5.2.1: Biological Leavening (2024)

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    Biological Leavening

    Yeast and certain bacteria may be used as leavening agents. Yeast plays an important role in leaveningmany bread products in that it can release C02gas and allow doughs to rise.


    Yeast is naturally found in the environment and is thought to have been discovered by complete accident. Yeast feeds on starches and sugars and releasesC02 gases which is why it is the preferred leaveningagent in bread making. Yeast also lends a flavor to the final baked product.

    Types of Yeast

    Wild Yeast

    Wild yeast spores are found floating on dust particles in the air, in flour, on the outside of fruits, etc. Wild yeasts form spores faster than cultivated yeasts, but they are inconsistent and are not satisfactory for controlled fermentation purposes.

    Compressed Yeast

    Compressed yeast is made by cultivating a select variety, which is known by experiment to produce a yeast that is hardy, consistent, and produces a fermentation with strong enzymatic action. These plants are carefully isolated in a sterile environment free of any other type of yeast and cultivated on a plate containing nutrient agar or gelatin. Wort, a combination of sterilized and purified molasses or malt, nitrogenous matter, and mineral salts is used to supply the food that the growing yeast plants need to make up the bulk of compressed yeast.

    After growing to maturity in the fermentation tank, the yeast is separated from the used food or wort by means of centrifugal machines. The yeast is then cooled, filtered, pressed, cut, wrapped, and refrigerated. It is marketed in 454 g (1 lb.) blocks, or in large 20 kg (45 lb.) bags for wholesale bakeries.

    Figure 7 illustrates the process of cultivating compressed yeast, and Table 9 summarizes its composition.

    5.2.1: Biological Leavening (2)
    Active Dry Yeast

    Active dry yeast is made from a different strain than compressed yeast. The manufacturing process is the same except that the cultivated yeast is mixed with starch or other absorbents and dehydrated. Its production began after World War II, and it was used mainly by the armed forces, homemakers, and in areas where fresh yeast was not readily available.

    Even though it is a dry product, it is alive and should be refrigerated below 7°C (45°F) in a closed container for best results. It has a moisture content of about 7%. Storage without refrigeration is satisfactory only for a limited period of time. If no refrigeration is available, the yeast should be kept unopened in a cool, dry place. It should be allowed to warm up to room temperature slowly before being used.

    Dry yeast must be hydrated for about 15 minutes in water at least four times its weight at a temperature between 42°C and 44°C (108°F and 112°F). The temperature should never be lower than 30°C (86°F), and dry yeast should never be used before it is completely dissolved.

    It takes about 550 g (20 oz.) of dry yeast to replace 1 kg (2.2 lb.) of compressed yeast, and for each kilogram of dry yeast used, an additional kilogram of water should be added to the mix. This product is hardly,if ever, used by bakers, having been superseded by instant yeast (see below).

    Instant Dry Yeast

    Unlike instant active dry yeast that must be dissolved in warm water for proper rehydration and activation, instant dry yeast can be added to the dough directly, either by:

    • Mixing it with the flour before the water is added
    • Adding it after all the ingredients have been mixed for one minute

    This yeast can be reconstituted. Some manufacturers call for adding it to five times its weight of water at a temperature of 32°C to 38°C (90°F to 100°F). Most formulas suggest a 1:3 ratio when replacing compressed yeast with instant dry. Others vary slightly, with some having a 1:4 ratio. In rich Danish dough, it takes about 400 g (14 oz.), and in bread dough about 250 g to 300 g (9 oz. to 11 oz.) of instant dry yeast to replace 1 kg (2.2 lb.) of compressed yeast. As well, a little extra water is needed to make up for the moisture in compressed yeast. Precise instructions are included with the package; basically, it amounts to the difference between the weight of compressed yeast that would have been used and the amount of dry yeast used.

    Instant dry yeast has a moisture content of about 5% and is packed in vacuum pouches. It has a shelf life of about one year at room temperature without any noticeable change in its gassing activity. After the seal is broken, the content turns into a granular powder, which should be refrigerated and used by its best-before date, as noted on the packaging.

    Instant dry yeast is especially useful in areas where compressed yeast is not available. However, in any situation, it is practical to use and has the advantages of taking up less space and having a longer shelf life than compressed yeast.

    The Functions of Yeast

    Yeast has two primary functions in fermentation:

    • To convert sugar into carbon dioxide gas, which lifts and aerates the dough
    • To mellow and condition the gluten of the dough so that it will absorb the increasing gases evenly and hold them at the same time

    In baked products, yeast increases the volume and improves the flavor, texture, grain, color, and eating quality. When yeast, water, and flour are mixed together under the right conditions, all the food required for fermentation is present as there is enough soluble protein to build new cells and enough sugar to feed them.

    Activity within the yeast cells starts when enzymes in the yeast change complex sugar into invert sugar. The invert sugar is, in turn, absorbed within the yeast cell and converted into carbon dioxide gas and alcohol. Other enzymes in the yeast and flour convert soluble starch into malt sugar, which is converted again by other enzymes into fermentable sugar so that aeration goes on from this continuous production of carbon dioxide.

    Proper Handling of Yeast

    Compressed yeast ages and weakens gradually even when stored in the refrigerator. Fresh yeast feels moist and firm, and breaks evenly without crumbling. It has a fruity, fresh smell, which changes to a sticky mass with a cheesy odor. It is not always easy to recognize whether or not yeast has lost enough of its strength to affect the fermentation and the eventual outcome of the baked bread, but its working quality definitely depends on the storage conditions, temperature, humidity, and age.

    The optimum storage temperature for yeast is around 30 degrees F. At this temperature, it is still completely effective for up to two months. Yeast does not freeze at this temperature.

    Other guidelines for storing yeast include:

    • Rotating it properly and using the older stock first
    • Avoiding overheating by spacing it on the shelves in the refrigerator

    Yeast needs to breathe, since it is a living fungus. The process is continuous, proceeding slowly in the refrigerator and rapidly at the higher temperature in the shop. When respiration occurs without food, the yeast cells starve, weaken, and gradually die.

    Yeast that has been frozen and thawed does not keep and should be used immediately. Freezing temperatures weaken yeast, and thawed yeast cannot be refrozen successfully.

    Using Yeast

    Many bakers add compressed yeast directly to their dough. A more traditional way to use yeast is to dissolve it in lukewarm water before adding it to the dough. The water should never be higher than 122°Fbecause heat destroys yeast cells. In general, salt should not come into direct contact with yeast, as salt dehydrates the yeast. (Table 10 indicates the reaction of yeast at various temperatures.)

    It is best to add the dissolved yeast to the flour when the dough is ready for mixing. In this way, the flour is used as a buffer. (Buffers are ingredients that separate or insulate ingredients, which if in too close contact, might start to react prematurely.) In sponges where little or no salt is used, yeast buds quickly and fermentation of the sponge is rapid.

    Never leave compressed yeast out for more than a few minutes. Remove only the amount needed from the refrigerator. Yeast lying around on workbenches at room temperature quickly deteriorates and gives poor results. One solution used by some bakeries to eliminate steps to the fridge is to have a small portable cooler in which to keep the yeast on the bench until it is needed. Yeast must be kept wrapped at all times because if it is exposed to air the edges and the corners will turn brown. This condition is known as air-burn.

    Table 10 How Yeast Reacts at Different Temperatures
    Temperature Reaction
    15°C–20°C (60°F–68°F) slow reaction
    26°C–29°C (80°F–85°F) normal reaction
    32°C–38°C (90°F–100°F) fast reaction
    59°C (138°F) terminal death point

    Media Attributions

    • Production of Compressed Yeast © Baking Association of Canada
    5.2.1: Biological Leavening (2024)


    5.2.1: Biological Leavening? ›

    Yeast and certain bacteria may be used as leavening agents. Yeast plays an important role in leavening many bread products in that it can release C02 gas and allow doughs to rise.

    What is biological leavening? ›

    A biological leavener is a substance called yeast that makes baked products lighter by helping them rise.

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    Such agents include air, steam, yeast, baking powder, and baking soda.

    Is baking soda a biological leavening agent? ›

    Baking soda is not. But both cause products to rise by producing carbon dioxide gas, just in different ways. And because baking soda is not a living organism, it's pretty shelf stable for quite some time. It does not have to be refrigerated.

    Is leavening agent healthy? ›

    Leavening agents are food-safe ingredients that cause baked goods to rise. Baking soda and baking powder are two of the most common leavening agents used in baked goods. Yeast is another popular option. In general, leavening agents cause doughs and batters to expand by releasing gasses like carbon dioxide.

    Is baking powder the same as biological yeast? ›

    Yeast differs from both baking soda and baking powder, mainly because it is a live organism and takes substantially longer to leaven dough. Unlike baking powder and baking soda, yeast leavens dough through a biological process and results in fermentation.

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    Key Differences Between Yeast and Baking Powder

    While baking powder produces a rapid, short-lived rise through a chemical reaction, yeast creates a slow, sustained rise due to fermentation.

    Are yeast and leaven the same thing? ›

    What is a leaven? A leaven is simply the agent that causes a bread or other baked item to rise. It can be a chemical agent like baking powder, or it can be a type of yeast, which is encouraged to fart out carbon dioxide to fill your dough with pockets of gas – the holes in the crumb.

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    Eggs, according to multiple sources, have a great ability to leaven or puff up foods when air is beaten into them,2, 3 and that they aid in leavening overall in baking applications.

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    Active dry yeast is what most recipes call for. It's a dry, granular yeast sold in packets or jars. Before working with it, active dry yeast must be activated, or "proofed," by dissolving it in warm water.

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    Key Takeaways. Baking soda can lighten gray hair as well as prevent white hair discoloration and remove impurities but should be used cautiously due to the potential for dryness and fragility in gray hair.

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    Sodium bicarbonate , also known as baking soda, is used to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid indigestion by neutralizing excess stomach acid. When used for this purpose, it is said to belong to the group of medicines called antacids. It may be used to treat the symptoms of stomach or duodenal ulcers.

    Is Coca Cola a leavening agent? ›

    Southern cooks in America use carbonated beverages like 7Up, Sprite, and co*ke to make various types of cakes. Carbonated water, seltzers, and sweetened flavored carbonated drinks can all act as leavening agents during baking.

    How much baking soda is safe to drink daily? ›

    “Circulatory issues can lead to the possibility of serious health conditions such as heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, and the development of various blood issues,” Brandon says. As such, she recommends consuming a teaspoon of baking soda in an eight-ounce glass of water daily may help improve blood flow.

    Is vinegar a leavening agent? ›

    Vinegar helps with the rise of our baked goods

    Firstly, vinegar helps our baked goods rise and create an airy texture by reacting with baking soda. When vinegar reacts with baking soda, it creates carbon dioxide bubbles, which act as leavening agents.

    Can you eat a cake with too much baking powder? ›

    Too much baking powder can cause the batter to be bitter tasting. It can also cause the batter to rise rapidly and then collapse. (i.e. The air bubbles in the batter grow too large and break causing the batter to fall.) Cakes will have a coarse, fragile crumb with a fallen center.

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    Biological leavening agents

    baker's yeast. Beer barm (unpasteurised—live yeast) ginger beer. kefir.

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    Gas bubbles: Sourdough starter, which is actually fermented dough, is a biological leavening agent used in breads.

    Why is yeast called a biological leavening agent? ›

    Biological Leavening Agents

    During fermentation, yeast eats the sugars that are found in your dough or batter and produce the alcohol that is used in brewing and wine-making, as well as producing CO2 gases that are useful for our breadmaking purposes.

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