofed, put the covered dough into the fridge for 30-60 minutes. The chilled dough will score much more cleanly and easily.

Add a light dusting of flour and smooth over the top of the loaf and use a new razor blade in your bread lame to have the absolute best results.

How to proof sourdough

  1. After the bulk ferment, shape your dough according to the directions.
  2. Cover your dough (with kitchen towel or plastic wrap, depending on recipe)
  3. Let rest in a warm environment (see notes above for variations) for the given proofing time in the recipe
  4. Check the proof of your dough at the short end of the time range to determine whether it is just right and ready to bake or is underproofed and needs more time.
  5. Preheat the oven
  6. Bake

4 signs your dough is proofed and ready to bake

  • Dough that has reached is optimal proof should be 1.5 to 2 times larger in volume
  • The dough should feel full and airy, but should not sag or collapse (overproofed)
  • If the proper sized loaf pan or proofing basket was used, dough should rise nearly to the top or slightly over (for most loaf pans)
  • When a finger tip is lightly dampened and presses about 1/2-inch into the dough, the dough should slightly rise back about halfway and leave an impression where it was poked. This is called the “poke test”

The poke test to test proofing

Below is a video of the “poke test” in action. You can see the indentations I made remaining in the dough.

If the dough was overproofed it would show very little movement and would possibly deflate a little.

Underproofed dough would bounce back and wouldn’t show much evidence of indentation.

Surprising tip for good oven spring

For a really great oven spring, you can try finding that sweet spot by getting right up to the optimal proofing stage when it is just slightly underproofed.

Preheat the oven and then bake. The dough will be almost completely proofed by the time the oven is preheated, but just a tiny bit underproofed which will cause the bread to bake up very showy with a showy ear or burst if you

The right proof

Now you have the signs to look for and a test to feel confident in getting the just right proof for your next sourdough bake.

The wait is worth it!

If you are new to sourdough altogether, you can check out my easy sourdough for beginners page or get my free Sourdough Quick Start Guide.

Start Learning Today

My online Intro. to Sourdough course will walk you through all the steps of making sourdough bread and beginning your sourdough journey with a solid foundation.

It also includes a bonus video lesson for how to shape and bake sandwich loaves–our family favorite bread.

Living Bread Baker posts mentioned

Easy sourdough for beginners

How to make sourdough step by step: My Classic Sourdough Country Loaf

When is my bulk ferment finished

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Free Sourdough Quick Start Guide

Online Intro. to Sourdough course

Electric proofing box

Loaf pan

flaxcloth couche

proofing basket or bannetton

baking sheet

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When is sourdough finished proofing?  The signs and a test (2024)


How do you know when sourdough is proofed enough? ›

With the “poke test” you put some flour on your finger and poke the dough. If it springs back immediately, it needs more time. If it slowly springs back about halfway it is ready to bake. If it does not spring back it is overproofing and should be bake right away.

How can you tell that proofing is complete? ›

If you're checking on shaped dough for the second rise/proof, then it should also be about double in size. Feel: Bread dough that has successfully risen/proofed will spring back slowly when poked and leave an indent. If it snaps back too quickly, it needs more time.

How to know when sourdough is done? ›

Using A Thermometer To Tell When Sourdough Bread Is Done

Sourdough bread is cooked through at an interior temperature of 205-210 F or 96 - 98 C.

What is final proof for sourdough? ›

How Long Should I Proof my Sourdough Dough?
Proof timeTemperatureExample location
1 to 2 hours80°F (26°C)Very warm kitchen or proofer
2 to 4 hours74 to 76°F (23-24°C)Warm kitchen
6 to 8 hours46°F (8°C)Dough retarder
10 to 16 hours39°F (4°C)Home refrigerator
Mar 14, 2024

How do I know if my bread has proofed long enough? ›

Gently press your finger into the dough on the top. If the dough springs back quickly, it's underproofed. If it springs back very slowly, it's properly proofed and ready to bake. Finally, if it never springs back, the dough is overproofed.

How do you know if dough is over proofed? ›

This is known as 'fool's crumb' as people will often mistake this for a successful bake because of all the large bubbles in the crumb. Over proofed dough will often have a very even crumb with evenly spaced out (and relatively large bubbles) surrounded by thin membranes of dough. It can kind of resemble a honeycomb.

What does over-proofed sourdough look like? ›

Overproofed is when the dough has rested too long and the yeast has continued making carbon dioxide while the strength of the dough (gluten bonds) have begun to wear out. The dough will look very puffy, but when you touch it or move it you may notice it deflate or sag.

How do you know if sourdough is fermented enough? ›

Sourdough Loaf is Small & Heavy

You can usually tell whether your sourdough is under fermented as soon as you take it out of the Dutch Oven. If it's looking smaller than it should (that is, it's lacking oven spring) and feels heavy when you pick it up, chances are you've not allowed it enough time in bulk fermentation.

How long should you leave sourdough to prove? ›

To proof them, let them sit, covered, at room temperature for up to 3–4 hours, or let them proof for a little while at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator for 12–15 hours. Or you can speed the process by using a proof box, warm cooler, or slightly warm oven to speed things up.

How do I know if I killed my sourdough? ›

Keep feeding your starter, and you'll see normal activity (bubbles) return in a few days. If your starter has a bit of dark liquid on top, it's not dead! It simply means it's hungry and that it's time to feed it. Unless your starter has a pink or orange hue or is beginning to mold, you probably haven't killed it yet.

How do you test if sourdough is proofed? ›

Under-proofed dough will spring back very quickly, and feel quite dense to the touch. This is because the yeast has not had enough time to produce enough CO2 gas to be trapped in the dough structure. Properly proofed bread will slowly spring back when touched, refilling the indent from your finger in about 10 seconds.

How long does it take for final proof? ›

When I write final proofing instructions in a recipe, I often suggest a time range or even two ranges: 1-3 hours at room temperature or 8-14 hours in the refrigerator. But giving an end point to the cold final proof feels a bit misleading, because bread can come out great after 24-hours or longer in the cold.

What causes Underproofed sourdough? ›

The time allotted to both phases (bulk fermentation and final proofing) is essential to the process. Under proofed (underprooved) sourdough bread, then, has not been given the time it needs (or perhaps a mature starter) to ferment and rise fully.

What does overproofed sourdough look like? ›

Note: As loaves begin to overproof they lose their height and shape. The crumb becomes more dense. The holes become more ragged and irregular in shape. The crust begins to thin and separate from the crumb.

Can you proof sourdough bread for too long? ›

The dough should be left to expand enough to give us a nicely textured crumb and a loaf that “springs” in the oven. Leave it too long and you run the risk of over proofing resulting in the dough deflating. I wanted to have a look and see how different stages of proofing affect the loaf, especially the crumb.

How much should sourdough rise during proofing? ›

One of the great mysteries of sourdough baking is why some recipes recommend a 30% rise and others recommend up to a 100% rise during bulk fermentation. Both methods produce very similar results. How is this possible? The difference is due to the dough temperature during bulk fermentation.

How do you know when sourdough is done first rise? ›

You can tell when your dough is ready when it's risen about 30% and you see little air bubbles throughout. Another test I do is to lift the container, tilt it to the side, and see if the dough releases easily from the sides of the container. If it does, then it indicates it's developed enough and is strong.

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