I. OUR elders are ..................................... nicely, after all! Is bread-making still popular in Goa? How do you know? (2024)

I. OUR elders are ..................................... nicely, after all! Is bread-making still popular in Goa? How do you know? (2024)


I. OUR elders are ..................................... nicely, after all! Is bread-making still popular in Goa? How do you know? ›

Yes, bread making is still popular in Goa. This is clear from the statement of the narrator that the eaters have gone away leaving the makers behind. There are mixers, moulders, and the ones who bake the loaves. The time-tested furnaces still exist there.

What tells you that bread making is still popular in Goa? ›

Yes, bread-making is still popular in Goa. It is evident from the fact when the narrator states that the eaters have gone away, but the makers still exist. The presence of the mixers, moulders and the ones who bake the loaves and the time tested furnaces are a proof of their existence.

How can you say that the makers of the famous Goan loaves are still there? ›

Many of those eaters of loaves might have died but their makers still exist. The mixers, the moulders and those who bake the loaves are still there in Goa. The fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished and the thud and jingle of the baker.

How is the effect of the traditional bread makers can still be seen in Goa today? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The thud and jingling of traditional baker's bamboo announcing his arrival can still heard in goa now. The fathers is not alive but the sons still carries on the family proffession . These bakers are even today known as pader there.

How do we know that the makers of bread still exist? ›

How do we get to know that the makers of bread still exist? Answer: The narrator states that the eaters of loaves might have vanished but the makers are still there. They say that those age-old, time-tested furnaces still exist and the fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished.

How do you know the bread popular in Goa? ›

Yes bread-making is still popular in Goa. The author has described about the existence of time-old furnaces and their still burning fire. The Goan society is still having moulders bread mixers and bakers.

How do the elders in Goa remember a baker? ›

The 'thud' and 'jingle' of the traditional bamboo baker, marking his arrival in the morning, could still be heard in some places. It is a family profession that is carried out generations after generations. In Goa, the bakers are known as the pader.

What do elders in Goa still love to remember? ›

The elders in Goa are nostalgic about the great old Portuguese days and their love for bread and loaves.

How can you say that the people of Goa are still fond of bread class 10th? ›

Answer: In Goa, the older generation cherishes fond memories of the past when Portuguese influence was strong, particularly their appreciation for the famous bread loaves. Despite the disappearance of those who used to enjoy these loaves, the tradition of making them still persists among bread makers in the region.

Is bread still an important part of Goan life? ›

Answer: Yes, bread is an important part of Goan life. Bread is essential for every celebration in a Goan house. The Portuguese ruled Goa for centuries and the art of bread making is a legacy which is granted by them.

What are the bakers called? ›

The baker is called a pader.

How does a baker look in appearance? ›

A 'jackfruit-like appearance' means a plump physique. Such a physique was linked to the bakers because they never starved. Baking was a profitable profession. The baker, his family, and his servants always looked happy and prosperous and had a 'jackfruit-like appearance'.

Why would the baker come every day? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

He used to sell the items because of which he would come every day. He would go to sell the items and return after selling them. This made his journey twice. The author along with the other children was very much fond of his bread bangles.

Why are bread makers not popular anymore? ›

Some attribute the demise of the bread machine to the fact that cooks were just disappointed by their results. Lara Pizzorno, the author of Bread Machine Baking, chalked it up to food snobs who regarded the machine as “the electric equivalent of The Bridges of Madison County” in a 1996 article in The New York Times.

Do people still buy bread makers? ›

Types of Bread Makers

Vertical Bread Machines: When bread machines were first sold, they produced bread loaves that were tall and rectangular. These vertical bread machines are still popular today. They tend to be less expensive, have a smaller footprint (and smaller loaves), and are easier to store.

How long will bread maker bread last? ›

Bread made from your bread machine is best eaten on the same day, however if kept in an airtight container will last for 2 to 3 days depending on the type. Most bread types can be kept in the freezer. If the bread is slightly stale it can be used for bread pudding, croutons or baked French toast to save wasting it.

What is the significance of bread baker in Goa? ›

Breads and cakes were an integral part of everyday life in Goa and were also consumed on special occasions. Thus, the baker was a man whose arrival was always eagerly anticipated by the adults and children. Bakers were very informal with the children. They were considered as friends and companions.

How do we know that Goa's bakers are very prosperous? ›

The author judges this by the fact that a baker, his family members and people associated with the baker looked happy and had fatty physique. Their plumpy bodies were an open testimony to their prosperity.

Is traditional bread-baking still a very profitable business in Goa? ›

(v) Bread and cakes were an integral part of Goan life in the old days. Ans: Incorrect. Bread and cakes are still an integral part of Goan life. (vi) Traditional bread-baking is still a very profitable business.

Why was a bakery considered very important in Goa when the Portuguese were there? ›

Answer: In olden days, Goa was very much influenced by the Portuguese. Baking was considered an essential and profitable profession in a traditional Goan village. The Portuguese were famous for preparing the loaves of bread.

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