How to top bread dough | The Perfect Loaf (2024)

Putting some sort of topping on your bread dough before you bake is a great way to add flavor, texture, nutrition, and visual appeal to almost any bread. The landscape of options is vast, and it’s also something you can experiment with on your own as you learn to personalize your bread baking. In this article, I talk through the two main methods on how to top bread dough–rolling the top in something like oats or brushing with a liquid such as an egg wash–as well as techniques for ensuring success.

Two styles of topping

I see two different styles of toppings that are intended to enhance the surface of the bread dough:

  1. Adding seeds, grains, and/or cereals
  2. Using washes (like an egg wash)

The first are large, chunkier bits that are meant to stick to the dough and result in a rustic, highly textured crust. Such toppings are often seen on free-form (hearth style) loaves, pan loaves, or other specialty shapes (like my fougasse).

The second are liquids that are brushed on in order to make the finished crust take on a shiny appearance and to allow the baked good to rise without steaming the oven. There are several options in this category, each of which results in a particular finish: egg wash, milk wash, cream wash, melted butter, or raw flour. These toppings are more appropriate for buns, rolls, and pan loaves and are commonly used with dough that’s enriched with dairy, egg, or sugar (like my sourdough pumpkin dinner rolls).

Do you ever top bread dough after baking?

Not usually, but there are some applications where this might make sense. For instance, my sourdough babka calls for a simple sugar glaze after the babka is baked to give it a sweet, shiny crust. Some dinner-style rolls can benefit from a brush of melted butter while still warm from the oven to give them extra shine and savoriness. Of course, there’s also the cinnamon roll, which almost always benefits from icing or cream cheese frosting after baking.

Method 1 for topping bread dough: large toppings

Topping bread dough with larger toppings like seeds, cereals, and grains is an endless playground for exploration. And you can either use a single topping for a loaf of bread, or you can mix and match complementary ones to suit your bread recipe. For instance, using white sesame as you see above in my sunflower and sesame sourdough bread is visually striking, while pumpkin seed and sunflower seed have complementary flavors and taste delicious together.

Let’s take a look at some of my favorite toppings to use when baking loaves of bread, whether they are free-form or in a loaf pan, and then look at some practical steps on how to ensure they stick to your bread dough.

What ingredients work well to top bread dough?

Seeds like sesame, pumpkin, and flaxseed become aromatic and extra flavorful when they’re toasted as the bread bakes in the oven, much like when the seeds are toasted on a sheet pan before using in other applications. Oats become crisp and crunchy, providing flavor and added texture. Here is a list of some of my favorite toppings:

IngredientPreparation (Style)
OatRaw (old-fashioned rolled or instant)
Sesame (white and black)Raw
Pumpkin seedRaw
Wheat germ (not to be confused with wheat bran, which may burn in the oven)Raw (can be sifted freshly milled flour)
Sunflower seedRaw
Benne seedRaw
Salt (used primarily for buns and rolls)Chunky sea salt (like Maldon)

How to get toppings to stick to bread dough

First, I like to spread out the toppings in a thin layer on a quarter baking sheet placed next to my work surface. You could also use a clean kitchen towel or basket/bowl, and if you find yourself using the same toppings over and over, dedicating a round or oblong basket/banneton to hold the toppings can be convenient.

Then, there are two methods I use to ensure my toppings stick to my dough:

  1. Lay a moist towel on your work surface. Roll your dough on the moist towel to dampen the surface, and then roll the dough in the toppings.
  2. Use a handheld spray bottle to spritz the top of the dough after it’s shaped, and then roll it in the toppings.

To roll the dough in the toppings: Lay it down, seam side up, on the toppings, and rock it left and right (or around in a circle if shaping a boule) to ensure even coverage.

Finally, gently transfer the topped dough to your proofing basket, topping side down. Let’s look at a few videos on how to top bread dough, both a batard (oval) and boule (round) shape.

Video: How to top bread dough, boule (round shape)

How to score dough that’s been topped with large toppings

One challenge when topping bread dough, especially if the toppings are chunky and large (like pumpkin seeds or even rolled oats), is that the blade (or lame) used when scoring can snag, making it difficult to sufficiently cut into the dough. In such a case, I prefer to use scissors instead: you simply snip into the dough without having to worry about a sharp knife snagging on any large toppings.

Hold the scissors at a shallow angle and snip into the dough from one side to the other. Each cut starts where the last one left off, forming a zig-zag pattern across the top of the dough, allowing the loaf to rise and open in a controlled way during baking.

Method 2 for topping bread dough: washes, glazes, and flour

When baking rolls, pan loaves, or buns, a typical approach is to use an egg or dairy wash to encourage increased browning and give the top crust a shine. Additionally, rolls can be topped after baking with melted butter for shine and added richness. Finally, sweet products can call for a brush of simple sugar to give it a sweet crust with shine.

How do I make my bread shiny on top?

There are two typical approaches:

  1. Egg wash
  2. Simple syrup glaze

How to make and use an egg wash

An egg wash is a mixture of egg (either whole, just the yolk, or just the white) and liquid, usually milk or cream. Egg washes are a staple in baking and are often used when baking pastry, rolls, enriched pan loaves, or buns. Egg and dairy promote increased coloring through the Maillard reaction: the proteins in egg and dairy encourage browning, while the fat gives it shine.

To increase the shine, use a liquid with more fat (water will have the least shine; cream will have the most). To increase browning, use only the egg yolk in combination with cream.

Egg wash recipe

In a small bowl whisk together:

  • One egg (either whole, just the yolk, or just the white)
  • One tablespoon whole milk, cream, or water

Use a pastry brush to apply a light layer of the wash onto your dough just before baking. If your dough is to be scored (cut), it’s typically best to first brush on the wash, and then score the dough to avoid wash dripping into the cuts.

How to make and use a simple syrup glaze

You can use a simple syrup to give your baked goods shine and sweetness. Apply this glaze shortly after the item is removed from the oven.

The following recipe makes enough to fully glaze at least two of my sourdough babkas, which are baked in a 9 x 4 x 4-inch Pullman pan.

Simple syrup recipe

  • 52g (¼ cup) granulated sugar
  • 52g (¼ cup) water

In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture bubbles and the sugar fully dissolves, 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and let cool completely. Use a pastry brush to apply the glaze after the baked good is removed from the oven and cooled slightly. The simple syrup will keep indefinitely in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

How to top bread dough with flour

You can dust the top of rolls or loaves (white or whole wheat) with white flour for a more rustic or “peasant” style appearance. Using flour is also a wonderful way to keep your bread (especially buns and rolls) vegan but still decorate the top.

The process couldn’t be simpler: before baking, use a fine-meshed sifter to dust the top of the dough lightly with white flour. I use all-purpose white flour for dusting.

How to top bread dough: frequently asked questions

Should I toast my seeds before using them as toppings?

Be sure to use raw seeds as a topping. Toasting seeds amplifies their flavor, but because the seeds will be on the exterior of your dough, they will toast as the loaf is baking in the oven. Toasting them before topping your dough will likely cause them to burn in the oven.

How do I make bread dough glossy or shiny on top?

To make your finished bread or pastry shiny, brush on an egg wash before baking or a simple syrup glaze after baking.

What vegan toppings can I use for bread?

Instead of using an egg wash, I like to use plain, raw, white flour for topping. This style of topping looks great on dinner rolls.

Do you brush the bread with butter before or after baking?

It’s best to brush on melted butter after your bread is baked in the oven, but while it is still warm and cooling on a wire rack.

Do I add salt to an egg wash?

It’s optional. If you add salt (usually a small pinch, about ⅛ teaspoon) before whisking, it will help thin the consistency of the wash, which can make it easier to brush on with a pastry brush.

What’s next?

To try your hand at topping your bread dough, check out my sunflower and sesame sourdough recipe, oat porridge sourdough bread, or my green olive and herb sourdough recipe (which uses raw wheat bran as a topping).

After reading this how to top bread dough guide, visit my Baking Guides Page for more on all things bread baking.

How to top bread dough | The Perfect Loaf (2024)


How do you top bread dough? ›

Topping bread dough: Roll dough on a towel

After you shape your dough, invert it onto the toppings so the good side (the smooth side opposite the seam) is facing down and the seam is facing up. As shown above, use your hands to rock the dough around to ensure the sides are well covered.

How do you make the top of a bread loaf shiny? ›

How do I make bread dough glossy or shiny on top? To make your finished bread or pastry shiny, brush on an egg wash before baking or a simple syrup glaze after baking.

How do you cut the top of a loaf of bread? ›

Score the top of each loaf: Use a sharp knife, razor blade, or bread lame to quickly score the surface of the loaves. Slash each baguette at a 45-degree angle 4 to 5 times along the loaf's axis. Bake the loaves: Bake the loaves according to the recipe's directions immediately after scoring.

How do you get the perfect crust on bread? ›

One of the most crucial steps in making bread. is incorporating steam while baking. Baking a loaf on a sheet pan without steam. will give a crust that is dull, thick, and chewy. To bake with steam at home, try using a Dutch oven or combo cooker. They trap both the water that evaporates from the dough.

Should you butter the top of bread before baking? ›

Butter or Olive Oil Brush: Brush softened butter or olive oil atop the loaf before baking to add flavor and color. Milk Bath: Brushing a loaf with milk before baking gives the baked bread a tender, golden crust. For a sweet bread recipe, sprinkle with sugar if desired.

How do you crisp the top of bread? ›

Use a pizza stone or cloche

So heat and steam are a key part of getting that crust of dreams. To help even more, pre-heat a pizza stone in the oven before starting to bake. Place the baking tray or tin directly onto the baking stone. This brings a hot surface into (almost) direct contact with the bread you're baking.

How to get golden top on bread? ›

Egg wash is a mix of beaten whole egg and water (or milk or cream), which is used to brush onto the top of baked goods before baking. The purpose of egg wash is to provide a nice golden brown, shiny finish on your baking.

Why put egg wash on bread? ›

Egg wash is beaten egg used to glaze or seal baked goods or to adhere breading to foods like cutlets. Whole egg is beaten alone or with another liquid like water, milk or cream. The wash is brushed over the surface of goods like breads, pastries and pies to give them a shiny browned appearance after baking.

Why is my homemade bread not smooth on top? ›

It may indicate the kneading wasn't enough for the gluten to develop properly, or the dough was proved for too short a time or the dough may have been too dry. It is also worth checking the flour you used. Always use strong flour instead of plain and make sure too much salt was not added.

Why slash bread before baking? ›

Scoring is slashing the dough with a blade or a sharp knife to allow it to expand during baking. The purpose is primarily to control the direction in which the bread will expand during “oven spring.” Easier said then done!

Why dust bread with flour before baking? ›

Pro Tip: If you want your design to really pop, dust the top surface of your loaf with flour, then score. The bread will open where you've cut, and bake up more brown, contrasting the white of the flour. It's really important to bake your bread with steam in the oven.

Why spray bread with water before baking? ›

Wetting the dough causes the surface to steam. Covering it traps the moisture. This partnership stops the bread from drying out on the surface in the hot air of the oven and forming a premature crust. Your bread rises more and produces a richer colour, becoming glossy on the surface.

Why do you put water in the oven when baking bread? ›

Moisture in the dough is trapped under the cloche. It turns to steam, which keeps the bread dough moist during baking. The dough expands, swelling into a plump loaf of bread. Once all of the moisture evaporates, the bread begins to brown.

What is the secret to a soft crust? ›

Sweat It Out

When the hot air hits the cold air, the water vapor condenses, or “sweats.” If you cover your bread with a towel or bowl, you can trap that water in your bread, resulting in a softer crust. I've turned otherwise rock-hard loaves into soft, tasty treats this way.

How should I cover bread dough? ›

For best results, use a non-porous, tight fitting cover such as a saucepan lid, bowl cover or even a sheet pan laid on top of the bowl, weighted down with something. Also make sure your bowl is deep enough for the dough to double in size without hitting the cover and impeding its rise.

How to get bread brown on top? ›

What are the best techniques for creating dark color and shine on bread crusts? To create dark, burnished crusts on their loaves, professional bakers brush milk, egg, or water onto the surface of the risen dough before baking.

How to glaze bread after baking? ›

GLAZE FOUR - SWEET GLAZE: Combine the sifted icing sugar with milk, adding vanilla to taste. Drizzle over loaves after they have been baked - apply twice -- half as soon as taken from oven and then again when bread has cooled a bit.

How do you make the top of bread soft? ›

Brush With Butter

As a repeat example, my peasant bread recipe requires that you brush the loaf with butter before you cook it. Butter contains fats that retain gases during baking, ensuring the dough rises properly in the oven and softening the crust.

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