Multigrain Bread vs Brown Bread. What’s the Difference? (2024)

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    With so many types of bread being available, it can get a little tricky to decide what to pick. In this short piece, we will be decoding the two types of bread we hear about often – Multigrain bread vs brown bread - and trace what sets them apart.

    Multigrain bread vs brown bread

    One of the best things in life is bread; whether you enjoy it as crunchy toast in the morning, lathered with a spread of your choice, or prefer hunks of it to go along with a steaming bowl of soup. How many times have you gone to a restaurant and gushed over their assorted breadbasket? Or maybe your go to meal when you’re peckish is a sandwich featuring your favourite fillings and thick slices of bread. However, your enjoyment of bread is only enhanced by the type you choose. For instance, there’s a great deal of nutritional and taste-based difference between brown bread and multigrain bread. Here’s a handy guide to help you understand which is better, multigrain or brown bread.

    Let’s start by understanding what multigrain bread is all about. This variety of bread is made using a mixture of different grains, including barley, maize and wheat. The medley of grains gives this bread a delicious nutty flavour and chewy texture. While its texture is like that of multigrain bread, it has a more earthy flavour, with a tinge of sweetness. If you want to neutralise its inherent flavour, you can always make use of condiments like mustard, mayonnaise, and pickles.

    Multigrain loaves differ from white bread in two significant ways: They are more nutritious and less crumbly. This is why multigrain bread makes for a great sandwich bread.You can also toast multigrain bread and spread a nut butter of your choice over it for a hearty and healthy breakfast.
    Now, let’s look at what brown bread is all about. Brown bread is called so because of its colour – the bread has a brownish tint and is thus, visibly different from white bread. This bread is brown is because it contains significant amounts of whole grain flour. This could be wheat or rye, with whole wheat flour being the more popular option in India.The flavour and texture of brown bread will largely depend on the kind of grain that is being used to make it. For instance, whole wheat bread is usually nutty in flavour, with a hint of sweetness.
    Whole wheat flour contains all three parts of a wheat kernel – the fibre-rich bran, the endosperm and the nutrient-rich germ. This makes brown bread a lot healthier than white bread, which is made of refined flour.

    While brown bread also works well for preparing sandwiches, you can also use it to make avocado toast to kickstart your mornings or toast it to perfection and make garlic bread to enjoy as appetizers.

    Difference between multigrain and brown bread

    When it comes to multigrain bread vs brown bread, the first key difference between these two breads is the ingredients used to make them. Multigrain bread makes use of multiple grains, while brown bread is made from whole grain flour of a single type of grain. So, if you choose to buy multigrain bread, you can enjoy the wholesome goodness of an array of grains such as wheat, barley, oats, flax, buckwheat, millets, and so on. Such grains are usually packed with healthy nutrients and are densely rich in fibres. Multigrain bread can be a great substitute for regular bread if you’re trying to follow a regimented diet. It also keeps you full for a longer time so it’s the perfect choice to pack for your work lunches or as a to-go snack.

    Another key difference is that though multigrain bread is made of multiple grains, none of them might be whole. Breads made of whole grain flour are healthier, rich in fibre and more nutritious, and hence, brown bread would be the healthier option here.Brown bread is also renowned for providing various health benefits, including aiding in maintaining sugar levels, regulating digestion, and reducing the risk of obesity.

    As far as multigrain vs brown bread is concerned, the choice comes down to your personal preference and lifestyle goals.

    Brown Bread or Multigrain Bread, Find it All at Theobroma

    At Theobroma, we believe in helping you access quality breads that are as delicious as they are healthy. Our curated selection of breads also includes multigrain bread and whole wheat loaves.

    At Theobroma, we offer a nutritious multigrain loafmade of 8 different types of flour, including jowar, ragi, soya, oats and whole wheat. The upper crust is peppered with nutrient-rich seeds such as flax seeds, watermelon seeds, and sesame seeds.While the exterior of the loaf provides an interesting textural element to your meals, its insides are soft, moist, and airy. It’s also made without using egg and can be cherished by those with eggless diets too. Pair it with a main course dish of your choice or use it to make hearty sandwiches as per your liking.

    Our wheat bread loaf is made using 70% whole wheat flour, giving it a rich, nutty flavour and firm texture.Moist, soft, and airy, our whole wheat bread is perfect, whether enjoyed as is, toasted, or incorporated into your favourite recipes. Again, it is prepared without egg, allowing anyone with dietary restrictions to delight in it as well.

    At Theobroma, we go above and beyond to ensure that we serve only high-quality products. All of our breads are freshly baked using premium ingredients. We make sure to use original and authentic recipes to ensure that you get to partake in the best taste and flavours. We also make procuring fresh bread easy for you, no matter where you live. You can easily source our delectable breads by placing your order online. To do so, you can visit our official website or use delivery partners like Swiggy or Zomato.

    Shop our breads online or instore and start eating healthier!

    Updated on Jan 24, 2024

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    Multigrain Bread vs Brown Bread. What’s the Difference? (2024)


    Multigrain Bread vs Brown Bread. What’s the Difference? ›

    Multigrain bread makes use of multiple grains, while brown bread is made from whole grain flour of a single type of grain. So, if you choose to buy multigrain bread, you can enjoy the wholesome goodness of an array of grains such as wheat, barley, oats, flax, buckwheat, millets, and so on.

    Which is better, brown bread or multigrain bread? ›

    Brown bread has maida (refined flour) + atta (wheat flour). Multi grain bread has oats, barley, soybean, rye, wheat, millet etc. These cereals have high fibre content and nutritionally multi grain bread has more nutrients than its brown bread counterpart. If taste is not a constraint, multi grain bread is better.

    Is multigrain bread actually healthy? ›

    Multigrain bread does contain fiber. While it doesn't contain as much fiber as whole-grain bread, it contains more fiber than white bread. In addition, if multigrain bread is made up of whole grains, the fiber content is greater and creates a nutritious bread type.

    What is the healthiest bread to eat? ›

    Next time you're at the store, look for the following options to find a healthy bread you like.
    • Wholegrain bread. Wholegrain bread is minimally processed and made with flour from fully intact grains. ...
    • Multigrain bread. ...
    • Dark rye bread. ...
    • Authentic sourdough bread. ...
    • Flaxseed, or linseed, bread. ...
    • Ezekiel, or sprouted grain, bread.
    Mar 19, 2024

    Is brown bread the healthiest bread? ›

    Wholemeal bread is a type of brown bread made from the whole of a grain kernel. Bread made using all parts of the grain kernel is more nutritious and takes longer to digest than varieties which arent, like white bread.

    Is it OK to have multigrain bread everyday? ›

    Multigrain bread can be healthy for weight loss. When compared to refined grains, studies have shown that eating whole grains can help to reduce belly fat. Make sure to look for multigrain bread that is 100% whole grain if you want to benefit the most from it while trying to lose weight.

    Is multigrain bread healthy for diabetics? ›

    Multigrain bread is bread that contains multiple types of grains, like wheat, rye, or barley. Multigrain breads can be made with whole grains or refined grains. Like with all breads, a multigrain bread made with whole grains is generally better for blood sugar than one made with refined grains.

    What is the most unhealthy type of bread? ›

    The highly processed flour and additives in white, packaged bread can make it unhealthful. Consuming too much white bread can contribute to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. However, buying bread with the word “whole” as the first ingredient still does not guarantee a healthful product.

    What bread is safe to eat everyday? ›

    In general, you want to look for whole-grain bread that has some fiber, protein and not too much sodium or added sugar per slice. Sprouted grain bread hits all those marks and has a hearty texture that I think is delicious when toasted.

    What bread is best when trying to lose weight? ›

    Yes, whole grain bread is very good for weight loss. Eating whole grains have been shown to help eliminate more belly fat when compared to eating refined grains. Whole grain bread contains fiber, which may also help keep you full for longer, making it easier to eat less overall and help lose weight.

    Can I eat brown bread daily? ›

    Yes, you can eat brown bread every day, just don't overdo it. You can eat 4-4.5 slices of brown bread without worrying about your health. The fibre, vitamins, and minerals in brown bread make it a healthy choice. It regulates bowel movements, lowers cholesterol levels, and keeps blood sugar levels under control.

    Is peanut butter good for you? ›

    A Quick Review. Peanut butter packs many health-promoting nutrients that benefit heart health, blood sugar, and weight management. The nut butter might help you get a good night's rest and help you feel full longer. Peanut butter can be a good companion to apples, bananas, chocolate, or simply eaten by the spoonful.

    What is the best bread to eat for weight loss? ›

    Yes, whole grain bread is very good for weight loss. Eating whole grains have been shown to help eliminate more belly fat when compared to eating refined grains. Whole grain bread contains fiber, which may also help keep you full for longer, making it easier to eat less overall and help lose weight.

    Is bread or brown bread better for weight loss? ›

    Brown bread is often recommended for weight loss because it is higher in fiber and nutrients compared to white bread, which is typically made from refined flour. The fiber in brown bread can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing your overall calorie intake.

    Is brown bread healthy for diabetics? ›

    Why are wholegrains a healthy choice? Wholegrains are a smart choice, not just for people with diabetes, but for the whole family. If you do have diabetes, wholegrain foods are usually better for managing blood glucose levels because they tend to have a lower glycaemic index (GI).

    Is whole grain bread better than brown rice? ›

    Which is healthier: bread or rice? When looking at the nutritional content of a single serving of bread and rice, bread may be considered the healthier option. This is due to bread containing fewer calories and carbohydrates than rice. However, rice does contain more protein, vitamins, and minerals compared to bread.

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