How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (2024)

Pursuing art is about more than practicing technical skills: if you want to become a talented artist, you will need to learn how to find your art style. Developing your own, distinctive art style is imperative to have an individual identity as an artist. Once you understand how to find your art style, you can approach your craft with greater confidence and produce unique works of art.

New artists may be asking themselves, why can’t I figure out my art style? No matter how much you perfect your painting or drawing techniques, you won’t know how to find your art style unless you take the time to discover what inspires you and how you value art. With this guide on how to find your art style, you can begin developing your own creative identity.

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  • How Do You Find Your Art Style?
  • How Long Does It Take to Find Your Art Style?
  • What are Some Common Artistic Styles?
  • How Do You Make Your Art Style Unique?

How Do You Find Your Art Style?

Art Activities

If you are just starting as an artist and trying to figure out how to find your art style, consider participating in various art activities and events. Signing up for a one-time activity is less pressure than signing up for a course and can be a great way to engage your creativity in a casual environment.

Smithsonian Magazine shares that studies are increasingly proving that relaxed art activities can support brain health and mental wellness, thus contributing to further artistic development.

One of the best casual art activities is a paint and sip. At a paint and sip, you and your friends can relax with a glass of wine while you give painting a try. Paint and sips usually involve a guided painting activity, so you get to explore your style and discover acrylic painting ideas for beginners while sticking to the framework that the instructor provides.

It’s not hard to find a paint and sip near you — paint and sips have become quite popular as an entertainment activity and are available in practically every major city, such as paint and sip in Sacramento, paint and sip in Los Angeles and paint and sip in Chicago.

Art Classes

The obvious path to take when you aren’t sure of how to find your art style is to take an art class. Art classes give you a community of fellow artists and an instructor who can guide you through painting tips for beginners and expose you to a wide range of artistic styles.

You don’t need to have any art experience to sign up for an art class. Almost every community has an art program that offers beginner courses for adults that can help you learn how to find your art style.

If you’re feeling a little shy, or if an in-person class isn’t accessible to you, you can look into online classes. You can take all kinds of art classes online, such as online painting classes, drawing classes or watercolor painting for beginners.

As your skills progress, you can continue to take art classes and explore various paint mediums and styles, making the question of how to find your art style an ongoing exploration.

Study Art

Learning how to find your art style takes more than practicing your art skills, or, for that matter, taking a how to find your art style quiz free online. If you want to figure out how to find your art style, you need to have an understanding of art history.

Familiarizing yourself with major art movements and styles from different cultures will give you a point of reference for how to find your art style. After all, most contemporary art is in dialogue with the art of the past.

You can study art in various ways. For instance, you can take a course on art history or art theory, either in-person or online. You could also read books about art history and how to find your art style.

Art books usually have high-quality photographs of famous artworks and useful analysis of the artist’s background and creative approach. Similarly, if you are trying to learn how to find your digital art style, you can find an ample amount of graphic design blogs and portfolios online.

The easy answer to how to find your art style is to go look at art in person. If you have access to an art museum or art gallery, take advantage of it. Regardless of whether you’re going to a famous museum or a small college campus exhibit, looking at art up close and personal will give you a new perspective on how art is made and how art can make the viewer feel.

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (3)

Find Inspiration in the World

Artistic inspiration often occurs outside of the traditional boundaries of fine art. If exploring how to find your art style is genuinely important to you, you should be looking for inspiration everywhere.

When you’re admiring nature or appreciating a well-decorated room, try to soak it all in and use it as an opportunity to determine how to find your art style. Consider the colors, shapes and textures that appeal to you.

The same goes for emotional experiences. If you are having a joyful time with loved ones or lamenting a difficult moment, take the time to consider how you would express those feelings through art.

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (4)

How Long Does It Take to Find Your Art Style?

Keep Practicing

So, are artists born or made? While everyone is capable of unique artistic expression, learning how to articulate that creativity takes time. For most artists, the challenge of how to find your art style is a lifelong journey.

You won’t know how to find your style in 30 minutes. The project of unique and meaningful expression is never finished. Thus, good artists will continue to hone their craft and keep practicing.

Practice is especially important if you are a beginner artist trying to learn how to find your art style. Becoming more comfortable and confident with certain skills or painting techniques will allow you to start adding a more personal flair to your work.

Learning and perfecting new skills also allows you to explore art styles that otherwise aren’t available to you. For instance, if you are interested in multimedia art styles, you will need to be comfortable working with a multitude of materials.

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (5)


If you are unsure of how to find your art style, don’t be afraid to experiment. Experimentation is essential to discovering an authentic art style. Not every style or approach you explore will be a success, but figuring out what does and doesn’t work for you will help you form a more articulated aesthetic.

There are no limits when it comes to artistic experimentation. An easy way to start is to focus on a specific skill or create an obstacle for yourself. You could try drawing without lifting the pencil from the paper or painting a portrait using a limited color palette.

Review Your Work

You don’t want to be too harsh with yourself when you’re in the early stages of figuring out how to find your art style, but you do want to look at your work critically.

The process of developing an art style will go much more quickly if you are continually looking back at the art you’ve created and analyzing your progress.

Reviewing your work doesn’t necessarily mean sorting your pieces into good versus bad, but rather considering the elements that please you and the parts that you would change if you were to make the piece again.

When you look at past artwork you can also rediscover a technique or style that may not have appealed to you at the time, but you now think would be interesting to incorporate into your current approach.

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (6)

Accept Change

Change is a part of life, and it’s also a part of art. The question of how to find your art style will keep popping up throughout your creative journey because who you are is constantly evolving, and your art style should evolve along with you.

Your art style can change for a lot of reasons. New experiences and shifts in your values can lead to a change in your artistic perspective. Your physical health may change, resulting in a necessary adjustment to your artistic technique.

No matter why your style evolves, don’t hesitate to embrace it as a new opportunity to create beautiful, unique works of art.

What are Some Common Artistic Styles?


Realism is a great style to start with if you don’t know how to find your art style. Realism is all about depicting the world as it truly is, without fantastical or romantic elements. Many artists incorporate realism with naturalism, a movement focused on accurate proportions and linear perspective.


Surrealism is a fun art style when you’re experimenting with how to find your art style. The surrealist movement began after World War I and sought to articulate the interior mind through bizarre and unexpected imagery.


If you want a quick summary of art styles, you may ask, what are the three common artistic styles? Anyone looking for common art styles should start with impressionism.

Impressionism is extremely popular today, but it was rather controversial when the movement started in the latter part of the 19th century. The style features visible brush strokes that create blurred images to capture the qualities of light and color.

Impressionism is a gorgeous art style and is worth incorporating into your artwork as you figure out how to find your art style, but be sure to find an original way to do it. It’s easy to fall into the habit of recreating the impressionist style rather than figuring out how to find your art style.

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (7)


The expressionism movement grew out of impressionism, and could arguably be called the descendent of impressionism. This style focuses on expressing emotion instead of the physical world.

If you want to know how to find your art style by taking inspiration from expressionists, you can look at art by Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch or Wassily Kandinsky.


The baroque style is a much older art movement than the others included in this guide, dating back to the 1600s. Baroque art emphasizes movement and lush details.

If you’re wondering how to find your art style without being too derivative of recent art trends, drawing on older works, such as the Baroque era, is an excellent idea.


In visual art, minimalism explores simple elements to create distinctive, contemplative works. Minimalism frequently incorporates color and geometry. For instance, minimalist art can focus on a block of color or a series of bright lights.

How Do You Make Your Art Style Unique?

Make a Mission Statement

The challenge of having an artistic identity isn’t just discovering how to find your art style, but ensuring that your art style is unique. One way to make sure you have a distinctive artistic identity is to write a mission statement.

An artistic mission statement describes your intentions with your art, your inspirations and what you hope to contribute to the world. By having an artist’s statement, your art style won’t be reduced to a color scheme or aesthetic. Instead, your art will have a meaning that is integral to who you are as a person.

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (8)

Draw From Multiple Influences

If you want to figure out how to find your art style in 30 minutes or less, you will likely end up with unoriginal and boring artwork that’s derivative of someone else’s ideas. When deciding how to find your art style, you must explore multiple influences.

You won’t have a unique art style if you are painting exact copies of nineteenth-century impressionism. Study various art movements and pull from a wide range of sources for inspiration to craft a style that is original to your taste and values.

Continue to Challenge Yourself

Once you know how to find your art style, you need to continue to challenge yourself and produce innovative art. Few great artists stick to one single style throughout their entire careers. If you find yourself over-relying on one particular format or style, try approaching your art in a new way.

You can challenge yourself by taking a course in a new art technique or medium, experimenting with styles radically different from your own or making art in a new environment outside of your typical studio.

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (9)

Knowing how to find your art style takes a long time, and a “how to find your art style” quiz free online won’t solve the problem for you. Personal expression is a seemingly impossible task, trying to bridge the gap between your interiority and the experiences of others.

However, with practice, commitment and reflection, any beginner artist can start developing a meaningful and memorable artistic style.

For even more fun art ideas, check out other experiences happening on Classpop!

How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists (2024)


How to Find Your Art Style: A Guide for Beginner Artists? ›

Play with different techniques and see how they feel. Draw different subjects such as buildings, landscapes, animals and people and see what you enjoy the most. Style can evolve naturally and the process of experimentation can help you identify which mediums and techniques resonate with you.

How to find your art style for beginners? ›

Play with different techniques and see how they feel. Draw different subjects such as buildings, landscapes, animals and people and see what you enjoy the most. Style can evolve naturally and the process of experimentation can help you identify which mediums and techniques resonate with you.

How do artists find their art style? ›

The best way to find your style is to try out as many different artistic styles, techniques, and approaches as possible. Don't make assumptions about any art media, any topic, any way of working with an art material, stay open to all the possibilities. The development of your artistic style can be a life long journey.

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An essential skill to learn as a beginning artist, whether drawing or painting, is perspective. If you want to achieve three-dimensional art, knowing perspective is key, including how to find the horizon line, determine the vanishing point and an overview of linear perspective.

How to find your creative style? ›

Discovering Your Creative Style
  1. Learn how to feel inspired. There is a specific feeling you get when you see something that inspires you. ...
  2. Start making work that's not meant to be shared. Take time to let yourself just create, flex your creative muscle, and reiterate your work in endless forms. ...
  3. Don't be scared of growth.

What is the easiest art to start with? ›

Pop art or cartoons are a great choice when you're looking for easy things to paint on a canvas. They can be any shape or style that you like, so it's easy to hide any mistakes that you don't feel confident in painting over. Try recreating some of your favorite characters, or be bold and invent one of your own.

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Speaking of rain painting, watercolor painting for beginners is a great art idea for teens or adults to dip their feet (and brush) into the water. Soft pastel colors spread and create beautiful designs without much effort with this medium.

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An Art style is something you choose to develop over time. You make this initial choice and then some adjustments as you develop. Your choice can be influenced by so many things such as your parents, your art education, the books you read, the friends you made, the place you grew up…

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The more you own it and reflect on why something interests you, the easier it will be able to connect the dots and create a narrative in your purpose as an artist. Moreover, knowing your 'what' and 'why' will make it easier to talk about your work when you need to later on.

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Within all this, each artist has his or her own personal art style, which is developed throughout his or her lifetime. An artist's style can change and adapt as the artist grows as both an artist and as a person. Beginning artists often emulate (copy) the styles of artists that they admire.

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Some of the most challenging things to draw include facial expressions, foreshortening of the human body, drapery folds, drawings based on your ideas instead of a direct reference, hands, movement, and gestures.

What to call a beginner artist? ›

  • amateur.
  • apprentice.
  • novice.
  • beginner.
  • neophyte.
  • nonexpert.
  • layman.
  • inexpert.

How can I tell if I'm creative? ›

Signs that you might have a creative mind include:
  • Being open-minded.
  • Being disciplined.
  • A strong sense of independence.
  • A willingness to take risks.
  • An ability to adapt to changing situations.
  • A sense of playfulness.
  • Curiosity and a love of learning new things.
Mar 23, 2023

How to decide what to draw? ›

5 Sources for what to draw when you don't know what to draw.
  1. Household items. Take a look around your house. ...
  2. People. If you're the sketch on the go type, draw quick sketches of people on the bus or in a coffee shop. ...
  3. Urban sketching. Go outside or look out your window. ...
  4. Reference photos. ...
  5. Drawing prompts.
May 5, 2022

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They often feel passionate about tasks and show their enthusiasm when performing them. When creative people put their full energy into something, it can lead them to focus on it for hours until they complete it. However, they always bring their passion, so the work does not necessarily feel like work.

How to find your niche in art? ›

Think about the things that make you unique: your background, your style, and the inner voice that intertwines between brushes and colors to bring a message to life in every piece you create. All those characteristics talk to a specific audience with similar interests: your art niche.

What is the most simple art style? ›

Minimalism. Another one of the art movements from the 1960s, and typified by works composed of simple art, such as geometric shapes devoid of representational content.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.