Psychic Bonds - LadyRedHeart, SecondChildAsuka - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Silence. Darkness. Oblivion. The Emptiness.

Tate sat cross-legged on the floor of his bedroom, eyes closed, attempting to empty his mind of everything. It was the most important first step of the Psychic process; to separate yourself from human thoughts and feelings and connect yourself to something deeper and more potent than his limited, physical being.

Nothingness. Nonexistence. Empty. Boobs. Blackness.

This was the realm that Tate, and his twin sister, and dozens more like them across the world inhabited. The state of mind and body where one became a part of the fundamental natural forces governing the universe, with the capacity to steer and direct them in limited, material ways. Levitation. Future sight. Pyromancy. Warping the nature of reality. All of it was within the power of one who could empty themselves so thoroughly that there was nothing left of their psyche but those fundamental forces.

Boobs. Darkness. Ass. Oblivion. puss*, or co*ck, either is fine. Emptiness.

Of course, Tate was also subject to a force much more powerful than certain forces; his teenage hormones. At times he longed for the childish state he had been in just a few years before, where his body was so divorced of sexual maturity that intrusive thoughts couldn't impede his progress towards becoming the greatest Psychic in the world. Alas, he was young, and the brain's desire to mate was just as strong, if not stronger, then any psychic force Tate had ever mustered.

Meanwhile his twin, Liza, was currently at the store shopping. One could argue she was plagued by similar thoughts on a daily basis, even if she always did her best to shield such thoughts from her brother.

While her brother was at home training, she was out buying groceries. The two lived alone and often had to care for themselves. Thankfully, their salary as gym leaders was enough to cover most expenses, and even some extra.

Today was just like any other day as she got into line, holding a basket of various fruits, vegetables, and meats. She and her brother tried their best to eat healthy, since a healthy body and healthy mind went hand in hand, and they strove to achieve perfection in everything relating to their abilities.

She was waiting in line, and was just about to step up to the register.

Tate stripped out of his kimono and locked the door to his room. They may have been wards of the government, but they were hardly prisoners. Unless they were engaged in outright rebellion (refusing to eat vegetables for the most part) they were given their share of privacy and freedom. That meant he could sit back down on his bed, pull out his phone, and browse to a hidden image cache he kept on an app that superficially resembled a calculator.

He began stroking his hardening co*ck as he idly browsed his collection. Mostly consisting of naked girls posing in a variety of public places, Tate could feel the familiar waves of lust roll throughout his body and mind. Masturbating felt nice, especially with material that resonated with him, and he felt glad to lose himself, just for a moment, in the kind of relief that constant training couldn't provide.

His sister was about to open her mouth to speak to the cashier when she suddenly felt a tingling warmth across her body. Her legs wobbled and her eyes went wide as a hand shot between her legs. She flashed an apologetic smile at the confused cashier as she set her basket onto the conveyor belt.

Tate stroked faster and faster as he tried to push himself to a quick org*sm. As nice as this felt, he needed to prepare for testing with his twin sister later, and he'd frankly rather die than let his sister know that he ever felt like this. For a moment he wondered if she felt the same, before pushing the thought out of his head.

“Wh-What the…?” Liza gasped as the warmth grew stronger. She recognized that it felt like when she was masturbating, but she hadn’t touched herself once since entering the store, so how was she feeling this way?

The cashier asked if she was alright, and she replied that she was as she felt something leaking down her leg.

Finally, Tate managed to milk a finish out of the scenario. Cum spurted into the air and landed across his hand, coating his fingers and knuckles before dripping down to the bedspread. The boy let out an exhale and collapsed backwards, letting his co*ck flop onto his stomach as he basked in the relaxing afterglow.

“AHHHHHH!” Liza cried out as she came as well, her own cum spilling down her leg without any sort of stimulation coming from Liza’s hands in the slightest. She had no idea how it happened, but she quickly tried to recover so the confused cashier wouldn’t figure out what happened. She paid for her stuff and walked out on shaky legs as she raced to figure out how she just came hands free.

She hadn’t yet come to an answer by the time she made it home, and entered. “I’m back!” she called.

Tate had washed his hands and managed to relax at their kitchen table with a cup of tea. He smiled at his sister and waved as she deposited her grocery bags on the counter. "How was the trip?"

“Uhhh…weird…” she replied.


“Yeah just…well, it’s not important,” she said as she shook her head. “Here, help me put this stuff away so we can start training.

"Got it! According to Sabrina, we should try more pyromancy. She says that we're overdoing the levitation and narrowing our scope," Tate explained as he walked to his sister's side to help her unload groceries. The pair were grateful for the Kanto Gym Leader, who never failed to send some advice or assistance from overseas that only another pair of Psychics on her level could truly understand. Ever since she had taken an interest in their abilities, they'd developed much faster than their peers, even considering their exceptional bond.

“Isn’t pyromancy like the higher level stuff? Are you sure we can handle that?”

"I don't know, but if Sabrina says we can, then I'm sure we'll figure it out," Tate replied.

“Alright. If you set your clothes on fire I’m gonna laugh at you, though,” she warned as they finished putting everything away.

"I'll laugh too!" Tate replied with the characteristic joy that marked even their cautionary tasks. "Where should we do it? Inside is easier to focus, but we risk setting something on fire. Outside is safer, but harder to focus. Decisions, decisions," Tate hummed before the twins replied in perfect unison-


They nodded at each other and used a fraction of their abilities to open the back door, entering the backyard one after the other. The twins had been given a home in a nice, suburban area on the belief that, even though they were quite young, living in the outside world with the burden of maturity would make sure that they emotionally developed at the same pace their powers and Pokemon battling ability did. The benefit of this, for both of them, was an expansive, fenced backyard with lush green grass and a large oak tree in the center. Areas like that were perfect for connecting with the world of psychic energy.

“What’s the best place to try, do you think?” Liza asked as she scanned the yard.

"Hmm," Tate closed his eyes and tried to focus. Surely enough, when he closed his eyes, he saw art that someone drew of Sabrina, naked, in the middle of the streets of Saffron. As soon as the image appeared he dispelled it like it was fog in the air, and although he gasped a bit and a blush developed in his face, he sincerely hoped that Liza wasn't already on the same wavelength as him. Shouldn't masturbating have cured him of these needs?

Unfortunately, they were on the same wavelength, and the image flashed through her own mind as well, and she turned to flash her brother a look. “Really?”


She sighed. “Nevermind.” She supposed she couldn’t talk, since she was still thinking about the fact she’d cum in the store without even trying. She tried to force it out of her mind as she pointed towards a relatively empty spot of the yard. “How about there?”

"You what?" Tate replied before shaking his head. "I mean, yes, that sounds lovely."

The two made their way over to the spot and sat down. Liza took a deep breath as she tried her best to begin clearing her mind, which was always the first step.

Nothingness. Nonexistence. Empty. Blackness.

A never ending void from which nothing material comes.

Darkness and oblivion. Absolute mental silence.

Sabrina nip slip.

“TATE!” Liza cried.

"I'm sorry!" Tate replied.

“Really, you’re hopeless!” she cried as she closed her eyes again and tried to regain her focus. Yet as she tried to empty her mind, the imagery of her climaxing from earlier kept popping up.

"Okay, pause," Tate replied. "Did you…seriously..."

“I-It wasn’t my fault! It just…happened…”

"Liza, it doesn't just 'happen' like that."

“Well it did! I wasn’t even…you know! I just…started feeling it and it happened in less than a minute!” she defended herself.

"Wait," Tate paused again before a look of horror came across his face. "I, err, I may have..."

“May have what?”

"Well, when you were gone, I attempted to purge these feelings so we could practice, and I may have engaged in an act of…self-pleasure. Perhaps, due to our psychic bond, some of that…overflowed…into you?"

Liza blinked a few times as she absorbed that. “Are you serious?”

"I mean, we feel the same feelings, we receive each other's thoughts, I doubt it's much of a stretch to suggest that, on a physical level, we may experience the same sensations."

“You…have got to be kidding me!” Liza cried. “Are you always thinking about sex and stuff?!”

"No! It's completely natural for someone my age!"

“You aren’t supposed to let it get in the way of training!” Liza continued to exclaim.

"I'm sorry! What else do you want me to say?"

“Try to find a better way to channel those dumb hormones!”

Tate frowned. "Liza, I would if I could."

“Well maybe you just need to have sex with someone.”

Tate scoffed. "As if it's that easy."

“Well if you can’t focus otherwise, why don’t we just do it?!”

"You think that'd work?" Tate replied.

“Uh…wait, I…” Liza immediately paused, her face flushing a bit. “I didn’t really-“

"Liza, we can tell when the other one is lying," Tate chastized his sister.

She sighed. “Would…do you think it would work?”

"I would assume so. If you're okay with it, of course."

“If that’s the only way…”

"So…would you mind taking your clothes off?" Tate suggested.

“Why do I have to go first? I’m older!”

"By only a few minutes! And because..." Tate blushed and looked away. "I like watching girls take their clothes off..."

“Perv,” she said before standing up and, after a moment to psyche herself up, she removed her outerwear and stripped down to her panties in an instant, before she removed that as well, and was left nude before her brother.

His look was one of shocked awe, and when Liza made eye contact with him she could feel the arousal and shock mixing around so potently that, for a moment, it felt as if those emotions were his own.

"You look beautiful," he spoke up.

“D-Don’t make it weird,” she said.

"S-sorry!" Tate chirped as he stood up. He took off his clothes more slowly, but he didn't tremble at all like his sister did. It was almost like he wanted to draw out the moment. Soon enough he was naked as well, and standing across from his sister. They were truly identical twins, but their nude forms exposed the key 'differences' between them. Liza had small bumps that formed her breasts, and the barest tuft of dark hair resting above her puss*. Tate had a bit more hair above his quickly growing co*ck, and his chest was only slightly flatter than his sister's by comparison.

“Wow…you’re…bigger than I expected…” Liza noted as she couldn’t help her eyes immediately shooting down.

"Thanks," Tate couldn't help but smile before his look turned to one of confusion. "Wait, what did you expect?"

“Like…two inches? Maybe less?”

"Hey!" Tate protested. "That's mean! Besides, when do you even-" Tate focused in and, thanks to the lust clouding both of their minds, he got a glimpse of his sister's psyche. Specifically the part where she was with a very naked Wallace. "And you called me a perv!"

“H-Hey! He’s hot! Shut up!” she defended. “You’re the one who thinks about Sabrina 24/7!”

"I mean, he is, I'm not sure what you have about Sabrina-" Tate trailed off. "Anyways, how should we…begin?"

“I’m…not sure. I mean…you’re already hard so should I…touch it? Oh, but you can’t go in because I’m not wet yet…”

"You're right," Tate hummed a bit. "Lay out our clothes so you don't have to lay on the grass."

Liza used her powers to telepathically pick up and lay out her clothes before she knelt and laid her back against them. Her face flushed however as she struggled to open her legs.

Tate got on his knees in front of her, and somehow the sight of his erect penis next to her legs only made it seem that much more intimidating. "Can you move your legs?"

“Mmmm…” she whined before slowly doing as he said, opening her legs and fully exposing herself to him.

'It looks so…pretty,' Tate exhaled in his mind.

“You…really think so?” Liza replied aloud.

"Y-yeah!" Tate replied as he gently reached down with one hand, letting his fingertips brush past her folds.

“Ahhhh~!“ she gasped. “W-Woah…!”

"Ah!" Tate gasped as well. "Are you okay?"

“Y-Yeah…just…that felt powerful…more than when I do it…”

"And you called me a perv~" Tate taunted as he reached down and applied a bit more force while brushing his sister.

“I-I didn’t say I don’t do it! Just that—mmmmm!—not as much as you apparently!”

"Sure, sure~" Tate grinned as he moved up slightly and pressed down on the hood of her cl*t.

“GAAAAAH!” Liza cried as she felt herself instantly getting wet.

"So loud, you seem to be enjoying yourself~" Tate commented in that strange, playful tone that did things to his sister she couldn't properly identify right at that moment. He used both hands to grip her knees and spread her legs apart further, giving him space to lean down and press a kiss against his sister's c*nt.

“AHHHH! Y-You’re going that far?!” she cried, her face red as the kiss sent a burst through her veins.

Tate didn't need to reply when she could feel the emotions in her brother's psyche. His lust drove him far enough that the thought of being so intimate with his own flesh and blood was, rather than horrifying or disgusting, enticing to him; and the strength of that emotion was enough that Liza could feel her own thoughts being polluted with her. It didn't help to have the wonderful sensation of his tongue flicking across her sensitive core with the kind of texture and pace that her fingers could never achieve.

Liza closed her mouth and tried to enjoy the waves of pleasure as her body slowly bucked up and down, almost thrusting into his face as she reached down and placed her hand on his head.

'Hey Liza,' Tate's voice filled her psyche as she let his oral service carry her away. 'We're still outside, anyone could see us out here~'

“H-Huh?!” she cried. “Wh-Why’re you saying that all of a sudden?!”

'Because I think it'd be fun if someone saw you like this~' Tate taunted his sister.

“D-Don’t say that!”

Tate removed his mouth from her puss*, causing her to let out a gentle whimper of need that grew as Tate rose and pressed the tip of his co*ck against his sister's entrance.

“You’re the worst…” she said as she pouted, though her body was screaming for more.

"What's the matter, you want me to stop~?" Tate chuckled as he tapped the tip of his co*ck against her again.

“NO!” she shouted louder than she meant to, and blushed. “N-No…”

"Oh? So what is it that you want me to do~?"

“Are you really gonna make me say it?”

"I don't know what you're referring to," Tate replied with a grin.

She whined, and turned her face away. “P-Please put it in me…”

"My fingers? Sure, I can do that, but it seems a little anticlimactic."

“UGH! Put your penis in me!” she shouted.

"You should be careful, someone might hear you~" Tate replied before he did just as she begged for, planting his co*ck inside of her in one strong thrust.

“AHHHHHH!” she cried out. Intense, tight pain shot through her so she barely even registered what he said. Tears filled her eyes as his co*ck, which was large for his age, easily filled her.

At the same time, his hands reached up to grasp at her petite breasts. His nails dug into her skin and she felt the sensitive nubs being ground into her chest as he humped into her like a Pokemon in heat, forcing himself deeper and deeper inside of her.

Thankfully it didn’t long for a wave of pleasure to crash over the pain and drown it as she let out what was an almost animalistic growl of joy. “M-Moreeee!”

Tate obliged, laying into his sister with more and more vigor and filling the garden with the sound of flesh smacking against flesh. Even the air was filled with the scent of sex, and Tate buried his face into Liza's neck to cover it with kisses and lovebites.

“Why…are you so…mmmm…good at this?” she questioned as she could barely think through the fog of arousal.

"I…don't know..." Tate moaned as he hilted his co*ck inside of her, grinding his pelvis against her and letting her feel just how much of her insides were occupied by her own brother's co*ck.

“Oooooo…mmmmm~!” Liza groaned as she felt a pressure building, one she knew well. It was coming on faster than she’d ever experienced it, however, making it different from the usual.

Their bond was so strong that even their org*sms came at the same time. Liza's walls clenched down around Tate's co*ck as she spasmed and whimpered under the weight of the explosion of pleasure that went off in her core, and she recognized that the odd feeling inside of her body was her brother's cum being shot deep inside of her.

Once they’d both finished, it felt like several minutes went by before either was able to speak, as they’d had to spend the time catching their breath.

“That was…surprisingly incredible…”

The words came from both of their mouths in perfect unison. Tate punctuated the moment by kissing his sister, directly on the lips. "I think I'm ready to train now."

A few weeks later, the twins had met Sabrina in person, and were demonstrating their pyromancy skills with all the grace and style of the woman herself. They put on a five minute performance for her before giving her a grand bow.

"So, how did we do?" Tate asked as they dispelled the fireball above their heads into millions of harmless sparks that died in the moist grass around them.

Sabrina clapped enthusiastically, almost bouncing out of the lawn chair they had provided for her. "Excellent work! Such mastery of fire in such a short amount of time, it's unusual enough to remind me of, well, myself. I am curious though, how did you two manage it?"

“U-Uh…well…” Liza glanced at her brother.

"J-j-just hard work and-"

"Practice and diligence," they finished simultaneously.

"Hmm, suspicious," Sabrina replied as her eyes narrowed and glowed with a light shade of green. Her expression didn't change as they went back to normal, but her next words struck like lightning. "How repugnant of you both."

“D-Did you just…?”

"Read our minds?"

"Yes, and I am disappointed." Sabrina replied as she stood up. "Next week's lesson will be an intensive review of personal, familial, and sexual ethics."

Tate collapsed to his knees.

“Yeah…that’s fair,” Liza remarked.

Psychic Bonds - LadyRedHeart, SecondChildAsuka - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.