Life Science - 5th Grade Science (2024)

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Example Question #41 : Life Science

Producers make their food. They use a process called photosynthesis to make their food. Photosynthesis uses which of the following ingredients

Possible Answers:

water, air, sunlight

water, sunlight, soil

water, soil, air

water, sunlight, carbon dioxide

Correct answer:

water, sunlight, carbon dioxide


Plants (producers) are at the beginning of every food chain that involves the Sun. All energy comes from the Sun, and plants are the ones who make food with that energy through photosynthesis. Plants get their energy from the Sun, carbon dioxide, and water. Without water transporting nutrients to the plants, they would not grow and survive. Water also helps cool plants as they evaporate water through transpiration.

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Example Question #41 : 5th Grade Science

Which statement best describes how energy is transformed during photosynthesis?

Possible Answers:

plants take inthermal energy and change it to light energy

plants take in chemical energy and change it to light energy

plants take in chemical energy and change it tothermal energy

plants take in light energy and change it to chemical energy in the form of food

Correct answer:

plants take in light energy and change it to chemical energy in the form of food


Plants are called producers because they produce their food. Through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide with their leaves, water, and nutrients from the soil with their roots, and sunlight to create glucose. This energy-rich sugar gives plants what they need to grow and survive. Plants are the only organism that can use sunlight to make their food.

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Example Question #43 : Life Science

Plants make up most of the Earth's biomass or organic material.What would happen to consumers if there were no more plants?

Possible Answers:

They would eventually adapt to only eating other consumers.

They would use photosynthesis to make their own food.

They would get their energy from other sources, like oxygen.

They would die because they would have no source of energy.

Correct answer:

They would die because they would have no source of energy.


Plants (producers) indirectly provide energy to all members of the food chain. When something consumes a plant and is later eaten, that energy is passed down the line. Decomposers and herbivorous consumers are the only two membersthat directly receive energy from plants (producers). If plants were removed from the food chain, consumers would die because they would have no source of energy.

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Example Question #41 : Life Science

Which statement about the flow of energy in an ecosystem is correct?

Possible Answers:

Energy flows from the Sun to consumers. Producers get energy by eating consumers.

Energy flows from the Sun to decomposers. Producers get energy by eating decomposers.

Energy flows from the Sun to decomposers. Consumers get energy by eating decomposers.

Energy flows from the Sun to producers. Consumers get energy by eating producers.

Correct answer:

Energy flows from the Sun to producers. Consumers get energy by eating producers.


Plants (producers) indirectly provide energy to all members of the food chain. When something consumes a plant and is later eaten, that energy is passed down the line. Decomposers and herbivorous consumers are the only two membersthat directly receive energy from plants (producers). Energy flows from the Sun to producers. Consumers get energy by eating producers. The flow of energy starts with the Sun, flows to producers, and then to consumers. The decomposers break down the organisms that are no longer living and return that energy to the Earth.

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Example Question #1 : Model The Movement Of Matter Among Plants

Plants and animals need energy to survive. Which of the following statements are correct?

Possible Answers:

Animals can make the energy they need.

Energy in animals is passed to plants.

Some food chains have only consumers.

Energy flows from producers to consumers.

Correct answer:

Energy flows from producers to consumers.


Energy flows from producers to consumers. Plants (producers) indirectly provide energy to all members of the food chain. When something consumes a plant and is later eaten, that energy is passed down the line. Decomposers and herbivorous consumers are the only two membersthat directly receive energy from plants (producers). The food chain relies on each member to pass energy on to the next. If one link in the chain is broken, the food chain will collapse.

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Example Question #1 : Model The Movement Of Matter Among Environments

How is energy transformed and transferred as it flows through the food chain?(A graphic of a food chain is provided below.)

Life Science - 5th Grade Science (1)

Possible Answers:

The Sun provides energy fordecomposers who transfer that energy when eaten, the trend continues through the chain.

The Sun provides energy for producers who transfer that energy when eaten, the trend continues through the chain.

The Sun provides energy forconsumers who transfer that energy when eaten, the trend continues through the chain.

Energy is not transferred or transformedas it flows through a food chain.

Correct answer:

The Sun provides energy for producers who transfer that energy when eaten, the trend continues through the chain.


The Department of Education and Training for Victoria State in Canada explains in scientific terms how energy is transformed and transferred through the food chain in a very clear way, "Energy is transferred between organisms in food webs from producers to consumers. The energy is used by organisms to carry out complex tasks. The vast majority of energy that exists in food webs originates from the sun and is converted (transformed) into chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis in plants. A small proportion of this chemical energy is transformed directly into heat when compounds are broken down during respiration in plants. The majority of the chemical energy stored in plants is transformed into other forms by an assortment of consumers, such as cows, rabbits, horses, sheep, caterpillars, and other insects eating plants. Some of the stored chemical energy in a producer such as grass is stored as chemical energy in the fat or protein in the first-order consumers that eat the grass. This energy is available for higher-order consumers. At each stage of a food chain, most of the chemical energy is converted to other forms such as heat and does not remain within the ecosystem."


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Example Question #2 : Model The Movement Of Matter Among Environments

How does energy flow within an ecosystem? (A graphic of a food chain is provided below.)

Life Science - 5th Grade Science (2)

Possible Answers:

Energy begins with plants and is passed to decomposers; from there, it moves to consumers and ends with the Sun and water.

Energy is recycled in a food chain and flows between producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Energy starts with consumers and is passed to others through family groups and friendships.

Energy is accumulated at the top of the chain, and the final consumer gets all of it.

Correct answer:

Energy is recycled in a food chain and flows between producers, consumers, and decomposers.


The Department of Education and Training for Victoria State in Canada explains in scientific terms how energy is transferred through the food chain in an ecosystem, "Energy is transferred between organisms in food webs from producers to consumers. The energy is used by organisms to carry out complex tasks. The vast majority of energy that exists in food webs originates from the sun and is converted (transformed) into chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis in plants. A small proportion of this chemical energy is transformed directly into heat when compounds are broken down during respiration in plants. The majority of the chemical energy stored in plants is transformed into other forms by an assortment of consumers, such as cows, rabbits, horses, sheep, caterpillars, and other insects eating plants. Some of the stored chemical energy in a producer such as grass is stored as chemical energy in the fat or protein in the first-order consumers that eat the grass. This energy is available for higher-order consumers. At each stage of a food chain, most of the chemical energy is converted to other forms such as heat and does not remain within the ecosystem."

Energy is recycled in a food chain and flows between producers, consumers, and decomposers. There is no accumulation of energy; a final consumer does not end up with all the energy; it is recycled and transferred through prey/predator relationships.


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Example Question #3 : Model The Movement Of Matter Among Environments

Which list shows a possible order in which energy moves through an ecosystem if building a model?

Possible Answers:

Sun, producer, predator, consumer, and decomposer

Producer, Sun, carnivore, herbivore, and decomposer

Herbivore, carnivore, Sun, producer, and decomposer

Sun, producer, herbivore, carnivore, and decomposer

Correct answer:

Sun, producer, herbivore, carnivore, and decomposer


The Department of Education and Training for Victoria State in Canada explains in scientific terms how energy is transferred through an ecosystem, "Energy is transferred between organisms in food webs from producers to consumers. The energy is used by organisms to carry out complex tasks. The vast majority of energy that exists in food webs originates from the sun and is converted (transformed) into chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis in plants. A small proportion of this chemical energy is transformed directly into heat when compounds are broken down during respiration in plants. The majority of the chemical energy stored in plants is transformed into other forms by an assortment of consumers, such as cows, rabbits, horses, sheep, caterpillars, and other insects eating plants. Some of the stored chemical energy in a producer such as grass is stored as chemical energy in the fat or protein in the first-order consumers that eat the grass. This energy is available for higher-order consumers. At each stage of a food chain, most of the chemical energy is converted to other forms such as heat and does not remain within the ecosystem."

An example of a food chain is presented in the graphic below. It starts with the Sun providing the energy needed for the producer's photosynthesis. The plant is eaten by an herbivore, which is consumed by acarnivore (and there may be a few carnivores in the chain), and finally, the waste and remains for dead organisms are broken down by decomposers to be put back into the ecosystem.

Life Science - 5th Grade Science (3)


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Example Question #4 : Model The Movement Of Matter Among Environments

What is the original source of almost all the energy in most ecosystems?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The Department of Education and Training for Victoria State in Canada explains in scientific terms how energy is transferred through the food chain when all the necessary organisms are present, "Energy is transferred between organisms in food webs from producers to consumers. The energy is used by organisms to carry out complex tasks. The vast majority of energy that exists in food webs originates from the Sun and is converted (transformed) into chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis in plants. A small proportion of this chemical energy is transformed directly into heat when compounds are broken down during respiration in plants." Plants (producers) rely on sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. Thoughherbivores and carnivores do not get their energy directly from the Sun, they still rely on the plants (producers) who do and that energy is passed through the food chain.


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Example Question #1 : Model The Movement Of Matter Among Environments

In the model below, why are all of the arrows pointing to the mushrooms?

Life Science - 5th Grade Science (4)

Possible Answers:

The mushrooms arecarnivoresand break downherbivores and omnivores. They receive energy from all parts of the food chain.

The mushrooms areconsumers and break downdecomposers and producers. They receive energy from all parts of the food chain.

The mushrooms are decomposers and break down consumers and producers. They receive energy from all parts of the food chain.

The mushrooms areproducers and break down consumers and producers. They receive energy from all parts of the food chain.

Correct answer:

The mushrooms are decomposers and break down consumers and producers. They receive energy from all parts of the food chain.


Each arrow represents the direction energy is flowing. Energy moves to the mushrooms because they are decomposers, and they break down the remains of dead organisms. They distribute waste and nutrients back into the food chain through soil absorption.

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Life Science - 5th Grade Science (2024)


What is life science for 5th grade? ›

Fifth grade students explore how organisms interact with one another and with their environment. They also build a deeper understanding of inherited traits and learned behaviors, and how structures and functions can help organisms to survive.

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The study of life sciences involves examining living organisms and their workings from cells to ecosystems. It includes various disciplines, such as biology, genetics, ecology and physiology to help us understand evolution and interactions between organisms and their environment.

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Kids Definition

life science. noun. : a branch of science (as biology, medicine, and sometimes anthropology or sociology) that deals with living things and life processes. usually used in plural.

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There are many disciplines included in the life sciences, however, such as anthropology, ecology, entomology, botany, zoology, microbiology, physiology, biotechnology, evolutionary biology, genetics, human anatomy, marine biology, molecular and cell biology, neuroscience, paleontology, plant biology, and biochemistry.

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Fifth grade science includes the study of topics like Earth, space, engineering, and matter.

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Grades 7-12: Life Science.

What is life science 5 sentence? ›

A good life science definition is the study of living things and life processes. It is an enormous field that includes any living thing from microscopic organisms to dinosaurs and everything in between. It includes plants, animals, insects, bacteria, viruses, and even cells, past or present.

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As the name might suggest, life science studies life in all its forms, past and present. This can include plants, animals, viruses and bacteria, single-celled organisms, and even cells.

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The simplest way to define life sciences is the study of living organisms and life processes. At NCBiotech, we see it as science involving cells and their components, products and processes. Biology, medicine and agriculture are the most obvious examples of the discipline.

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Studying the life sciences will provide you with a foundation of scientific knowledge and ways of exploring the world. The life sciences pervade so many aspects of our lives – from health care, to the environment, to debates about stem cell research and genetic testing.

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Life science helps to understand the cell cycle that plays a vital role in the health of living things. Growth and development of living things are dependent on the cell cycle. Mitotic cell division contributes to the growth of the human body and they replace worn-out cells as skin cells.

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'Life Sciences' is the scientific study of living things from molecular level to their interactions with one another and their environments. To be accepted as a science, it is necessary to use certain methods for broadening existing knowledge, or discovering new things.

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WHAT IS LIFE SCIENCE? Life science studies living organisms and processes. It spans a vast swath of scientific research, from aiding our understanding of microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria, to deciphering the physiological processes of the largest land and marine animals on the planet.

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Four of the great ideas of biology are discussed: the cell as the basic structural and functional unit of life, the gene as the mechanism of heredity, evolution by natural selection, and life as chemistry.

What are the 4 main topics of science? ›

Through the study of Science students learn about our biological, chemical, geological, physical and technological world.

What is life science easy meaning? ›

The simplest way to define life sciences is the study of living organisms and life processes. At NCBiotech, we see it as science involving cells and their components, products and processes. Biology, medicine and agriculture are the most obvious examples of the discipline.

What do 5th graders learn in biology? ›

Expect students in fifth grade to examine cells under a microscope and learn to identify the different parts of the cell, including the cell membrane and nucleus. Children should also learn about the systems of the body and how they work together.

What is the life cycle 5th grade science? ›

A life cycle is a series of stages a living thing goes through during its life. All plants and animals go through life cycles. It is helpful to use diagrams to show the stages, which often include starting as a seed, egg, or live birth, then growing up and reproducing. Life cycles repeat again and again.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.